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Discussions which are Out of Character.
Alkur Tekeil
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Post by Alkur Tekeil »

There was a "little person" operating the tail, whom Carrie Fisher stepped on in the strangling scene.
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Sared Kilvan
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Post by Sared Kilvan »

Operating Jabba took seven puppeteers in total.

One operator on the tail.
One operator on the right arm and jaw.
One operator on the left arm and tongue.
One operator on the facial muscles, nostrils, and lungs.
One operator underneath to smoke a cigar and blow through a tube.
Two operators managing remote-controls on his eyes.
(I would have also counted one extra for the puppeteer working Salacious B. Crumb)

Jabba cost nearly half a million USD to make. (A little more than 1.2 million in today's currency.)


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Sared Kilvan
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Post by Sared Kilvan »

Who created Huttese?


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Jenny Wrix
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Post by Jenny Wrix »

Sared Kilvan wrote:Who created Huttese?
Star wars universe or ours? By ours I mean IRL.
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Post by Sared Kilvan »

Ours. :)


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Jenny Wrix
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Post by Jenny Wrix »

In that case, last name Burtt I don't remember the first name :P
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Sared Kilvan
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Post by Sared Kilvan »

Close enough!

Ben Burtt (OOC :P)

[img] ... Freeze.jpg" width="500px">

Colonel Dyer ("Freeze!" from ROTJ), and Ebenn Q3 Baobab (wtf? from TPM) respectively.
[img] ... 4/Dyer.JPG" width="250px">[img] ... Ebenn1.JPG" width="250px">

Ben Burtt is most notable for creating many of the iconic sound effects heard in the Star Wars film franchise, including the "voice" of R2-D2, the lightsaber hum and the heavy-breathing sound of Darth Vader.

Have at it Jenny!


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Jenny Wrix
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Post by Jenny Wrix »

During the production of A New Hope, the Bantha was actually what in a fur costume?

Bonus points for the name.
Some more if you describe how it disrupted filming.
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Sared Kilvan
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Post by Sared Kilvan »

It was an Asian elephant named...Mar-ji, I think? I'm probably thinking of another movie, but didn't she make an utter mess of her droppings or something to that effect? (Even if I'm spot-on with that, and I sincerely doubt it, I'll defer to you to ask more.)


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Jenny Wrix
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Post by Jenny Wrix »

Spot on with the asian elephant part.
Close enough with the Mar-ji part, elephant's name was Mardji.
As for the bonus the elephant would shake the costume off during shooting.

Yous again, Sared.
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Post by Sared Kilvan »

9! Yous!


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Jenny Wrix
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Post by Jenny Wrix »

How many Academy Award nominations did the entire star wars series receive?
Sebastin Creed
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Post by Sebastin Creed »


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Elu Dako
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Post by Elu Dako »

Jenny Wrix wrote:How many Academy Award nominations did the entire star wars series receive?
Nominated for 25, but won 10 of the 25.

Three were for special acheivements.

ANH won 7 awards, ESB won 2 and RotJ won 1.
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Jenny Wrix
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Post by Jenny Wrix »

Your go, Elu.
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