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Jump 4/5, Acrobatics, and Fall Damage

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 3:20 pm
by Sared Kilvan
Taken from the bug report board.

Affects: Jump

Summary: Implement damage for falling flat-footed versus getting knocked back. Spread out different acrobatic maneuvers through the different ranks of the ability.

Suggestion: Currently, jump 4-5 are supposed to reduce ALL fall damage to zero, though there are some issues with falling while being knocked back. This actually makes sense (to me) that when the player is making a controlled jump, their landing would be smooth versus an uncontrolled knockback. (The ability *is* called Jump, not Land :P) I believe a fair middle-ground would be for jump4 to reduce falll damage while knocked back by 50%, and 75% for jump5 (leaving a little bit of vulnerability can be a healthy thing.)

In spite of that however, jump does translate as a single-stat ability for 'acrobatics'. Changing/limiting what acrobatics are available at each rank might also be something to consider. Something like...

Rank1: Forward flipkicks, and backflip off walls.
Rank2: Strafe flipkicks, backflip off the ground.
Rank3: Cartwheels and wall running.
Rank4: +30% height on cartwheels and +50% distance on wall running.
Rank5: Unlimited wallgrabs.

If you have an idea as to how different acrobatics could be enhanced and spread out through the separate ranks, post it below!

Implementation: Asking politely.


Re: Jump 4/5, Acrobatics, and Fall Damage

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 3:37 pm
by Ellana
Sared Kilvan wrote:This actually makes sense (to me) that when the player is making a controlled jump, their landing would be smooth versus an uncontrolled knockback. (The ability *is* called Jump, not Land :P)

(But perhaps 25% 50% instead?)

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 4:05 pm
by Tomoran
I have a lot of ideas on the nuances of jump and what it should enable and at what levels so I won't derail your thread. But I would like to see changes to the power in particular. We'll talk when my force powers project gets closer.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 4:07 pm
by Sai Akiada
Olim Adasca wrote:Well, I believe that when landing on your back, it's meant to give you at least some damage, if not all, because the character is not in control of the jump, where as normal jumping/falling because of choice, would make you in control.
I think as such that it's a deliberate choice by Soh, or else it is still appropriate.
I'm much in agreement with Olim here (and Sared). Whether by fault or design, I like that you take damage in the way you do when falling on your back. I've no objections to altering the differences between jump four and five a little but I do like the 'uncontrolled' falling damage currently.

EDIT// I'm not sure I like the cartwheel height idea but, some difference would be interesting. Unlimited wall grab at 5 suits me (y)

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 4:14 pm
by Tomoran
For the record, I am very against jump level 1 giving 'flip kicks'

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 4:14 pm
by Sared Kilvan
I bet it does Sai! :P

Feel free to re-organize that distribution Tom, I just spread different aspects out to give a feel of what I was thinking.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 4:23 pm
by Elu Dako
Tomoran wrote:For the record, I am very against jump level 1 giving 'flip kicks'
Indeed, for an Initiate that's just started training they can barely land on their two feet when they force jump as it's new to them, so flipkick can been seen as...let's say 'Complex', and with Flipkick doing 5/10(?) points of direct damage to the targets health pool it seems a little unreal, same for the backflips on walls, same thing, they can bearly land on two feet, sure they could bunny hop (which is discouraged) but the idea of a freshly initiated student that has just grasped the basics of force jump and can just about pull it off that can flipkick people with ease dispite his/her stage in training doesn't exactly appeal to me.

But that's just me..I'm not sure if anyone else feels the same way about it?

Thoughts on flip kick damage:
Rank 2: Does 5 Damage
Rank 3: 10 damage
Rank 4: 20
Rank 5: 30

Fall Damage (With Jump ranking):
Rank 1: Full Base damage
Rank 2: 9% Damage Reduction
Rank 3: 23% Damage Reduction
Rank 4: 50% Damage Reduction
Rank 5: 75% Damage Reduction
Sared wrote:Rank3: Cartwheels and wall running.
Why cartwheel at lvl 3? most kids can cartwheel (with time and experience) so at Jump 2 you should be able to pull off a small one, why not make it 2 and not 3?


Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 4:36 pm
by Olim Adasca
I'm against flip kicking doing more damage than it does currently. Some don't mean to do it and it happens, some simply wish to knock people down, not neccesarily out with it.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 4:36 pm
by Sared Kilvan
I'm calling it a 'cartwheel' but in reality it's called many other different things. 'Arabian' (in figure skating), 'Cowboy' (in aggressive in-line), or simply a 'handless cartwheel'. They aint easy. But I guess using the Force would make it much easier. Possibly push it down to rank 2?

I'm very comfortable to the amount of damage that flipkick does currently and see no need to change that.

I do like the idea of rank 2+ having at least some degree of fall reduction, though I might spread the numbers out a little more, with peak (rank5) reaching 95%, savvy?

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 4:40 pm
by Elu Dako
Elu Dako wrote:Fall Damage (With Jump ranking):
Rank 1: Full Base damage
Rank 2: 9% Damage Reduction
Rank 3: 23% Damage Reduction
Rank 4: 50% Damage Reduction
Rank 5: 75% Damage Reduction
Rethought/Revamped Fall Damage Reduction percentages.
Rank 1: Base damage (full)
Rank 2: 9%
Rank 3: 27%
Rank 4: 55%
Rank 5: 90% (Or 95 as Sared suggested)

Here's the Current system (According to Soh's brilliant Force Stats information list found Here):
Soh Raun wrote:Rank 1: BaseJKA
Fall damage
Slow get up anim after being knocked down

Rank 2: BaseJKA
Fall damage
Quick get up anim after being knocked down

Rank 3: BaseJKA
Reduced fall damage (50%),
Quick get up anim after being knocked down + kick forward/backward when getting up

Rank 4: No fall damage
+15% height and +25% speed (relative to level 3)
Quick get up anim after being knocked down + kick forward/backward when getting up

Rank 5: No fall damage
+30% height and +25% speed (relative to level 3)
Quick get up anim after being knocked down + kick forward/backward when getting up
How does that look Sared mate?

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 4:52 pm
by Sared Kilvan
Elu Dako wrote: Rethought/Revamped Fall Damage Reduction percentages.
Rank 1: Base damage (full)
Rank 2: 9%
Rank 3: 27%
Rank 4: 55%
Rank 5: 90% (Or 95 as Sared suggested)
I can live with that!

I'm not exactly sure how the fall+roll mechanic works mathematically (does it halve fall damage? 3/4ths reduction? 1/4th?), but that's something to consider as well.