Server Configuration

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Soh Raun
Jedi Master
Posts: 2455
Joined: Tue Aug 23, 2005 5:15 am

Server Configuration

Post by Soh Raun »

There are multiple configuration sources for the RPMod server (in the "rpmod" folder):
  • Cvars (Console VARiables), generally set in a "server.cfg" file
  • accounts.dat: local Accounts database
  • classes.dat: Classes & Levels definition
  • emotes.dat: player emotes definition
  • forcecost.dat: XP cost for each Force power level
  • modelscale.dat: custom model scale for specific skins
Certain settings in JKA or RPMod are "bit values" (e.g. allowed admin commands), to edit/generate them you may use this tool.


To see the value of a Cvar, type its name in the console.
To modify the value of a Cvar, type its name followed by the new value in the console, or use the command /set <cvar> <value>.
  • rp_ledgeGrab (bool, default 1)
    When 1, ledge grab is enabled
  • rp_slideOnPlayer (bool, default 0)
    When 1, you will slide on another player
  • rp_JK2RDFA (bool, default 1)
    When 1, JK2-style RDFA is enabled
  • rp_improveYDFA (bool, default 1)
    When 1, the camera is free when doing a YDFA
  • rp_pullAttack (bool, default 1)
    When 1, pull+attack is enabled
  • rp_disableKata (bool, default 0)
    When 1, kata moves are disabled
  • rp_accounts_enabled (bool, default 1)
    When 1, account system is enabled (server-side profiles). When disabled, a more traditional admin system can be used
  • rp_accounts_restrictForce (bool, default 1)
    When 1 (and with Accounts enabled), restrict the Force template to the one stored in the level definition (otherwise it is free)
  • rp_accounts_lockTemplate (bool, default 1)
    When 1 (and with Accounts enabled), the Force Template is locked (no new levels, but can lower acquired levels) until new powers are available
  • rp_kickFlip (bool, default 1)
    When 1, kick flips are enabled (jump twice in front of an enemy to kick him)
  • rp_dontJumpOnNPCs (bool, default 1)
    When 1, you stay on the NPC's head instead of bouncing
  • rp_enableTeamHealInFFA (bool, default 1)
    When 1, enable the Team Heal power in FFA games
  • rp_enableTeamEnergizeInFFA (bool, default 1)
    When 1, enable the Team Energize power in FFA games
  • rp_seekerTrainingMode (bool, default 1)
    When 1, the seeker drone item will attack only its owner, with reduced damage
  • rp_saberStayOffWhenChanging (bool, default 1)
    When 1, the saber won't ignite automatically when switching to it in the list
  • rp_JK2Roll (bool, default 1)
    When 1, use the JK2 code for rolling
  • rp_saberDownAllowWeaponChange (bool, default 1)
    When 1, allow changing weapons when the saber is down
  • rp_rank_name1 (str)
    Name displayed for rank #1 (accounts system only)
  • rp_rank_name2 (str)
    Name displayed for rank #2 (accounts system only)
  • rp_rank_name3 (str)
    Name displayed for rank #3 (accounts system only)
  • rp_rank_name4 (str)
    Name displayed for rank #4 (accounts system only)
  • rp_rank_name5 (str)
    Name displayed for rank #5 (accounts system only)
  • rp_rank_name6 (str)
    Name displayed for rank #6 (accounts system only)
  • rp_rank_name7 (str)
    Name displayed for rank #7 (accounts system only)
  • rp_rank_name8 (str)
    Name displayed for rank #8 (accounts system only)
  • rp_rank_name9 (str)
    Name displayed for rank #9 (accounts system only)
  • rp_rank_name10 (str)
    Name displayed for rank #10 (accounts system only)
  • rp_rank_name11 (str)
    Name displayed for rank #11 (accounts system only)
  • rp_rank_name12 (str)
    Name displayed for rank #12 (accounts system only)
  • rp_rank_name13 (str)
    Name displayed for rank #13 (accounts system only)
  • rp_rank_name14 (str)
    Name displayed for rank #14 (accounts system only)
  • rp_rank_name15 (str)
    Name displayed for rank #15 (accounts system only)
  • rp_adminRank_name1 (str)
    Name displayed for adminRank #1
  • rp_adminRank_name2 (str)
    Name displayed for adminRank #2
  • rp_adminRank_name3 (str)
    Name displayed for adminRank #3
  • rp_adminRank_name4 (str)
    Name displayed for adminRank #4
  • rp_adminRank_name5 (str)
    Name displayed for adminRank #5
  • rp_adminRank_name6 (str)
    Name displayed for adminRank #6
  • rp_adminRank_name7 (str)
    Name displayed for adminRank #7
  • rp_adminRank_name8 (str)
    Name displayed for adminRank #8
  • rp_adminRank_name9 (str)
    Name displayed for adminRank #9
  • rp_adminRank_name10 (str)
    Name displayed for adminRank #10
  • rp_adminRank_name11 (str)
    Name displayed for adminRank #11
  • rp_adminRank_name12 (str)
    Name displayed for adminRank #12
  • rp_adminRank_name13 (str)
    Name displayed for adminRank #13
  • rp_adminRank_name14 (str)
    Name displayed for adminRank #14
  • rp_adminRank_name15 (str)
    Name displayed for adminRank #15
  • rp_adminRank_password1 (str)
    Password for adminRank #1
  • rp_adminRank_password2 (str)
    Password for adminRank #2
  • rp_adminRank_password3 (str)
    Password for adminRank #3
  • rp_adminRank_password4 (str)
    Password for adminRank #4
  • rp_adminRank_password5 (str)
    Password for adminRank #5
  • rp_adminRank_password6 (str)
    Password for adminRank #6
  • rp_adminRank_password7 (str)
    Password for adminRank #7
  • rp_adminRank_password8 (str)
    Password for adminRank #8
  • rp_adminRank_password9 (str)
    Password for adminRank #9
  • rp_adminRank_password10 (str)
    Password for adminRank #10
  • rp_adminRank_password11 (str)
    Password for adminRank #11
  • rp_adminRank_password12 (str)
    Password for adminRank #12
  • rp_adminRank_password13 (str)
    Password for adminRank #13
  • rp_adminRank_password14 (str)
    Password for adminRank #14
  • rp_adminRank_password15 (str)
    Password for adminRank #15
  • rp_adminRank_cmds1 (int, default none)
    Bit values for allowed adminRank #2 commands
  • rp_adminRank_cmds2 (int, default none)
    Bit values for allowed adminRank #2 commands
  • rp_adminRank_cmds3 (int, default none)
    Bit values for allowed adminRank #3 commands
  • rp_adminRank_cmds4 (int, default none)
    Bit values for allowed adminRank #4 commands
  • rp_adminRank_cmds5 (int, default none)
    Bit values for allowed adminRank #5 commands
  • rp_adminRank_cmds6 (int, default none)
    Bit values for allowed adminRank #6 commands
  • rp_adminRank_cmds7 (int, default none)
    Bit values for allowed adminRank #7 commands
  • rp_adminRank_cmds8 (int, default none)
    Bit values for allowed adminRank #8 commands
  • rp_adminRank_cmds9 (int, default none)
    Bit values for allowed adminRank #9 commands
  • rp_adminRank_cmds10 (int, default none)
    Bit values for allowed adminRank #10 commands
  • rp_adminRank_cmds11 (int, default none)
    Bit values for allowed adminRank #11 commands
  • rp_adminRank_cmds12 (int, default none)
    Bit values for allowed adminRank #12 commands
  • rp_adminRank_cmds13 (int, default none)
    Bit values for allowed adminRank #13 commands
  • rp_adminRank_cmds14 (int, default none)
    Bit values for allowed adminRank #14 commands
  • rp_adminRank_cmds15 (int, default none)
    Bit values for allowed adminRank #15 commands
  • rp_adminRank_god (int, default -1)
    God admin rank, if any
  • rp_adminUsableOn (int, default 1)
    Defines on which people a player can use admin commands (0: all, 1: same or lower admin rank, 2: lower admin rank only, 3: non-admin players, anything higher: only you)
  • rp_allowBlackName (bool, default 1)
    When 1, allow "^0" characters in netname (black color)
  • rp_motdtimeout (int, default 5)
    Time (in seconds) to show in-game MOTD
  • rp_motd (str)
    In-game MOTD
  • rp_fakeDeath_enabled (bool, default 1)
    When 1, fake death is enabled in FFA (knock down instead of dying)
  • rp_fakeDeath_knockdowntime (int, default 10000)
    Time (in milliseconds) to knock down after 'dying'
  • rp_fakeDeath_protecttime (int, default 5000)
    Time (in milliseconds) to protect after getting up
  • rp_fakeDeath_giveHP (int, default 30)
    Amount of HP to give after 'dying'
  • rp_fakeDeath_nomessage (bool, default 0)
    When 1, don't broadcast the death event (i.e. don't print anything)
  • rp_accounts_restrictSabers (int, default 0)
    0: don't restrict sabers, 1: specified sabers ONLY can be picked (whitelist mode), 2+: all sabers can be picked BUT the specified ones (blacklist mode). An empty restrictedSabers string will always allow ALL sabers
  • rp_accounts_guestAccount (str)
    Guest account username (if any)
  • rp_accounts_logFile (str, default accounts.log)
    Accounts log file (stores any change to the accounts)
  • rp_accounts_registerURL (str)
    URL for account registration
  • rp_accounts_cvarsList (str, default name|model|char_color_red|char_color_green|char_color_blue|saber1|color1|rgb_saber1|saber2|color2|rgb_saber2)
    List of player Cvars to load/save during login/logout (separated by |)
  • rp_accounts_AM_enabled (bool, default 0)
    When 1, enable the Account Manager for database access
  • rp_accounts_AM_serviceURL (str)
    Account Manager Web Service URL
  • rp_accounts_AM_serviceUsername (str)
    Account Manager Web Service username used for authentication
  • rp_accounts_AM_servicePassword (str)
    Account Manager Web Service password used for authentication
  • rp_accounts_AM_refreshDelay (int, default 5)
    Delay (in minutes) between each Account Manager refresh from database
  • rp_giveMelee (bool, default 1)
    When 1, give weapon Melee to player, even if he already has a saber (does not apply to Jedi vs Merc)
  • rp_spawnWithSaberHolstered (bool, default 1)
    When 1, holster the saber when spawning (don't ignite it automatically)
  • rp_noSpawnBeam (bool, default 1)
    When 1, disable the green beam effect when spawning/teleporting (doesn't concern /rptele) and use a cloak effect instead
  • rp_enableItemThrow (bool, default 1)
    When 1, enable throwing items with Push/Pull
  • rp_maxRunningNPCs (int, default 16)
    Maximum number of NPCs running simultaneously (0 for unlimited)
  • rp_locks (int, default 2)
    0: none, 1: from map, 2: from map and commands, 3: from commands
  • rp_locks_title (str)
    Title of the locks messages
  • rp_maxConnectionsPerIP (int, default 3)
    Maximum number of connections allowed for 1 IP address (anti-server-filling) (0 for infinite)
  • rp_saberBackToOwner_auto (bool, default 0)
    When 1, knocked down saber goes back to owner automatically after 20 secs (BaseJKA)
  • rp_saberBackToOwner_stayOff (bool, default 1)
    When 1, knocked down saber doesn't ignite when coming back to owner
  • rp_allowProtectPlusAbsorb (bool, default 1)
    When 1, players can use both Protect and Absorb at the same time
  • rp_corpseRemovalTime (int, default 120)
    Delay (in seconds) before making a player/NPC corpse fade away (must be >= 2)
  • rp_sparMinHP (int, default 30)
    Minimum amount of HP needed to start a spar (duel) or that will stop a spar
  • rp_shieldItemPersistant (bool, default 1)
    When 1, make the shield item persistant (i.e. stays forever when spawned)
  • rp_disableDuelDistance (bool, default 1)
    When 1, prevent duels from stopping when distance between the two duellist is > 1024
  • rp_shieldMode (int, default 1)
    0: BaseJKA green bubble, 1: form-fitting shield, 2: both, 3+ none
  • rp_actionTags1_left (str)
    Tags used to delimit the actions or similar in RP talk - left part of the 1st tag
  • rp_actionTags1_right (str)
    Tags used to delimit the actions or similar in RP talk - right part of the 1st tag
  • rp_actionTags2_left (str)
    Tags used to delimit the actions or similar in RP talk - left part of the 2nd tag
  • rp_actionTags2_right (str)
    Tags used to delimit the actions or similar in RP talk - right part of the 2nd tag
  • rp_actionTags3_left (str)
    Tags used to delimit the actions or similar in RP talk - left part of the 3nd tag
  • rp_actionTags3_right (str)
    Tags used to delimit the actions or similar in RP talk - right part of the 3rd tag
  • rp_chatProtection (bool, default 1)
    When 1, people talking won't take any damage
  • rp_maxTripMines (int, default 20)
    Maximum number of trip mines present in map at the same time
  • rp_maxDetPacks (int, default 20)
    Maximum number of det packs present in map at the same time
  • rp_chatRange_enabled (bool, default 1)
    When 1, the chat range feature is enabled
  • rp_chatRange_channels (int, default 449)
    Bitvalue determining which chat channels are affected by chat ranges
  • rp_chatRange_ignoreTags1_left (str)
    Tags used to delimit the messages that should not be affected by chat ranges - left part of the 1st tag
  • rp_chatRange_ignoreTags1_right (str)
    Tags used to delimit the messages that should not be affected by chat ranges - right part of the 1st tag
  • rp_chatRange_ignoreTags2_left (str)
    Tags used to delimit the messages that should not be affected by chat ranges - left part of the 2nd tag
  • rp_chatRange_ignoreTags2_right (str)
    Tags used to delimit the messages that should not be affected by chat ranges - right part of the 2nd tag
  • rp_chatRange_ignoreTags3_left (str)
    Tags used to delimit the messages that should not be affected by chat ranges - left part of the 3rd tag
  • rp_chatRange_ignoreTags3_right (str)
    Tags used to delimit the messages that should not be affected by chat ranges - right part of the 3rd tag
  • rp_allowAutoMove (bool, default 1)
    When 1, the auto-move feature is allowed
  • rp_disableAmbientSoundsets (bool, default 1)
    When 1, global ambient soundsets are disabled (to prevent too many CS changes creating 'Server command overflow' messages)
  • rp_privateDialogs (bool, default 0)
    When 1, dialogs between players and NPCs are private (only sent to the player instead of public chat)
  • rp_emoteTags_left (str, default ::)
    Tags to display around emote chat (/me) - left part
  • rp_emoteTags_right (str, default ::)
    Tags to display around emote chat (/me) - right part
  • rp_detpackBlowDelay (int, default 30000)
    Delay (in milliseconds) before blowing detpacks automatically
  • rp_execVoteOnTimeout (bool, default 0)
    When 1, the vote is executed when timing out with a majority of 'yes', instead of being cancelled
  • rp_maxClients (int, default -1)
    Maximum number of clients (players) - replaces sv_maxclients to support more than 32 clients, set to -1 to disable
  • rp_minClientVersion (str)
    Minimum client version required to connect to the server
  • rp_disableDrowning (bool, default 0)
    When 1, players staying in water for longer than 12 seconds will not drown
  • rp_disableTeleEffect (bool, default 0)
    When 1, teleportation will be instantaneous (no effect)
  • rp_healthRegenTime (int, default 5000)
    Base health regen time in milliseconds
  • rp_physicalFitness_poolDelta (int, default 5)
    Health pool delta between each level of Physical Fitness
  • rp_physicalFitness_regenDelta (int, default 500)
    Regen rate delta (in milliseconds) between each level of Physical Fitness
  • rp_forceAttunement_poolDelta (int, default 5)
    Force pool delta between each level of Force Attunement
  • rp_forceAttunement_regenDelta (int, default 10)
    Regen rate delta (in milliseconds) between each level of Force Attunement
  • rp_debugLog (str)
    Debug log file name


This file is automatically generated when using the RPMod Web service, and must not be edited manually.


This file contains classes and levels definitions for use with the XP and Accounts system.
  • Maximum number of classes: 16
  • Maximum number of levels per class: 32
  • Each class must have a name (without spaces) and at least 1 level
  • The levels are parsed in the order they are defined, meaning the first one is Level 1, the following is Level 2, etc.
  • If a mandatory token is missing in the level definition, the whole level will be ignored.
  • The forceTemplateMax restricts the powers available at that level. Its format is almost the same as the forcePowers Cvar, but it doesn't have the side nor the rank at the beginning. If you omit it, it will default to 0 everywhere, i.e. no Force powers at all.

Code: Select all

	description "Class description"

	// Level 1						// Use comments to find level numbers more easily in this file
		minXP			500			// Total amount of XP needed to gain this level
		forceTemplateMax	333333333333333333	// (Optional) Maximum Force template
		forceRegenTime		187			// (Optional) Force points regeneration time in ms
		forcePowerMax		150			// (Optional) Maximum amount of Force points (default is 100)
		weapons			32			// (Optional) Weapons to give (here, E-11 Blaster)
		ammo			100			// (Optional) Ammo to give to all of the weapons above
		items			32			// (Optional) Holdable Items to give (here, Binoculars)
		maxHealth		125			// (Optional) Maximum health (default is 100)
		healthRegenTime	1000		// (Optional) Health points regeneration time in ms
		noFakeDeath		1			// (Optional) Disable the Fake Death feature (i.e. always die)


This file contains emote definitions.
  • Maximum number of emotes: 128
  • Emote commands will be created with 'em' + the emote name (don't add 'em' manually)

Code: Select all

	holsterSabers		0			// If 1, sabers are turned off when starting the emote

	// First step of the emote
		endingSequence	0			// If 1, this step belongs to the ending sequence of the emote (not needed if there is only 1 ending step)
		anim		BOTH_STAND1_TALK1	// Animation to play (from animations.cfg)
		duration	anim			// Duration of this step ('anim' or '0' = length of the animation (default), 'infinite' or '-1' = hold on this step, or duration in milliseconds)
		mode		0			// When freezeMoves = 0, 0 = forceHandExtend (default) and 1 = G_SetAnim (allows interruption)
		freezeMoves	0			// Don't allow any player move while doing this emote
		zOffset		0			// Z-axis offset (to correct some problems with sitting/sleeping in the air)

	// Second step, etc.


This file allows you to override the default amount of points needed for each level of each power.
  • Each line must begin with the internal power name, followed by a space or tab, then the amount of points for each level separated by | (there are 5 levels)
  • The internal power names begin with FP_ and can be found in the Documentation
  • The amount of points is an integer between 0 and 99 (included)
  • If you omit a power name in the list, the default values will be used

Code: Select all

FP_LEVITATION	0|5|10|15|20


This file allows you to scale a player model (to make younglings smaller, for example)
  • Maximum number of models: 128
  • The model name is the name of the folder in models/players/... you can find in the PK3 file. This is also the name you type between the '/model' command and the '/<skin>' part, for example in '/model luke/red' the model name is 'luke'
  • The scale is an integer between 45 and 200, the default is 100. Values below 50 or above 150 are quite unrealistic though, or may only apply to very specific models.

Code: Select all

Soh	108	// Separate the model and the scale by spaces or tabs
Luke	90	// Use 1 modelscale by line
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