JEDI Comport » ((JEDI RolePlay Mod/RPMod)) » Information
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Commands List
Commands List
Following is the list of commands available in RPMod 0.5.1.
Normal commands:
- Clients using RPMod can type the beginning of any command listed here and press TAB to have it completed automatically.
- Syntax example: /command <mandatory param> [optional param]
- Most normal commands and all admin commands begin with /rp. All emotes commands begin with /em
- Most commands display help when you type them without any parameter
- You can get detailed help on any command by doing /rphelp <command>
- All admin commands can be used through Rcon, and can be prefixed with "s" ("srpstatus", for example) to make sure they run on server when hosting a local game (useless for the moment)
- Admin commands can only be used on people with lower or equal rank.
- The /rpsetaccount and /rpgivexp commands can only be used on people with a lower RP Rank (i.e. a Knight can give to a Padawan, but not himself or another Knight)
Normal commands:
- /clanpass <password>
Create a clan chat channel (private group chat) with the given password. - /comm <target | all or -1> <message>
Send a message via Commlink (with animation). - /me <action>
Send an emote message, as the character performing an action. - /rpAdmCmdExec
Execute the selected admin command on the selected player. - /rpAdmCmdNext
Switch to next admin key command. - /rpAdmCmdPrev
Switch to previous admin key command. - /rpAdmPlayerNext
Switch to next player targeted by admin key. - /rpAdmPlayerPrev
Switch to previous player targeted by admin key. - /rpautomove
Automatically walk or run without pressing any button, with the possibility to chat. - /rpclanwhois
List players currently using the same clanpass. - /rpclientconfig list
/rpclientconfig <feature> <on or 1 | off or 0 | toggle or !>
Configure your RPMod Client features. - /rpdice <player | all or -1> <max> [modifier]
Roll a dice with an optional modifier (e.g. +3 or -2), and display the result to yourself and a player or to public chat. - /rpdrop <weapon | item>
Drop the current weapon or item on the ground. - /rphelp [command]
Get help about mod commands and features. - /rphologram <normal | projector>
Turn yourself into a hologram (blue effect). - /rpignore <player | all or -1>
Ignore all chat text from a player or all players. - /rpinfo
Display information about the mod, admin privileges, and account details. - /rplogin <password> when using the Admin system
/rplogin <username> <password> when using the Accounts system
Log into the Admin/Accounts system. - /rplogout
Log out of the Admin/Accounts system. - /rpregister
Register a new account. - /rpunignore <player | all or -1>
Stop ignoring a player or all players. - /saber <1st saber name> [2nd saber name]
Change your saber(s) dynamically (without respawning). - /say_admin <message>
Send a message to admin chat. - /say_bond <message>
Send a message to the people you share a Force Bond with (telepathy). - /say_clan <message>
Send a message to the current clan chat (private group channel). Use /clanpass to create or join a clan chat. - /say_team_mode <team | admin | clan | tell <target> | bond | comm [target] | emote>
Define the chat channel of the say_team command/key. Without argument, display the current mode.
- All emote commands can be followed by action text, like the /me command.
Please refer to this detailed post for more information.
- /noclip [player]
Move freely across the map. - /nodraw [player]
Make the player disappear completely. - /nonsolid [player]
Make the player non-solid, i.e. not collidable. - /notarget [player]
Make NPCs avoid targetting the player. - /npc list
/npc spawn [vehicle] <type> [targetname] [team] [model] [x y z yaw] [scale]
/npc kill <num | targetname | all | team <teamname> | spawners>
/npc freeze <num | targetname | all | team <teamname>> <0 | 1 | !>
/npc emote <emote | none> [num | targetname | all]
/npc follow <player | none> [num | targetname | all]
/npc dialog <dialog | none> <num | targetname | all>
/npc tele <x> <y> <z> <yaw> <num | targetname>
/npc hologram <normal | projector | off> <num | targetname | all>
/npc score [targetname]
NPC management. Server-side 'spawn' command needs coordinates.
List: list all NPCs in the map with coords/type/targetname.
Spawn: create an NPC in front of you or using coords; [targetname] = name to identify one or more NPCs; [team] = player/enemy in FFA, blue/red in team games, default or 0; [model] = custom model/skin (use with care - ignored on vehicles).
Kill: kill one or more NPCs with the given targetname/num, team (NPCTEAM_FREE, NPCTEAM_PLAYER, NPCTEAM_ENEMY, NPCTEAM_NEUTRAL), or all spawners
Freeze: prevent one or more NPCs from attacking or moving with '1'; unfreeze with '0' and toggle with '!'
Emote: set the emote for one or more NPCs; use 'none' or 'stop' as the emote to stop
Follow: make one or more NPCs follow the given player; use 'none' or 'stop' as the player to stop
Dialog: set a dialog on one or more NPCs; use 'none' to disable
Tele: teleport one or more NPCs to the specified coords (beware telefrags!)
Hologram: enable hologram effect on one or more NPCs; use 'off' to disable
Score: display number of kills for one or more NPCs - /rpaccountinfo <username | list or all>
Display Account information for a given username, or list all Accounts. - /rpban <player> [reason]
Ban a player from the server, by adding his IP to the ban list and kicking him. The optional reason message will be sent to the player and displayed publicly. - /rpcentersay <player | all or -1> <duration> <message>
Display a message in the center of the screen for a given player or all players, for the specified duration (in seconds).
Set the duration to 0 to respect client configuration (by default, 3 seconds) - /rpcinematic <player | all or -1> <roq file | stop> [loop | hold]
Play a cinematic (ROQ file) on a specific client or all clients, possibly making it loop or hold at the end. - /rpcreateaccount <username> <password> [fullName] [xp] [className] [rank] [adminRank] [forceBonds] [modelScale] [forceSide] [forceTemplate] [forceTempateMax] [restrictedSabers] [weapons] [ammo] [items]
Create a new Account. Please consult the Account System documentation for more information about each field. Use 0 in any optional argument to use the default value. - /rpdeleteaccount <username>
Delete an Account from the database. This operation can't be cancelled! - /rpdump list
/rpdump save <type> [name]
/rpdump load [name]
/rpdump default or reset
Dump/load various settings of the current map to/from a server .cfg file in the 'dumps' directory.
<type> can be 'spawnpoints', 'npcs', 'locks', 'weather', 'effects', 'shaders', 'models', 'sounds' or 'everything'/'all' to dump all settings to several files.
[name] is arbitrary, and defaults to the map name if unspecified (which will also automatically load it at map start).
You may reset the map to its defaults by using 'rpdump default' or 'rpdump reset'. - /rpeffect list
/rpeffect remove <preset name | effect number | bolted [player | npc targetname] | all>
/rpeffect <preset> [arguments...]
/rpeffect once <effect file> [x y z] [pitch yaw roll]
/rpeffect add <effect file> [x y z] [pitch yaw roll]
/rpeffect once <effect file> bolted <bolt name> [player | npc targetname]
/rpeffect add <effect file> bolted <bolt name> [player | npc targetname]
List: list all effects currently active.
Remove: remove a preset effect, a single effect given by its number, or all effects.
<preset>: use a preset effect (see the list below).
Once: play an effect once at the given location (or bolt, see below) and with the given angles.
Add: add a looping effect at the given location (or bolt, see below) and with the given angles.
The <effect file> argument is a .efx file relative to the 'effects' directory.
If the location is not specified or equals (0, 0, 0), the player's origin is used.
If the angles are not specified or equal (0, 0, 0), the default direction is UP.
An effect can be attached to the bolt of a player or NPC (targetname) by using a specific syntax.
Bolt names can be:
*tags : any tag beginning with *, such as *l_hand, *r_hand, *back, *chestg ...
bones : any bone such as model_root, pelvis, thoracic, ...
Preset effects can be the following:
alarm | alert : create a fullscreen red alert effect with two different background sounds.
fadeout : make the screen fade out to black, and fade in when removed.
camerashake <intensity> <duration> : make the camera shake for the specified duration (in seconds). - /rpempower [player | all or -1] [off or 0 | on or 1 | toggle or !]
Give yourself, a given player or all players all Force powers at level 3. - /rpforceteam <player | all or -1> <team>
Force a given player or all players to the specificed team, which can be 's' or 'spectator', 'f' or 'free', 'r' or 'red', 'b' or 'blue'. - /rpgive <player | all or -1> all
/rpgive <player | all or -1> health [amount]
/rpgive <player | all or -1> armor [amount]
/rpgive <player | all or -1> ammo [amount]
/rpgive <player | all or -1> weapon <name | all>
/rpgive <player | all or -1> item <name | all>
Give a single player or all players health, armor, ammo, weapons or items.
Health/Armor/Ammo: amount is the exact number to set, will default to maximum if unspecified.
Weapon: name can be stun_baton, melee, saber, blaster_pistol, concussion_rifle, bryar_pistol, blaster, disruptor, bowcaster, repeater, demp2, flechette, rocket_launcher, thermal, trip_mine, det_pack.
Item: name can be seeker, shield, medpac, medpac_big, binoculars, sentry_gun, jetpack, healthdisp, ammodisp, eweb_holdable, cloak. - /rpgivexp <username> <amount of XP to give> <comment>
Give XP to an Account. The amount can be negative to remove some XP. A comment (reason, restriction, ...) is mandatory. - /rpkick <player> [reason]
Kick (remove) a player from the server, with an optional reason message that will be sent to the player and displayed publicly. - /rplock list
/rplock remove <target name | entity num | all>
/rplock add <target name | entity num> <rank> [name]
/rplock trace <off or 0 | on or 1 | toggle or !>
Lock access to specific doors, triggers and NPC vehicles depending on rank.
List: list all locks in the map with their type, rank and name.
Remove: delete a single lock or all locks in the map.
Add: lock an item and restrict it to the specified RP rank (with Accounts system) or Admin rank (with Admin system). A value of -1 will lock the item completely. The name of the lock will be displayed when trying to activate a restricted one.
Trace: show lockable target names and entity numbers when activating them. - /rplockname <player>
Prevent the target from changing his name. Use again to unlock. - /rpmap <map name> [new gametype]
/rpmap restart <delay>
Restart or change or the map, and optionally the game type: 0 = FFA, 3 = Duel, 4 = Power Duel, 6 = Team FFA, 7 = Siege, 8 = CTF. - /rpmasterprotect [player | all or -1] [off or 0 | on or 1 | toggle or !]
Give yourself, a given player or all players a permanent and invisible protection. - /rpmerc [player | all or -1] [off or 0 | on or 1 | toggle or !]
Give yourself, a given player or all players all weapons and items, with full ammo. - /rpmodel list
/rpmodel add <model file> [x y z] [pitch yaw roll] [scale] [solid]
/rpmodel remove <model number | all>
List: list all models in the map.
Add: add a model in the map at your location or the specified one, with the given model scale and optionally solid.
Remove: remove a single model given by its number, or all models.
The <model file> argument is a .md3 file relative to the 'models' directory
If the location is not specified or equals (0, 0, 0), the player's origin is used. - /rpmusic [music | default or reset | none]
Display or change the current background music. The argument must be a file in the /music directory or one of its sub-directories. Use 'default' or 'reset' to reset the map music, 'none' to stop. - /rpnotify <player | all or -1> <duration> <message>
Display a notification in the top-left-hand corner of a player or all players, for the specified duration (in seconds).
The message may contain <timer>, which will be replaced by a live countdown on the player's screen. - /rporigin [player]
Display your current coordinates in the map, or those of a given player. - /rpprotect [player | all or -1] [off or 0 | on or 1 | toggle or !]
Protect yourself, a given player or all players with a green bubble (will disappear if you attack). - /rprename <player> <new name>
Rename the target. - /rpschedule list
/rpschedule remove <schedule num | all>
/rpschedule add <time> <command> [arguments...]
Schedule the execution of any command at a given time (absolute or relative).
List: list all scheduled commands along with their time.
Remove: delete a single or all scheduled command(s).
Add: add a new scheduled command, with the following <time> format:
Full absolute time: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss (ISO 8601, GMT timezone)
Partial absolute time: hh:mm:ss (today or the next day)
Relative time: +hh:mm:ss, for example +00:05:00 for 'in 5 minutes' - /rpsetaccount <username> <field> <new value>
Set a field to a new value for a given Account.
<field> can be: fullName, password, xp, className, rank, adminRank, forceBonds, forceTemplate, forceTemplateMax, modelScale, forceSide, restrictedSabers, weapons, ammo, items.
<new value> may be 0 if you want to remove the current value and reset to default. - /rpshader remap <original shader> <new shader> [time offset]
/rpshader overlay list
/rpshader overlay add <shader name> [fading duration] [x] [y] [width] [height]
/rpshader overlay remove <shader name or index | all or -1>
Remap: replace a shader with a new one (e.g. to change the sky texture).
Overlay: list, add and remove shader overlays (e.g. to display a logo). - /rpshowip <player | all or -1>
Display the IP address of a given player or all players. - /rpshowmotd <player | all or -1>
Show the MOTD to a given player or all players - /rpsilence <player>
Prevent the target from saying anything in any chat channel. Use again to un-silence. - /rpslap <player>
Slap a player in a random direction, making him fall on the ground a few seconds. - /rpsleep <player>
Make the target fall on the ground, preventing him from moving. Use again to awake the target. - /rpsound list
/rpsound add <sound file> [player | all or -1 | x y z]
/rpsound remove <sound num | all>
/rpsound once <sound file> [player | all or -1]
/rpsound local <sound file> [player]
Play a sound once or in a loop, either globally, at a given location or locally.
List: list all looping sounds currently playing.
Add: add a looping sound, either globally (by default), targeted to the given player or to specific coordinates.
Remove: stop a single or all looping sounds.
Once: play the given sound once, either globally or targeted to the given player (by default, yourself).
Local: play the given sound once, locally to the given player (by default, yourself).
The <sound file> argument is a .wav or .mp3 file relative to the 'sound' directory. - /rpspawnpoint list
/rpspawnpoint remove <entity num | all | reallyall>
/rpspawnpoint add <type> [rank] [X Y Z Yaw]
/rpspawnpoint default or reset
Spawnpoint management. Server-side 'add' command needs coordinates.
List: list all spawnpoints in the map and their entity number.
Remove: delete a single spawnpoint, all spawnpoints but the last, or really all spawnpoints (in this case, you MUST add a 'free' spawnpoint of rank 0, otherwise the server will quit when a player spawns.
Add: add a spawnpoint exactly where you stand or at given coordinates, restricting it to a specific RP rank (with Accounts system) or Admin rank (with Admin system).
Default/reset: restore the map's default spawnpoints. - /rpstatus
List connected clients along with some information (bot, client version, login status, admin status). - /rptele
/rptele <player>
/rptele <player1> <player2>
/rptele <x> <y> <z> <yaw>
/rptele <player> <x> <y> <z> <yaw>
Teleport yourself to your last telemark
Teleport yourself in front of a player
Teleport player1 in front of player2
Teleport yourself to given coordinates
Teleport player to given coordinates - /rptelemark
Store your current coordinates to teleport there later with /rptele. - /rpuse <targetname>
Use a target with the given name in the map. - /rpvstr <cvar name>
Execute a Cvar on the server by using the 'vstr' command. The Cvar must have been defined by an administrator. - /rpweather list
/rpweather remove <num | all>
/rpweather add <weather effect>
/rpweather default or reset
/rpweather <outside | inside>
List: list weather effects currently in use.
Remove: remove a single weather effect or all of them.
Add: add a weather effect to the map (see the list below); a maximum of 5 effects can be used at the same time.
Default/reset: restore the map's default weather.
Outside or inside: help RPMod determine the type of weather system used by the map.
Weather effects available:
wind, lightrain, rain, acidrain, heavyrain, snow, spacedust, sand, fog, heavyrainfog, light_fog, thunderstorm
- /rpupdateaccounts
Force an update of all Accounts in the database (only with the Account Manager). - /rpparsemodelscales
Reparse the modelscale.dat file without restarting the map/server. - /rpparsefpc
Reparse the forcecost.dat file without restarting the map/server. - /rpparsedialogs
Reparse all dialog files without restarting the map/server. - /rpparseemotes
Reparse the emotes.dat file without restarting the map/server.