Life Day ((2012))

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Amoné Fayden
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Life Day ((2012))

Post by Amoné Fayden »


Date: 309.20
Time: 1440 GST
Place: The Aurora Resort
((Files:)) LifeDay2012.pk3

What is Life Day?

For the younger people reading this that might not have heard about it before or have never celebrated it on their homeworld, Life Day is a Wookiee Festival and Celebration that happens on the home planet of Kashyyyk every three years.

It's a celebration of "Life" in all aspects, from those than have passed on to new lives brought into the Galaxy...

Although a Wookiee festival, over time the concept has been embraced and accepted by many cultures througout the world. As Jedi, the concept of Life Day walks side-by-side with some of our own beliefs and as such the High Council grant permission for the branches of the Order to actively participate in their own Life Day celebration.

Where will it be taking place?

Master Creed has, in his wisdom, just appointed me to secure the location for our Branch of the Order for this year's Life Day.
Unfortunately, orginizing has been left too late and as such our usual cabins at the foot of the mountain are already occupied by another group.


I have found a site that I think would be a wonderful place to spend our Life Day.
It is a themed resort nestled in a small taiga region a stones-throw away from the Capital. It is designed in the fashion of a primative village and there is very little in the way of current-day tech.

So what's the catch?

It's expensive....
Very expensive....

To put it in perspective, the resort's common visitors for company escapes and conferences are "CrediVat - Corellian Bank", "Symbiotech Pharmaceuticals" and "TaggeCo" the owners of Mobquet.

So as you can see, it's pretty exclusive.

The Jedi Order is not a business and are not in the habit of making credits so we won't have the scope to purchase this retreat on Order funds alone.
I have already spoken to a few of you and some have agreed to come forward with Credits from your own sources outside the Order's coffers.

We have 24 hours to raise the Image6,500 extra we need to go ahead.

We got the credits! When does it start?

Pending our success, we will be aiming to make our way to the resort on 309.20 any time after 1400 GST. The resort owners will need up until then to prepare the place for us, given the short notice.

Lets pull together and see what we can do!

- A.Fayden
Last edited by Amoné Fayden on Thu Dec 20, 2012 2:10 pm, edited 6 times in total.

Human/Zabrak | Jedi Knight | Padawan: Kieran Orion

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Re: Life Day ((2012))

Post by Amoné Fayden »

Donations so far:
  • Master Azra'el - 1,000 Credits
  • Herenai - 200 Credits
  • Master N'jork - 2,500 Credits
  • Rita - 1,000 Credits
  • Master Damaris - 1,800 Credits
Remaining Balance:
  • Image 0
A big thank you to those contributing for us all.
We're well on our way! I'll keep this updated as we close-in on the final balance.
Last edited by Amoné Fayden on Wed Dec 19, 2012 3:14 pm, edited 4 times in total.

Human/Zabrak | Jedi Knight | Padawan: Kieran Orion

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Re: Life Day ((2012))

Post by Delmi N'jork »

Master Fayden,

I'd be more than willing to donate some credits to put towards Life Day. Contact me and we'll work out a number.

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Amoné Fayden
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Re: Life Day ((2012))

Post by Amoné Fayden »

Thank you very much Master N'jork.

I've just received word that Herenai is kindly giving 200 Credits that he's kept away for a rainy day.

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Re: Life Day ((2012))

Post by Illrian Damaris »

Master Fayden,

I'm also willing to give the spare credits I currently have in order to help this special tradition to go through, and as such look for a transfer note.

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Re: Life Day ((2012))

Post by Amoné Fayden »

It is done!

A large thank you to Master Azra'el, Herenai, Master N'jork, Rita and Master Damaris.
We still have donations on their way which is excellent, this will let us arrange for extras such as food and drink and other requirements.

If we end up with too many donations over and above, I will turn them back to their respective donors.

Our place within the resort is now secured.

Time and Date

Date: 309.20 - 310.02.
Time: 1400 GST.
Place: The Aurora Resort

The resort is only a small hike away from the fringes of Alzoc Capital and there will hopefully be regular shuttles going between the resort and the Enclave.
If you happen to miss the first shuttle there, please feel free to grab the next one that comes along.
We will have the resort to ourselves up until the evening of 310.02 so you can come and go as you please!

Those wishing to make the first shuttle to the resort, please pack warm clothing for a few days and meet in the Gardens around 1400 GST tomorrow.
If we have to wait a little longer for stragglers or for more people to come along, then we can do so.

Please keep your eyes and ears open for further announcements up until then.

- A.Fayden

Human/Zabrak | Jedi Knight | Padawan: Kieran Orion

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Re: Life Day ((2012))

Post by Amoné Fayden »

((Please download LifeDay2012.pk3. You will need it for the length of the Life Day event.

To give some more people time to show up and because I'm still rushing to set up, we will be starting around 1430 - 1440 GST)))

Human/Zabrak | Jedi Knight | Padawan: Kieran Orion

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Re: Life Day ((2012))

Post by Sibi Volunt »

((A quick question about this... Is it close enough to the Temple that we can go back and forth between the two, or do we need to "pick one and stay there", so to speak?))
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Re: Life Day ((2012))

Post by Skrassk »

((There's a shuttle every hour, has been since it began so we can come and go as we please so long as we 'sign in & out' of the enclave.

Hope that clears any confusion.))
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Re: Life Day ((2012))

Post by Sibi Volunt »

((Perfect! Thanks!))
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Amoné Fayden
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Re: Life Day ((2012))

Post by Amoné Fayden »

Our allocated time with the Aurora Resort has come to an end.

I'm at the resort at the moment to finalize the hand over. A last scout over the premises has just finished and only a handful of personal belongings and Order equipment have been found. These will be shipped back with me when I return with the shuttle and I will leave them inside the main hangar.
So if you have anything missing from the resort, please check the hangar later.

Thank you all for respecting the property and I hope you all enjoyed relaxing there over Life Day.

- A.Fayden

Human/Zabrak | Jedi Knight | Padawan: Kieran Orion

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