Sared's Guide to Cashing Out

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Sared Kilvan
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Sared's Guide to Cashing Out

Post by Sared Kilvan »

Hi, name's Sared. I just submitted a new character bio. I'm looking forward to the opprotunity to play with you all again.

I used to play a fairly strange character around here. Hindsight is usually 20/20 as the saying goes, and I can tell you that he had more than one screw loose.

What I'd like to do is cash out the pipe, and tie up any loose ends regarding the character. He did some goofy stuff and now I'd like a chance to go back and explain myself. Here in this thread you can ask any and all questions about the character, why he did some of the things he did, and how he came to be.

I'm doing this because I have a desire to bring a fresh, mature approach to my role-playing here, and to show how I played my hand last time around. That way, if I fall into the same traps or bad RP habits again, they will be plainer and simpler to see.

So with that being said, ask anything you want to about Sared R. Kilvan.

Here's a starter: Sared experienced memories from other reincarnations of himself at various points in history. Due to his inability to cope and objectively handle these visions, the experiences manifested in his personality as severe solipsism.


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Re: Sared's Guide to Cashing Out

Post by Oberon »

First off, welcome back. I'm glad you've decided to come back and roleplay with us again. I've certainly enjoyed it in the past.

It's been a long time since we've seen Sared around so it will be difficult to remember some of the more subtle nuances but my biggest question was what the dreams were about (the ones that seemed to allude to the family getting executed by battle droids during the Invasion of Naboo)? Just memories or was there some deeper meaning?

Also, it seemed like he spent so much time in dream land that he almost treated his experiences on Alzoc(Yavin/Kamino/etc) as just another set of dream sequences.
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Re: Sared's Guide to Cashing Out

Post by Delmi N'jork »

Kase=Shard? Or was that just part of Sared's overall craziness? Either way, as you know, I'm very excited about your new character and having you back!
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Re: Sared's Guide to Cashing Out

Post by Sared Kilvan »

Oberon wrote:It's been a long time since we've seen Sared around so it will be difficult to remember some of the more subtle nuances but my biggest question was what the dreams were about (the ones that seemed to allude to the family getting executed by battle droids during the Invasion of Naboo)? Just memories or was there some deeper meaning?

Also, it seemed like he spent so much time in dream land that he almost treated his experiences on Alzoc(Yavin/Kamino/etc) as just another set of dream sequences.
Like I said, this was just one version of Sared that had shared memories with other versions of Sared. The super boiled-down version is that an energy wave (I thought about calling it the 'Kilvan Wave' for a while there) with a similar composition to the Force came into contact with our galaxy every four thousand years (ish) that results in the spawning of an individual with an appointed task. Nothing so grand as 'bring balance to the Force', but a task nontheless. The last Jedi Sared was killed on at the hands of the Massassi on Yavin 4 during the original conflict against Exar Kun. About four thousand years (ish) later, another Sared was born to a young couple on Naboo. That one, along with his family, were killed during the Trade Federation's invasion.

The 'modern' Sared was an accident. The previous Sared's had weilded a ring with their name on it that followed them through time and space. (Meta note: this was my attempt at a reverse LOTR ring that continued to follow it's master through trial and tribulation. Loyal as opposed to treacherous. Apart from that I had no other plans for it.) A group of scientist had tried to synthesize human DNA with an artificially high midichlorian count. It didn't work. But two of the experiments had a child and he happened to be what they were looking for. At that point he had already made it out of their custody and was roaming the galaxy as an orphan. Because his connection to the Force was borderline artificial, the connection to the collective 'Sared memoies' were splochy at best, inconsistant, and only accessible in REM sleep or in deep meditation. That being said, when he did manage to access these memories, they were extremely vivid and traumatizing, as the only memories he could access were the strongest remaining ones (that of their final moments).

I had the Naboo Sared and Exar Kun era Sared characterized only mildly, as well as a Sared that joined a group of Duros explorers earlier in history, and another Sared set ~4000 ABY. This method allowed for me to create various incarnations of the character for almost any Star Wars setting/timeline with relative ease. From Classic to Prequels, to Legacy, to New Order, I had plans to have some form of a Sared anywhere and everywhere.

For a part of the time that we were back on Yavin 4 (after Dac), I had to spend about a month and a half going in and out of the hospital. I don't have access to Sared's old student Journal anymore (I've got better documentation of the process), but in order to 'explain' my absence with something more interesting than 'volunteering with the agricorps', I decided to take advantage of a previous Sared's death there.

The Massassi Temples (one inparticular), housed Exar Kun's spirit for over 4000 years before being roused and defeated at the hands of Luke Skywalker's students. I took this quite literally to mean that they could serve the mechanical purpose of containing someone's essence. (Though I took liberties to contain his physical body as well, lore-twisting to my own benefit, bwahahaha). During that time, Sared observed a dupicate world of the Yaving 4 temple that we resided in, including the droids. To his hyperactive mind, time passed by much slower there. What felt like decades to him was just years to the outside world. His only companions were the various service droids, including B-52 (whom he already had a rocky relationship with). Over time, they developed personalities in his mind until he finally lost his temper over a bad game of cards, hacked B-52 into small pieces, and buried him behind the X-Wing's landing pad. That should also explain why, when he 'came back', he was always super-weary of the droid (and subsequently, didn't mind B-53 so much).

These different experiences combined caused Sared to question the nature of reality very intently, and when sofficient answers could not be found he lost faith in the validity of his own observable reality.

Kamino offered a unique opprotunity. Since Sared was not a clone (just very closely related to them), his Force-sensetivity could manifest itself through his connection to the place he was in. My memory is super spotty on this, but I believe I was playing him out to be hearing echos and primal feelings (eat, breathe, sleep, etc.) of the various clones that had been created in that facility over time.

Kase was actually pretty straightforward. Yes, he was a sentient being, a Shard. He comunicated to Sared using ultrasonic frequences that Sared could see using his cybernetic eyepiece. As a silicon-based being he had very different observations about the way our meat-filled characters interacted and carried themselves, and Sared sometimes had a difficult time communicating that with others. I remember at one point Coren helped me play out an arc where Kase was sick or ill, and putting him into a lightsaber housing while shooting energy through it at a specific frequency would help 'feed' him properly and keep him healthy. This would later becomes the grounds for Sared having a somewhat unpredictable triple-phase lightsaber, because one focusing crystal literally had a mind of it's own.


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Re: Sared's Guide to Cashing Out

Post by Azrael »

Damn good to finally have you back man. All i'll say for now. :P
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Re: Sared's Guide to Cashing Out

Post by Esth Me'sku »

Sared Kilvan wrote:Hi, name's Sared. I just submitted a new character bio. I'm looking forward to the opprotunity to play with you all again.

So with that being said, ask anything you want to about Sared R. Kilvan.

Here's a starter: Sared experienced memories from other reincarnations of himself at various points in history. Due to his inability to cope and objectively handle these visions, the experiences manifested in his personality as severe solipsism.
Just because. Who is Sared Kilvan?

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Re: Sared's Guide to Cashing Out

Post by Tergos Zemnos »

Firstly, welcome back to JEDI, Sared. Frankly, I'm excited to see your return to us.

It's been a while since I've role-played with you, and even then, I can recall as to what an excursion it was to even hold a single conversation with that character. Reading what you've wrote thus far, it's difficult to grasp the complexity of the character you created, but I have high respect for the amount of effort you placed into it.

Now, down to my question;

With all the traumatic and historical deaths of the previous Sared's... Why did you decide to end the 'modern' Sared in such a way? I'd expect the modern Sared to die in a similar way, during a historical event and equally as traumatic. I'm rather curious. I'll highly anticipate your answer and the biography of your next character.

See you on the server,

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Re: Sared's Guide to Cashing Out

Post by Sared Kilvan »

That is a broad question, so I think I can be afforded a broad answer.

The first rule about Sared Kilvan is that we did not talk about Sared Kilvan.
The second rule about Sared Kilvan is that he's not above making silly Fight Club jokes.
Sared Kilvan is masculine in cultural form but not in cultural function.
Sared Kilvan is a Dallas native.
Sared Kilvan is a evolution of my first series of MSN Gaming Zone handles (sarod_95/DRP_Sared/[NF]Sared) combined with both my favorite system of measurement (Kelvin) and my own personal mis-pronounciation of one of my favorite SW character's last name from Red/Rogue Squadron (Derek "Hobbie" Klivian, featured prominently in the X-Wing series of books).

If you would like to read the original character Bio, you can find it here! I hope that starts to answer your question!


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Re: Sared's Guide to Cashing Out

Post by Sared Kilvan »

Hey Tergos! I spoke with Delmi on the phone the other night and gossiped like little old ladies about how you've come along really well as a role-player and are totally awesome and how I should totally make some joke about changing eye colors. But I digress. <3

The 'modern' Sared's exit was cleverly censored. I have Sebastian to thank for that actually. At the time I was writing some filler news articles because I was VERY unemployed and had a VERY unhealthy amount of free time on my hands. The original draft that I sent to him had a greusome line about how the only remains were Sared's arm/hand with his ring attached in an escape pod. Sebastian posted the original article as I wrote it and then did a double-take, edited it, and shot me a PM about it.

I was going through some personal issues at the time, very unrelated to JEDI, and as a result was over-investing myself in an over-abundance of different pursuites here as a form of escapism from real-life issues. Anyone who would call themselves a gamer will tell you that it's not hard to do, and while practice at coding or skinning or modding can be a healthy pursuit, doing so at the expense of leveling up and earning XP in RL classes will totally nerf you in the later levels and expansions.

Sebastian talked me down from a more gruesome ending, partially because it would have been bad form to have those kind of graphic descriptors on the frontpage, and also because it kept me from making any kind of permanant decision in the heat of the moment that I might regret later on down the line.

Seb can fill in the details, but that's my basic recollection of it. As far as what's happened to Sared now? I really have no plans, and no interest in playing the character any more, and like many others players with their old characters I'm content with a quiet retirement. You will see a very minor reference to him in the beginning of my new character's biography. He managed to find work on the Outer Rim as a ranch hand you see...


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Re: Sared's Guide to Cashing Out

Post by Oberon »

Here's a question. Did modern-Sared complete his ordained task and what was it?
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Re: Sared's Guide to Cashing Out

Post by Motoko »

Wow. It's really interesting to meet someone that approaches their character exactly the opposite as I do. I'm really looking forward to meeting your new character! I'm kinda bummed time and circumstance made me miss you the first time.

My own personal jury is still out if this incarnation of Mo has any relation to my SWG one. Since that one was adopted into the family, it wouldn't be by pure bloodline anyway.

Damn it now you got me thinking.
I was going through some personal issues at the time, very unrelated to JEDI, and as a result was over-investing myself in an over-abundance of different pursuites here as a form of escapism from real-life issues. Anyone who would call themselves a gamer will tell you that it's not hard to do, and while practice at coding or skinning or modding can be a healthy pursuit, doing so at the expense of leveling up and earning XP in RL classes will totally nerf you in the later levels and expansions.
I understand this completely and went through it myself. Glad to see you came out of it okay.
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Re: Sared's Guide to Cashing Out

Post by Sared Kilvan »

Modern-Sared didn't have a purpose, since he was an accident in the grander sequence of things. He was almost 3700 years out of sequence for that matter. Therefore, it was up to him to determine his own purpose. You can unfurl that how you want to, but it was a summary of my own observations on the debate between free will and determinisim (pre-destination).


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Re: Sared's Guide to Cashing Out

Post by Esth Me'sku »

Watchya plan to do now? You said you're rejoining JEDI?

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Re: Sared's Guide to Cashing Out

Post by Sared Kilvan »

Yessir! Sent in my bio to the Secretary Droid before posting this thread.


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Re: Sared's Guide to Cashing Out

Post by Skrassk »

Welcome back Sared, be nice to see you.
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