New Lesson Structure

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The Jedi Council
Jedi Council
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New Lesson Structure

Post by The Jedi Council »

Greetings Masters and Students,

After reviewing our current structure of core classes, we would like to announce a complete change and overhaul of that very structure in favour of a new one.

This change is effective immediately.

All core classes have now been cancelled and we are introducing a new scheme in which both Students and Mentors can request and offer lessons on any subject (within reason) of their choosing, any unique or highly advance subjects will require Council permission and planned lessons with subjects considered as such will be cancelled by the Council, pending further review.

Firstly, any Master can now announce their intended lesson here to notify all students which subject is being taught, where and when. The thread should have the subject to be taught as their heading and students can then access and register their interest in attending the lesson. Subjects in areas such as Lightsaber Arts, Force Mastery (theory or practical), M.E.D (Morals, Ethics and Diplomacy), History, Vehicle Lessons and many more, can be taught by any recognised mentor.

Secondly, any Student may request a lesson on a subject of their choice (within reason) or if they wish, they may refer to the list below for a variety of options advised by Masters to help build a solid foundation of learning. Once the request has been made by the Student, any Master can choose to host the lesson (within reason) at which point any other Student can register their interest in attending or if the student requesting the lesson desires a one to one tutoring session, this can be stipulated in the request.

All lesson announcements and requests will be monitored by the Council to ensure that everyone is benefitting from the new structure and subjects being taught/requested are suitable.

Any questions or concerns should be directed to the Council, please see the following threads for posting templates.

- The Jedi Council

The Jedi Council of Duneeden

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