331.30 ABY // New location on Yavin IV

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The Jedi Council
Jedi Council
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331.30 ABY // New location on Yavin IV

Post by The Jedi Council »

Greetings everyone,

The Council would like to announce that we will be changing location on Yavin IV again, not so far from where we are now. As many of you know, our branch originally lived on Yavin IV before the beginning of the War. As a symbol of our recovery, the High Council decide some time ago to rebuild the Temple with a vision to have it as it was before.

This has been completed ahead of schedule and we are going to be moving there, again, only until the new Yavin IV branch is established and dispatched there.

Most of our equipment and belongings are already being shipped over as we speak and Master Orion will provide transport for everyone.

We are sure this will be welcomed.

Any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact a member of the Council.

- The Jedi Council

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