331.31 // Head of Departments

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The Jedi Council
Jedi Council
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331.31 // Head of Departments

Post by The Jedi Council »

Greetings everyone,

The Council would like to announce that a new position has been created which will make specific areas of learning (specializations) more accessable for students looking to progress in their skill sets. Advancing in these areas will also open up further career prospects for them, should the student wish or find talent in their chosen field.

Currently, any Master is able to teach a lesson in any field they so choose, but given that there are tasks within each field which need to be completed daily, the Council requested applications to fill the role as 'Head of Department' to oversee and organise these areas with the help of others. This also comes with a mandatory requirement of two lessons or activity in each field (per month) to ensure you get opportunities to learn more about them.

Please see below for your new point of contact for each field and the officially recognised head of department.

  • Master Archivist: Head Of Department - Archives
    Silas Vir'n

  • Master Artisan: Head Of Department - Crafts & Utilities
    Bo Iiln

  • Master Healer: Head Of Department - Medical Bay
    Coren Ran

  • Master Surveyor: Head Of Department - Exploration
    Arven Silaan

  • Gate Master: Head of Department - Security and Surveillance
    Des Anaro

  • Sage Master: Head Of Department - Force Mastery and Theory
    Aslyn Denethorn

  • Branch Battlemaster: Head Of Department - Lightsaber Arts
    Tergos Zemnos

  • Ace Commander: Head Of Department - Hanger & Flight Squadron
    Kieran Orion

  • Branch Ambassador: Head Of Department - Diplomacy
    Simus Cyndaria

Any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the Council.

- The Jedi Council

The Jedi Council of Duneeden

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