335.09 // Recent Arrivals

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The Jedi Council
Jedi Council
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335.09 // Recent Arrivals

Post by The Jedi Council »

Greetings JEDI Members,

In recent weeks we have seen an increase in applications for JEDI membership. While this is very much welcomed, we have received a few concerns regarding this increase and other external influences.

While these groups pose no real threat whatsoever to JEDI, our only concern is to our member base and any inconveniences it may bring. This is why we have decided to make a public message to bring this to your attention and ask that should you have any concerns, to bring them to us directly.

Many of you may be aware of the group known as {{R}}, some of you may have the privilege of not knowing it at all, but we would like to quickly summarise what this group is about. {{R}} was known for its attempts to infiltrate and take down communities from the inside. While this was easy for many of the smaller, more open, communities - it has never been successful in it's attempts to infiltrate JEDI and it never will. However, we are aware that this will not stop many of its former members that still believe in its cause to try, which normally starts with dividing a member base within the community.

So, while we ask you to keep this in mind and look out for each other, we also want you to remain friendly and welcoming to any new arrivals (those who are returning members are subject to case by case discussions). There are many role-playing communities out there who's members may find their way to JEDI and wish to join in our role-play. Some of these communities may have affiliations with {{R}}, such as DAJ and Evo, but we simply ask that if you are one of these individuals, please contact the Council and let us know. This will have no impact on your application, but it will allow us to ease any concerns that arise from the current situation which is being managed with ease by the Council who are following up on this matter.

As always, if anyone has any further questions, please contact the Council directly.

The JEDI Council

The Jedi Council of Duneeden

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