Word Emphasis in RP

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Sai Akiada
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Re: Word Emphasis in RP

Post by Sai Akiada »

I use -this- often to emphasize words but in the end it really doesn't matter, to me at least. I'll know what you mean in either case :)
I use all of those, but for different things:
  • -word-: I'll use to literally emphasize something.
  • *word*: As JEDI tips says, this is used to show that it's a verbalised sound: *Hm* *Mm* *Oh* *Ah*, etc.
  • WORD: I'd use for anger or yelling (over winds, engines, battle sounds, etc)

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Simus Cnydaria
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Re: Word Emphasis in RP

Post by Simus Cnydaria »

I try to only use caps when I'm SHOUTING! Which sometimes can be done with a single word, like if I'm teaching a class and I want A LOT of emphasis on one word. Ex: Mad Eye Moody, "CONSTANT VIGILANCE!"
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Delmi N'jork
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Re: Word Emphasis in RP

Post by Delmi N'jork »

It pretty much comes down to that how we would all in theory be able to guess what people were saying and/or meant, it'd just be nice to have one system that everyone would follow. It's good to have people on the same page.
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Galen Sol
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Re: Word Emphasis in RP

Post by Galen Sol »

I'd feel like a scrub if I used CAPITALIZATION TO EMPHASIZE WHAT I MEAN!
But in some cases, there's just no other option. Of course, using -this- to emphasize your words in a certain way is almost 100% effective. For shouting, I don't see many other options than putting an exclamation point at the end of a sentence, but that's just boring and can sometimes convey the wrong attitude or emphasis! It would be hard to give an example, but perhaps you'll get to see me use it in character at some point, and it'll be clear then.
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Zander-Bo Umra
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Re: Word Emphasis in RP

Post by Zander-Bo Umra »

-this- is soms grade A topic revival. If something seems unclear by text alone, you can always ::action:: it. ;)
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Evanin Dawnstar
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Re: Word Emphasis in RP

Post by Evanin Dawnstar »

Zander-Bo Umra wrote:-this- is soms grade A topic revival. If something seems unclear by text alone, you can always ::action:: it. ;)
I honestly have tried hard to stop capsing and use '-<word>-' to emphasis to the point it became something I did when RP'in on other games followed by a !.

Emphasis is important sometimes but we all might have a moment where we spam the caps lock when it isn't necessary. ;)
I sometimes ::Raises his voice::, ::His tone changes as he speaks.:: just to add a bit more to it.

Anyway I'll leave this topic to die again now :)
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