340.19 // The Rannon Project

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The Jedi Council
Jedi Council
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340.19 // The Rannon Project

Post by The Jedi Council »

Greetings JEDI Members,

With the move to Rannon now complete, we would like to bring about a large project that has been discussed for a very long time. As we know Star Wars and JEDI lore has been used and developed hand in hand over many years though not all of it is documented or even referenced. Today, we hope to change that as JEDI enters into a new age with the arrival of the Rannon map and the mid-way point in our JEDI arc.

What is the Rannon Project?

The Rannon Project is where every JEDI member will be able to create, use and maintain member created lore for the planet Rannon (and possibly beyond). This will be documented on the forums and managed by content moderators who will be tasked with keeping everything in format, ensuring that content doesn't contradict or duplicate needlessly and forward any questionable or serious ideas for Council approval.

Below is an example of the possible forum layout;
Socities, Organisations, Governments, Towns and Cities and Person of Interest. - potential categories required to fill out Rannon with usable content for members.
Planet Rannon (Forum Section)
  • Praxeum Outskirts (Sub Section)
    • <Placeholder> Lake (Thread)
    • Old Ruins(Thread)
    • Wild Life(Thread)
  • Cities (Sub Section)
    • Naptu City (Thread)
  • Villages (Sub Section)
    • Anso Village (Thread)
  • Settlements (Sub Section)
  • Refugee Camps (Sub Section)
    • Matukai (Thread)
  • Governments and Organisations (Sub Section)
    • Naptu Workers Guild (Thread)
How can I get involved?

We'll be providing ample forum space for different places we intend to see used on Rannon, such as cities, towns, settlements, people, governments, spaceports and many other things which YOU can suggest. Also, once this has been finalised, we may be looking at members to fill a new position as Content Moderator to help us keep everything in order on the forums.

Also, there are on going discussions about possible mapping opportunities, such as learning how to map and creating new maps for JEDI relevant to key areas on Rannon to start with such as open fields, forest like areas, all the way up to busy populated Cities.

How do I go about using the created content?

Given that the content will vary in depth, some of the content may require approval to use - such as things like government officials or people in high ranking positions. However, other figures, such as local shop keepers, law enforcement officers and people/groups of interest (like a street gang or thieves) will be freely available for people to use for interaction in role play. This will allow these characters and groups to develop a history with JEDI members going forward.

However, we will require that any member using content created by JEDI members must ensure that this is kept as up-to-date as possible so that there is no over lapping role play which contradicts things already done. For example, say one local shop keeper had a break in, but this was not updated in the appropriate thread for this character. The next member to use the character may do the same thing or something else which makes that role play irrelevant.

You will see these changes coming in soon, followed by more information on the new positions.

As always, any questions or concerns can be directed to the Council.

The JEDI Council

The Jedi Council of Duneeden

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