Life Day ((2015))

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Amalia Feyn
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Life Day ((2015))

Post by Amalia Feyn »

~ Life Day ~

Amoné Fayden wrote:What is Life Day?

For the younger people reading this that might not have heard about it before or have never celebrated it on their homeworld, Life Day is a Wookiee Festival and Celebration that happens on the home planet of Kashyyyk every three years.

It's a celebration of "Life" in all aspects, from those than have passed on to new lives brought into the Galaxy...

Although a Wookiee festival, over time the concept has been embraced and accepted by many cultures througout the world. As Jedi, the concept of Life Day walks side-by-side with some of our own beliefs and as such the High Council grant permission for the branches of the Order to actively participate in their own Life Day celebration.
Greetings JEDI residents and guests,

Despite these difficult times, we will once again be celebrating Life Day, by traveling to a resort in the polar regions of Rannon.

We've scheduled our departure for 345.22 ABY at 1600 GST. We will be leaving as a group but there will be a running shuttle back and forth from the praxeum and the resort throughout the duration of the celebrations.

I hope everyone can attend as there are some fun events and activities lined up. Hope to see you all there.

((Essential files: blueice_twilight & zlifeday-2015))
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Amalia Feyn
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Re: Life Day ((2015))

Post by Amalia Feyn »

((Essential files updated. Thanks to Alehk for helping with the patch.))
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Alehk Thol
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Re: Life Day ((2015))

Post by Alehk Thol »


You will notice on your trips outdoors, several droids stationed throughout the premises. These droids have been up all night preparing some finely crafted snowballs. If you're not very good at making bundles yourself, try asking for some! The droids possess medical programming should anyone injure themselves while having fun.

Enjoy your festivities!

(( In the interest of maintaining a more enjoyable environment, please keep your snowballing on the ground. I.e. As always, please avoid taking excessive advantage of your Force Leap/Bunny Hopping abilities for games. ))
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The Jedi Council
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Re: Life Day (( 2015 ))

Post by The Jedi Council »

Residents of Rannon,

Our allotted time at the polar lodge has come to an end. There will be no further shuttle trips from the Praxeum to the lodge. We hope everyone enjoyed their celebrations.

The Jedi Council

The Jedi Council of Duneeden

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