348.02 // New Councilor

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The Jedi Council
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348.02 // New Councilor

Post by The Jedi Council »

Greetings, JEDI and Community.

The Jedi Council is pleased to welcome a new member to its body.

Jedi Knight Syrena Exan has been chosen to become our new Councilor, she will be introducing herself in the following message.

- The Jedi Council.

The Jedi Council of Duneeden

Syrena Exan
Lost One
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Re: 348.02 // New Councilor

Post by Syrena Exan »


I could use this message to say thank you and talk about what good I'll do in my position, and whatever the usually things to say are. But that's not necessary. The Council knows my feelings, and I will continue to do the work I was already doing, and had done during my previous times in the same position.

What I will say is this. Please see this title as an opening to come to me if you feel conflicted, troubled, concerned, or like you might be trailing behind. I have no intentions of locking myself behind closed doors and doing all my work in secret. What's important to me is you: The students, the mentors; everyone who is a part of the Order. We are in a period or growth and rebuilding. Everyone is facing challenges, external and internal. No one should feel like they are going at it alone.

Syrena Exan

Species: Falleen | Age: 116 | Mentor: Jared Quell | Padawans: Kaelen Sekura, Kantha Maitri, Salvong, Var Dalledos, Claude Varron

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