350.26 // New High Councilor

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The Jedi Council
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350.26 // New High Councilor

Post by The Jedi Council »

Greetings members of the Jedi Order,

As we mourn the loss of our recently departed High Councilor, Alehk Thol, we also look to the future.

The High Council is pleased to announce that a seat as High Councilor has been offered to Jedi Master Cael Dan'kor, of which he has graciously accepted. This raises the High Council to two full-time members.

We congratulate him for his new position and expect him to be making his personal statement below.

- The Jedi Council

The Jedi Council of Duneeden

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Cael Dan’kor
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Re: 350.26 // New High Councilor

Post by Cael Dan’kor »

Members of the Jedi Order,

When I first assumed the post of Rannon Councilor, the Galaxy was in disarray. The "One Sith" and their fascist puppet government, "the Imperium", were leaving a sinister mark on the Galaxy, bringing war and terror to a time of relative peace. Now, the Sith Imperium is disbanded and the One Sith destroyed!

It took sacrifice, emotionally, physically, and mentally, on the Galaxy, and more particularly the Jedi, Republic, and New Empire, to be rid of war again. Many died. Alehk Thol, in particular, a High Councilor and member of the Rannon branch, who sacrificed his life in the climatic battle against the Dark Lord, to defeat him and protect me, is one such case!

Luckily I was born at the end of the Attrition Wars. I don't think I could handle two wars in one lifetime. As a High Councilor, I will work to maintain the peace many strived, even died for. I accept the position with that solemn vow. In some instances, High Councilors become detached, isolated from the Jedi they swear to represent. I will not to be that instance.

There is much work ahead of us, if we are to rebuild and maintain peace. Here is to a prosperous future, comrades, and many years of it!

Cael Dan'kor
Chronicler of the Rannon Praxeum
Jedi Master and High Councilor of the Jedi Order
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