((Your Voice?))

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Zechs Demming
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((Your Voice?))

Post by Zechs Demming »

We've had topics like this pop up every so often and I always find it interesting, as well as informative, to see how everyone imagines their character's voice sounding.

Zechs has a pretty thick accent, similar to a New Zealander accent. Not too far off sounding from how Temuera Morrison sounds as the Clones, considering how Zechs is from the same planet as Jango.

Let's here how everyone else describes their character's voice. Feel free to give examples too!

(The old version of this thread was locked and moved into the Archives to clean up the forums a bit.)
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Re: ((Your Voice?))

Post by Rhuacca »

Do I even have to start explaining how Rhuacca sounds? :)

His voice translator would sound like 3PO speaking, though more resembling the voice of Jaro Tapal.
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Dariun Antane
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Re: ((Your Voice?))

Post by Dariun Antane »

As shown in my sounds, he sounds like Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac).

In the future, when he reaches his twilight years, he might end up sounding more like Uncle Iroh from Avatar: The Last Airbender/Legend of Korra.
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Re: ((Your Voice?))

Post by Delmi N'jork »

Dooku from the 3d Clone Wars is always how I've heard Delmi.
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Re: ((Your Voice?))

Post by Jago Mirax »

Russian/Slovak sounding + posh British accent. Russian from Jago's native species, posh British due to upbringing on Hapes.

I don't even think this accent can be considered a thing.

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Re: ((Your Voice?))

Post by Cael Dan’kor »

The closest to Cael's voice is Evan Piell but slightly lighter. Yes, Evan lost one of his eyes, has a Russian accent, and a green lightsaber too. Take that how you'd like.

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Trin Oniron
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Re: ((Your Voice?))

Post by Trin Oniron »

I've made an attempt some time before on how Nagaian speaking could sound like though I'm not very satisfied with and should try another one.

Her way of speaking would sound with a big Nagaian accent, a tendency to make weird links between words and to force some phrasing into a singing way.
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Duncan Therin
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Re: ((Your Voice?))

Post by Duncan Therin »

As his namesake, Duncan has, in my mind, always sounded like Duncan the Grey Warden from Dragon Age: Origins. A sample for consumption. You might be able to take a wild guess at where Duncan's last name originated from as well (with a slight tweak in spelling) if you're familiar with the Dragon Age franchise.

Still waiting on my sounds, you filthy Chiss!

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Dariun Antane
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Re: ((Your Voice?))

Post by Dariun Antane »

Trin Oniron wrote:I've made an attempt on how Nagaian speaking could sound like though I'm not very satisfied with and should try another one.

Her way of speaking would sound with a big Nagaian accent, a tendency to make weird links between words and to force some phrasing into a singing way.
Was that you talking?
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Vathius Krai
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Re: ((Your Voice?))

Post by Vathius Krai »

I've always considered Vathius to have a toneless voice, so the closest thing to that was Vincent Valentine's voice, but I've also considered Illidan Stormrage's voice from Warcraft III at some point.

But yeah, Vathius's voice is closest to Vincent's.

And here's a sample:

Illidan's as well, if you're interested:
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Re: ((Your Voice?))

Post by Aiden Kezeron »

Based on his home of origin, I think Aiden would sound something similar to Roman Varshavsky. It's just the right amount of that Slavic accent without it being to deep do to the moving about and living on Rannon for most of his life.

(Reference for voice)

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Re: ((Your Voice?))

Post by Qi'la Mydanil »

A higher pitched young Haley Joel Osment!

EDIT: Not anymore
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Re: ((Your Voice?))

Post by Dithaal »


though it's really more like this, good on you vath for using warcraft 3 sounds

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Noviced: 338.18 ABY|Apprenticed:340.27 ABY|Mentor:Delmi N'jork |
Knighted:347.15 ABY | Apprentice(s): |
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Iffo Rav'i
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Re: ((Your Voice?))

Post by Iffo Rav'i »

Has to be this guy

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Duncan Therin
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Re: ((Your Voice?))

Post by Duncan Therin »

Iffo Rav'i wrote:Has to be this guy
I think I just came to love Iffo even harder; Christ, the Bean man is his voice? Wish I had known all these years.

Also, Dithaal, I always thought you sounded more like this, personally.

Name: Duncan Therin | Birthdate: 330.01 ABY | Homeworld: Sembla | Species: Vurk | Languages: Basic, (understands) Binary, Huttese, Semblan | Initiated: 338.14 ABY | Noviced: 341.09 ABY | Apprenticed: 343.02 ABY | Knighted: 354.24 ABY l Mentor: Motoko Isawa, 343.02-347.26 ABY | Padawan(s): Dorian Reyn

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