370.12 // New High Councilors

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The Jedi Council
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370.12 // New High Councilors

Post by The Jedi Council »

Greetings members of the Jedi Order,

Today came the shock of losing our High Councilor, Wrennin Vae, to an unfortunate accident. Whilst we recognize and mourn his loss, the Jedi Order must look forward to the future.

The High Council is pleased to announce that the the role of High Councilor has been offered to both Jedi Knight Jerex Sol and Jedi Knight Zechs Demming, who have graciously accepted. This raises the High Council to thirteen full-time members across the various branches.

We congratulate these two for their new position and expect them to be making their personal statements below.

- The Jedi Council
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Zechs Demming
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Re: 370.12 // New High Councilors

Post by Zechs Demming »

Members of the Jedi Order,

The news we received today over the lost of our companion, Wrennin Vae, is terrible and we all require our mourning for his loss. However I know Master Vae would want us to carry on and continue with laughter and a smile.

I will do all I can as a Jedi to carry on the legacy of my many predecessors. The Order is in one of it's strongest periods in a while, and I am honored to be asked to help lead all of you in these times. I greatly look forward to working with you all to continue the success of the Jedi Order.

Zechs Demming
High Councilor of the Jedi Order
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Jerex Sol
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Re: 370.12 // New High Councilors

Post by Jerex Sol »

Brothers and sisters of the Order,

It is with a renewed sense of responsibility that I accept this new position. I have no doubt that I will continue to perform my duties as both a Healer, and a mentor. That I will continue to act with the best intentions towards those that rely upon me, and nurture and protect those we are hoping to see grow and mature.

Species: Arkanian| Born: 302.23| Languages: Arkanian, Basic| Initiated: 316.17| Noviced: 320.25 | Knighted: 340.20 | Mastered: 372.03
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