So, uh, hi again guys?

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Alsanna Imari
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So, uh, hi again guys?

Post by Alsanna Imari »

Hiya, everybody! It's everyone's favorite economics-obsessed Mirialan, Luquiere! Although, to be fair, I don't think I ever had much competition for that spot. ^^;

So, you're probably wondering why I disappeared for just shy of a year. And the answer... might surprise you. See, I ended up getting a part time job that ended up nearly being a full time job, I was incredibly stressed out, and ended up working almost twelve hours a day a few times. I didn't really have much free time, but I told myself at first that I'd get back on once my work schedule cooled down and I wasn't subbing for two people in addition to working my own hours. So, I didn't immediately think to get on and leave a notice that I was gonna be gone, because I thought it would just be a matter of a couple weeks.

So, I got off my job, but then I had to move into a new house and get started on junior year, and then more work just kept piling up, before finally, surprise surprise... After being inactive for like, four months, I completely forgot that JKA RP was still a thing, much less that I was a part of a JKA community - hence why I completely failed to get on the forums and leave some kind of inactivity notice.

Well, long story short, somebody linked me to something Star Wars-y the other day, and it suddenly occurred to me that... Wait a minute, I was a part of ::JEDI::, wasn't I?

So, awkwardly enough, here I am. While my schedule's a bit busy still, I'll probably have time in the evenings for some RP, and I'm feeling really nostalgic, so I figured I'd pop back in and give it a try again.

Of course, that presupposes that A: you'll have me back after I rudely and unceremoniously dropped off the face of the world with neither warning nor goodbye, and B: that I could retcon my character, reset her backstory and personality, and try again, because I honestly can't remember what I was doing with her when I last was on, or anything about the people I knew/didn't know. Failing that, I might be able to create a new character, but I'd rather not take such drastic measures if I could help them, because I very much enjoyed Luquiere.

So, yeah. TL;DR, I vanished 'cuz I'm dumb, I only just remembered this place existed, and I'd like another shot, if you guys would be willing to put up with me. That all being said, thanks for reading through this wall of text, and I hope to hear from you all again. ^^;

P.S.: Sorry if this is in the wrong forum subsection. I can't really remember the layout very well. ^^;

| Name - Alsanna "Alcy" Imari | Species - Zabrak/Human |
| Age - 15 | Date of Birth - 361.25 ABY |
| Date of Initiation - 371.16 ABY |

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Dariun Antane
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Re: So, uh, hi again guys?

Post by Dariun Antane »

Oh hi Mark, what's new with you?
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Alsanna Imari
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Re: So, uh, hi again guys?

Post by Alsanna Imari »

Hi! :D

Nothin' much. Still alive and keeping my head above water.

I can't really remember you very well, so you'll have to forgive me. I dunno why, but my memory's been a crapshoot lately. ^^;

| Name - Alsanna "Alcy" Imari | Species - Zabrak/Human |
| Age - 15 | Date of Birth - 361.25 ABY |
| Date of Initiation - 371.16 ABY |

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Re: So, uh, hi again guys?

Post by Dariun Antane »

I'm Dariun, I'm that guy that says all of the puns.
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Alsanna Imari
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Re: So, uh, hi again guys?

Post by Alsanna Imari »

Ohh, right! Didn't we have an extensive debate in a tree about moral relativism once? I seem to recall all your chara's puns going over Luka's head.

Nice to see you again, regardless. :3

| Name - Alsanna "Alcy" Imari | Species - Zabrak/Human |
| Age - 15 | Date of Birth - 361.25 ABY |
| Date of Initiation - 371.16 ABY |

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Qi'la Mydanil
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Re: So, uh, hi again guys?

Post by Qi'la Mydanil »

I remember you, welcome back! Feel free to come now and again, JEDI is pretty active these days.
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Tycho Varga
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Re: So, uh, hi again guys?

Post by Tycho Varga »

I don't see anyone having an issue with you returning, personally. As the saying goes, shit happens, you can't entirely be held accountable for having a life after all :P

All you might have to do is PM the council.

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Trin Oniron
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Re: So, uh, hi again guys?

Post by Trin Oniron »

Hey ! Welcome back ! If you can I'll recomend you to keep that character, I really enjoyed interacting with her.

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Rothel Janoo
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Re: So, uh, hi again guys?

Post by Rothel Janoo »

I'm afraid I'm not acquainted with your character in any form, but like Ty said, shit happens. I have no problem with a returning member, but you may have to inform the Council of your return. Ya know, make a bad-ass story explaining why you were gone for so long, or something like that. Judging from the others' reactions, I can tell you'll be a great person to RP with. The more the merrier right? :lol:

Apart from that, all I can say is, Good luck, and I look forward to meeting you at the Praxeum. May the Schwartz, uh Force, be with you... That's how it goes, right? :?

P.S. I know how you feel about forgetting you're a part of a RP community. I too forgot that I was once a part of Icefuse. I tried to rejoin them, but my LOA was not posted fast enough, and I lost alot. Long story short, and short story shorter, I left them, cuz they succ.
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Alsanna Imari
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Re: So, uh, hi again guys?

Post by Alsanna Imari »

Trin Oniron wrote:Hey ! Welcome back ! If you can I'll recomend you to keep that character, I really enjoyed interacting with her.
Yeah, like I said, I'd love to try writing Luka again. The only real problem is that I can't really remember how much I developed her or what happened with her in the past, who she knew, what she thought of them, etc. I had some notes written down somewhere or other, but they must have been on my old comp because they don't seem to be here anymore. @_@ As such, if possible, I think I'll be trying to retcon her and basically start over from scratch, so I know what I'm doing and the like. While that will mean going through the hopeful period again, I think that'd be a good chance to re-acquaint myself with everyone's characters and what's going on in the community, as well as getting back in the swing of writing Luquiere.

EDIT: Nevermind. I've just gotten word that ret-conning or re-rolling Luka is a no go, so she's permanently off the table, it seems. Sorry, Trin. @_@

| Name - Alsanna "Alcy" Imari | Species - Zabrak/Human |
| Age - 15 | Date of Birth - 361.25 ABY |
| Date of Initiation - 371.16 ABY |

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Re: So, uh, hi again guys?

Post by Nodo Salar »

Nice to see you again! It'd be great to have luka around again, your character always made me laugh.

From someone else who disappeared off the face of the earth only to come back years later, wb!

edit: oh damn i just read the comment above, i should really read before posting. that sucks
It wasn't me.
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Alsanna Imari
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Re: So, uh, hi again guys?

Post by Alsanna Imari »

Yeah, it's kind of sad, but Luquiere won't be returning. I have, however, submitted a bio for a replacement character who I tried to make at least somewhat similar, so hopefully, the fun times will continue.

Wish me luck, and I hope to RP with you all again soon. :D

| Name - Alsanna "Alcy" Imari | Species - Zabrak/Human |
| Age - 15 | Date of Birth - 361.25 ABY |
| Date of Initiation - 371.16 ABY |

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Re: So, uh, hi again guys?

Post by Mizelia »

Sad to hear Luquiere won't be coming back. Though I am curious about a other character you may develop.
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Alsanna Imari
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Re: So, uh, hi again guys?

Post by Alsanna Imari »

Good news! My new character has been approved, so I'll be getting back on the server starting in the next couple of days or so once I get through midterms! Just figured I'd let you all know here on this thread so you'd know it's me - as my account name on the forums has been changed to reflect my new character.

Looking forward to roleplaying with you all again!

| Name - Alsanna "Alcy" Imari | Species - Zabrak/Human |
| Age - 15 | Date of Birth - 361.25 ABY |
| Date of Initiation - 371.16 ABY |

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Re: So, uh, hi again guys?

Post by Sirius Invictus »

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