Activate 'Saber Clashes'?

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Qi'la Mydanil
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Re: Activate 'Saber Clashes'?

Post by Qi'la Mydanil »

I remember the day it was removed, I didn't care then I still don't care now. In the end it's just going to be an usual spar like before it was removed, I don't see it changing at all RP-wise if it was added again. What I mean to say is there wasn't any difference back then, just that the spar ended less early. I get all your points and all and I do agree but... I don't really think it would be that much of an impact really.
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Zakarie Di'Vosk
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Re: Activate 'Saber Clashes'?

Post by Zakarie Di'Vosk »

Heron Liagri wrote:If we're not here to experience JA we could always go text based. I mean, if you think there isn't enough rp, maybe more people should stop hiding away from everyone and sitting with their bubble up, or going to rp by themselves on a server with more than 5 people on. OOC sparring is an issue because those that talk about 'RP should be this' rarely interact with others, or people think their characters shouldn't be talking to someone because they don't icly like the same things. I myself am a victim of staying away from others, but it's mostly because of how many things im doing at once. Also, people tend to stay away from others because they 'OOCly' don't like them because of what their friends have said about them OOCly.

There are a lot of issues, but this will be my last post. No hard feelings, just my opinion. I apologize for any hurt feelings.
I'm going to try my best to cipher through this paragraph of which goes completely off-topic. Alot of what you put Heron seems to be OOC issues you have, and I don't believe it relates to this topic, i'd suggest contacting the Council if you feel like this is what is genuinely happening in JEDI. I'm sorry that you feel that way. Ofcourse i'm not going to turn a blind eye, yes.. people do go afk and minimize alot, but that will never change.

I'm also going to quote myself here to cover my own back, ''This is not aimed at just students, but us Knights aswell.'' I had no intention to segregate anyone specifically, everyone is guilty of OOC sparring at some point, its never going to not exist, that is reality. But my suggestion is to add this feature back as it has more pros and cons in my opinion, offering that extra roleplay experience. Though I know it can be abused, and my debate of relying on the community to not do that is heavily flawed. I feel its worth a trial period. I know it was tested before, but that was a different generation. This is why its a suggestion, so we can discuss and debate the idea freely and come up with a suitable outcome, if there is one. My efforts are for the community as a whole and attempting to please everyone in it, which I know is not possible as sometimes finding a balance between a suggestion like this isnt an option, and you will never have a situation where everyone wins unfortunately, but I posted this in hopes it can be considered, and even if it has the slightest chance of happening, perhaps changing it in a way that it happens less often and has a fix to the (Winner) of the clash, this way we can atleast satisfy most of the complaints raised.

The purpose of this topic is to activate the saber clashes ingame, in hopes it will encourage further roleplay to the community. However it appears you've taken this request quite to heart Heron and I apologize for that. But I wont beat around the bush, i'm an honest person and i'll speak the truth.


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Trin Oniron
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Re: Activate 'Saber Clashes'?

Post by Trin Oniron »

Why not rping it with the emote ? I remember playing the saber lock with Rhu several times and I don't see how making it automatic couldn't break the immersion and bring some incoherent situations.

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Zakarie Di'Vosk
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Re: Activate 'Saber Clashes'?

Post by Zakarie Di'Vosk »

From what i've gathered, I feel this isn't possible unless we find a middle ground. So what i'm thinking, what if we can dumb it down. Perhaps make it so it triggers at a very rare rate?

I'm curious if this is possible, Soh.

But I think if not, then this suggestion will cause more harm than good judging by the hassle it has caused. I feel it has its cons and pros, of which we could argue all day about. But perhaps if we can find a middle ground, such as editing it in a way its not as frequent, then maybe it could work.


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Re: Activate 'Saber Clashes'?

Post by Rhuacca »

I honestly agree with Zakarie because this feature would (in my eyes) even enhance RP and give it somesort of an athentic touch. Since the time it was deactivated, I used the emote three times. May sound alot but look at the time.

For me this feature would be a superb addition!

We should do something like a poll on this so that we can have democracy in this matter.
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Re: Activate 'Saber Clashes'?

Post by Fenn Rahm »

Why not add a command, for example, RPC_Saberclash, which would enable or disable the chance of getting into a saber clash based off whether or not the player has it enabled. That way, if two players have it enabled, then they'll get the chance to get into a saber clash. Now, if only one player has it enabled, then the clash won't occur at all between the two. Have the feature disabled by default.
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Re: Activate 'Saber Clashes'?

Post by Sirius Invictus »

Actually, without knowing at all if it is possible, +1 to Fenn. That sounds like the best/most fair way to go about it.
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Re: Activate 'Saber Clashes'?

Post by Vlihu Civuq »

Simplest solution without altering RPmod would be extracting the animations and having them be an emote for RP purposes.


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Trin Oniron
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Re: Activate 'Saber Clashes'?

Post by Trin Oniron »

It already exist, it's emsaberlock or something like that.

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Re: Activate 'Saber Clashes'?

Post by Soh Raun »

(For reference: original "Disable Saberlocks" thread)

To answer Zakarie's question: the chance of entering a saber lock can already be configured (even in BaseJKA) with server Cvar "g_saberLockFactor". Its range is 1 to 20, 1 being very rare and 20 being every time sabers clash; the BaseJKA default is 2. This can be tuned at any time without even restarting the server.

As for Fenn's suggestion: this could be done with a small modification in RPMod. Also note that you can already configure custom sabers to disable locking completely when using them ("lockable 0" in the .sab file).
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