FYI Common Knowledge

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Zakarie Di'Vosk
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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Zakarie Di'Vosk »

Those that enter the medical bay between 374.08 to 374.11 will notice Zakarie Di'Vosk submerged within the bacta tank.


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Vlihu Civuq
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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Vlihu Civuq »

Vlihu has a series of fresh cuts on the right side of his face.


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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Zechs Demming »

Individuals who had access to the StealthE development bay will find that the fighter craft is not present and anyone who checks the departure logs can see an unmarked spacecraft taking off early in the morning.
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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Eronnoronnorononn »

Eronn is experiencing metamorphosis, and his Basic reading/writing skills are rapidly improving.
Born: 360.00 ABY
Species: Ithorian
Home: Skor II
Language: Squibbal, Basic
Initiated: 367.22 ABY
Apprenticed: 374.06 ABY
Mentor: Zakarie Di'Vosk
Padawan Sibling: Narael Undine

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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Teynara Jeralyr »

Due to an incident involving a student, A-48 is presently out of commission, and in the Artisan Bay for repairs. Should you require any medical aid, please contact a Master while Forty-Eight is repaired and returned to service.

Thank you.
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Zakarie Di'Vosk
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''Trail of Breadcrumbs Pt2''

Post by Zakarie Di'Vosk »

Between 375.20 to 375.22 you will notice severe burning and peeling of Zakarie's skin, most specifically around his face and arms. His lips will be dry and scabby. As you wonder the halls you may at odd times catch a glimpse of Zakarie talking to the walls or fiddling with invisible objects as he recovers from his delirious state. Though is swiftly brought back to reality with a shout of his name or a slight nudge. All that is stated above will slowly fade over time, coming towards the end of 375.22.


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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Klary Vals »

This could be found in the arena's sand today and a few times during the cycle.

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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Heron Liagri »

Beans in pairs of 3 could be found scattered around the temple, where could they be coming from?
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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Mizelia »

Mizelia has left the temple. She has not been seen since the night between 375.28 and .29. Her part of the dorm is completely empty. However, members of the temple who know Mizelia do get a message around 376.04 from Mizelia on their datapads.
Dear Rannon Praxeum,

I know this might have seen out of nowhere and most of you are probably already aware. I am no longer in the temple for some time. I highly doubt that at this point that the majority of you isn't aware of this. But for those who are still not aware. I left the Jedi Order. I didn't have many other choices. This was in discussion with the Council. Who I do not blame for their decision and I hope you won't either.

It's been a few days since I left. It has been difficult getting used to this. Not being a Jedi anymore. Luckily, I am able to stay with my parents until I am financially capable of living on my own. So it's not the end of the world for me.

Though I miss you guys a lot. I know I already spoke with a few of you, but I haven't all of you before I left. So, perhaps this is a chance for me to speak my mind to the others.

Trin, keep up with training in lightsaber combat. Of all the students, you were the one I feared the most in lightsaber spar/fight. I'm sure you will be an excellent Battlemaster if Master Tirladdik ever steps down.

Vania, we might not have been in the best standing. And we haven't spoken much. I know it was quite some ago, but sorry for continues using kicks.

Rhuacca, you've been a very good friend of mine since Initiation. I wish I could talk to you for a moment, but you seemed to be very busy. I have also seen you grow a lot during the time. During your hard times without a mentor and the absent of your mentor with Master Ryn. No matter how close you came to giving up, you came through these times. And remember, Rancors forever.

Darsu, we haven't done much together, Brother. But the time we had was more than interesting. From our assignments with Master Tirladdik to training. I wish I could introduce you to Zevaros, our Padawan Brother who left before me. I don't know what you and Tharon will face. But if you and Master Tirladdik are ever nearby and need an extra hand, I am always willing to offer help.

Nodo, like Vania, we haven't spoken that much. But you seem to be one of the most positive students in the entire temple, even with the hard times you faced. I don't think the temple would ever be the same if that chances. Keep up the positive mood in the temple.

Cecilio Ventus, unfortunate we haven't spoken much and I don't know you well. I have met your father. About yourself, I'm not sure what to write. I am not sure if you are still around. If you are, good luck with your training.

Valgam, I thank you once more for giving me a lift home. It has saved me quite some stress from traveling by public transport. I am not sure how your training goes since Master Zar's departure, but you don't seem to give up. Which is good. I wish I could have said goodbye to him. If he does visit the temple, can you say 'Hello' for me?

Eronn, like quite a few, I haven't seen you much lately. I don't know how your training is going, but I am sure you are with the right person to learn. Good luck, and please take care of the Padawan Sister. She does seem to need support.

Mesa, my last days with you were saddening. I wish I did not have to give you this information. Especially after all that happened to you lately. I know how you are feeling. As what happened to you was what I feared what would happen to me when I was your age. But don't let it hold you down. You have much to look for in the future. Stay strong and you will get past this.

Sirius, we have spoken before I left. I thank you that you did give me some time to do so. I did receive your message while I was on my way to Coruscant. I'm... I'm not sure to say, it was beautiful. I do hope we will keep contact. Until then, take care.

Cal, we've shared the same dorm for a long time. Besides that, we haven't spoken much for years now. A shame they did cancel that show, but those things happen. I am not sure how your training is going right now. But I hope you will become a Knight one day.

Master Zakarie Di'vosk, you know of my departure, so I don't think I have to talk about that. I do not blame you or the Council for the decision of wanting to send me to the Agri Corps. What you said is true and I should have done something about it.
You and your Padawans have faced dangers lately and I do hope that you will stay safe.

Master Kadvarr Tirladdik, when you took me as your Padawan, it was certainly a surprise. And my time as your Padawan certainly didn't lack surprises as well as the bad times, some I will not deny I deserved.

Master Dreshin Bralor, we haven't talked a lot lately. Though I suppose the live of a Knight is a busy one with the paperwork and teaching Padawans as well as your duties with the Security Department. I hope you stay safe and keep the Praxeum a safe place.

Master Jerex Sol, of all the masters I spoke with, I think our conversations were the most awkward. Not something I blame you for. I am not sure what to write more, so I keep it to this. Stay safe.

Master Zechs Demming, we too haven't spoken much. Your duties in the Council and I believe also in the Aces has seemed to keep you quite busy. I do hope you're not overworking. Good luck in the future.

Master Cael Dan'kor, you've been on the Council for a long time. Perhaps the longest I know of in this Praxeum. I do hope that, along with the new Council Members, to lead the Rannon Praxeum safely as much as you can.

For Master Tirladdik, Master Zakarie Di'vosk and Master Dreshin Bralor. I did not have the chance to congratulate your new positions on the Council. And the last time we spoke seemed somewhat inappropriate to say due to the subject of the conversation. For all of you, congratulations as Councilors of the Praxeum of Rannon.

Master Jana Haren, we haven't spoken in a long time. Your duties in the medical department seem to keep you a lot away from the temple. It's has come to the point that I do worry that you're staying away for too long. When you return, not everyone knows you. But as a Praxeum, I think it's important that we know each other so we know who we work with when we have to. I do not know if you will read this. If you do, please try to show your face a bit more around if possible. If that is not possible, that's completely understandable.

Master Iffo Ra'vi, I am not sure if you are even in the Praxeum, but I hope you are so I can at least give you this. We haven't spoken much, if at all the last decades. Yet, I will always remember the day you showed me the Caano Monastery on Ryloth. We haven't spoken much there, but what you managed to plan means a lot to me.

Vlihu Civuq, we have lately not spoken much. I do know you're still around in the temple. I guess you're quite busy with your duties. What I remember most was the day I was able to assist you. along with Heron. The end of it was pretty scary. Luckily, you were able to stop the man and give me the antidote of the poison he shot at me.

Master Aiden Kezeron, we haven't been at good footing with each other. I know you don't like me so much for my continuing questioning. Though some things do make me wonder if that got you into a personal grudge against me. Knowing you, it's unlikely, but that last simulation of yours did give me that feeling. However, I do not want to remember you like that. Whatever your reasons were, I don't know. And I shouldn't linger too much to that. Until we may meet again, good luck.

Metan, we haven't spoken much. But you seemed to have brought yourself a lot of trouble. Or trouble seems to find you a lot. Whichever is the case, I hope that you are able to stay out of trouble.

Klary and Tutor, you have been certainly a unique pair of people I have met. For Klary, keep up your writing. I may not have commented on it, due to the situation we were in. But from what I have seen, you're not doing badly. Keep up the work and you can write on your own. I won't be around to see that. But perhaps in the future, if I am able to visit the temple again, I will be able to see it and perhaps speak more with you.
For Tutor, you're doing well as Klary's tutor. You do seem to teach her a lot and you seem to care a lot for Klary as well. Something I haven't seen with other AI before. Though I do not know if you will read this. If you do, good luck.

Sorry for those I have forgotten and/or haven't been able to speak to before my departure. For some, I do not know where to begin and with others, well, I already said what I wanted to say. There is also one person I did not tell about my departure who still believes I am there. The Togruta named Aranna. If she does find out about it, can one of you forward a message for me? Because at the point of writing, Aranna is as far as I know not Initiated and doesn't have access to this message.

Aranna, you're an energetic hopeful and remind me a bit of myself when I came here. I'm sorry I wasn't able to help you further with swimming, but I'm sure someone else can. I wanted to keep it silent because I wasn't sure how you would react to my sudden departure. You may dislike me or distrust me because of this, but I do hope you understand that this was something I was unable to stop when it happened. Do keep participating in lessons, show you are willing to give time and I am sure you will be Initiated. Perhaps even a Padawan should we meet again.

I hope we can keep in contact with each other and how things are going. Both on Rannon and back here on Coruscant. It will be some time before I am able to make time to visit, but when that time comes. I hope I will able to.

Good luck in future and may the Force be with you all,
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Maeve Lothaire
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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Maeve Lothaire »

On 376.23 ABY Hangar logs would indicate the departure of Maeve in one of the E-Wings, and on 377.07 the E-Wing would be returned. The E-Wing's hull seems intact and shinning, which either signifies being regularly maintained or not being used all that often, logs also indicate Maeve's checking in.
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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Delmi N'jork »

Those awake at 00:10 on 377.14, would have felt a odd shift in the Force around the praxeum. If said person was near the front gardens, they might have heard a voice say "Sirius" and then a few moments later, "Delmi".

For those within the aces and/or the Temple Guards, flight logs show the following for Delmi:
Jedi Master Delmi N'jork has set course for unknown destination "Junction Point."
The following shows for Sirius:
Jedi Padawan Sirius Invictus has set course for ******** [Coordinates unknown, please allow system to recycle and calculate]
|Age_187|Height_7'3|Weight_427lb|Race_Nelvaan|Mentor_Maloush Paroveid|Padawans_Aurien Uriah_Amoné Fayden_Tergos Zemnos_Esth Me'sku_Virtuo Alegan_Tweek Etimau_Dithaal_Sirius Invictus_Aqua Sol_Ina'eo'nekri
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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Rothel Janoo »

To the sharp and observatory eye, Rothel will have bruises of noticeable size on his person. One on the back of his neck, and several others on the rest of his body that are covered by his clothing. The fact that they are present would suggest that he has refused any medical treatment for said bruises.
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Xayr'ka Atreus
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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Xayr'ka Atreus »

As of 378.03 all Jedi senses within the praxeum would be clouded until further notice. If one would attempt to extend their senses they'd feel a cold barrier. Leaving you confused.

(( So, if you have anything higher than Sense 1 then lowering it down to Sense 1 or nothing would make sense for the time being. Unless for special cases where your character has a close attunement or is known for their sensing ability. Which I'd allow sense 2 for.))


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Aiden Kezeron
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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Aiden Kezeron »

(( To anyone that has seen Aiden's use of lightning, or have been touched by it. DO NOT treat this as the same lightning a sith would launch at you. I've said it many times both IC and OOCLY that this variant of lightning was closer to Emerald Lightning as it was a method of casting electricity Aiden learned from the Baran Do. It is white in color, and cannot kill unless Aiden was actively trying to kill you. No one should be roleplaying being scarred from this ability unless Aiden is actively trying to kill you. It should basically feel like someone hitting you with a taser or stun gun.))

|Name: Aiden Kezeron||Age: 46||Birthdate:341.04 |
|Homeplanet(s): Cathar, Naboo|
|Padawan(s): Maeve Lothaire, Lystra Hale|



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Re: FYI Common Knowledge

Post by Heron Liagri »

You would notice Heron randomly stopping and staring at thin air around the temple, It would be for extended periods of time in certain cases. He'd also show some distraction when conversing with anyone.
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