A Little On The Side

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A Little On The Side

Post by Wrennin Vae »

Hey guys, hope it's going well.

I was encouraged to post these up by a few people so here it goes. If you happen to enjoy the translated tales I've been writing since leaving or maybe Iffo's recent Belovian arc, then you might have fun reading about the lore I wrote for the main three arcs I did.

Disclaimer: This is non-canon and non-confirmed lore (though some elements are taken from the lore, thanks Wookieepedia). This is intended to be for fun, not a formal submission.


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Post by Wrennin Vae »

Belovia is an Expansion region system in the Ombakond sector. Its Galactic Senate representative is Vra Hil Lam. Republic Relief and Science forces intervened in 351ABY as the planet began to enter an Ice Age. Following extensive delays, the majority of the population was evacuated to the Yutan system, where they remain to this day.

Though the use of color has declined in recent years with the loss of essential dye crops and industrial facilities, familial colors remain important to Belovian culture. Those close enough to a spaceport or trader post will often prioritise the purchase of vibrant offworld dyes over more practical items of survival. Furthermore, with average temperatures declining with each passing year, the use of traditional dyed garb becomes more and more limited to the home or religious spaces, having to be hidden away with copious layers of warm clothing and equipment when stepping outside.
Excerpt: Tribal Wear: The Significance of Formal Clothing in Indigenous Species of the Republic by Arb L'Ersi

Despite increasing adverse climate change, Belovians have a rich and detailed culture long steeped in history. Valuing community and family over almost all other aspect, Belovians are found in closely knit settlements across the landmasses of the planet.

Whilst sustainable, most technological advances were introduced from offworld. Instead, these communities were dedicated to survival out on the ice sheets and barren tundras. Often, Belovians lived nomadically, moving between areas depending on the season, with a limited period of agriculture during the short and cold summers. These alternating settlements were well built, with permanent houses and communal facilities, most notably a church or shrine.

Due to the difficulty of survival on Belovia, education is not considered to be important, beyond fundamental writing and comprehension. Few Belovians leave the planet and are a rare sight in the wider Galaxy.

Let with a gladsome mind
Praise Bel Lyv Vna, for he is kind,
For mercies and sorrows endure,
Be ever faithful, ever sure.
Nameless Hymn, Unknown Author, Translated by Sum Tar Ihr

Since the oldest recorded texts, religion is the forefront of importance in all of Belovian culture and heritage. The deity, Bel Lyv Vna, for whom the planet is named, features heavily in all non-pragmatic texts, a common sight in local tales, legends and religious writing. There is no physical description of Bel Lyv Vna and they tend to be portrayed as neither gender, though examples of hymns cite them having 'hands' and 'eyes'. There is no pictorial indication of Bel Lyv Vna, even in holy buildings, instead choosing to use their name as a symbol of reverence.

Following the planet's descent into a devastating Ice Age that rendered much of the landmass uninhabitable, a story about Bel Lyv Vna began to circulate among the desperate and relocated populous. The story suggested that Bel Lyv Vna would return to rid the planet of ice and snow. Several natural disasters, such as earthquakes and avalanches, were attributed as proof to the story, causing severe delays to the Republic's efforts to evacuate the native population to neighboring Yutan.

Death and the Afterlife
"They were celebrating as if their team had just won the Greenputt Open Galactic Championship! I forgot it was a funeral, they were all smiling ear to ear. "
The Galactic Undertakers Podcast. Episode 112: 'Those that celebrate death'.

Unlike most cultures, Belovians don't see consider dying as 'Death', more a transition from 'being' to 'being with Bel Lyv Vna' like how one would visit a relative or a friend. As such Belovians take a celebratory approach to the passing of those they hold dear as being with Bel Lyv Vna in death is second only to the joy of serving Bel Lyv Vna in life.

It is believed that when a Belovian transitions between these two states, they are greeted at the threshold by Bel Lyv Vna herself. An actual physical threshold is inferred in some old Belovian texts, however this legend has never been substantiated.

Naming Conventions and Pronouns
"Is hard to say for certain," my companion Nui Jee Fan proffered. "Need to allow more time. Will the Bordok be suitable for?" I waited, as I often wait, for the end of the sentence to arrive, but no conclusion came. I sighed, but nodded.
"Yes, I'm fine with taking the Bordoks. Are you sure that I cannot convince you to use the speeder instead?" I replied, already feeling the sensation drain from my fingers at the thought of holding onto the reins for several hours through ice and sleet.
Nui smiled, but shook his head. "Is not so bad, yes? Cold is good for the spirit."
I resigned myself to follow him to the stables, dreaming of the heated seats of my dear Mark II Nexu Snowspeeder.
Excerpt: Belovians: Displaced or disowned? An Interview with the brave heros of Wik Pol settlement by Shole Layin

Belovian names have a distinct and consistent structure. Each name contains just one syllable denoted by three letters, though some texts choose to condense certain names using digraphs. Belovians are given a singular first name at two months old. They then adopt the given name of their mother and father to create their full name. Using a person's full name is used primarily in formal or sacred occasions.

In rare examples, a Belovian may carry only one or two names and is often an indication of exile. For those who do not know their parents, they will often supplement their given name with those of two significant individuals in their life.

Belovian settlements follow a similar naming convention, with two names of three letters. For modern facilities, the names will be given in honour of the most senior members and may be subject to change over time. During the Republic's relief efforts, science facilities were issued with codes alongside the local titles. Cities and permanent settlements have no historical figures associated with the names, such as the capital Heo Iwl.

Pronouns are a taboo topic in Belovian culture. Though the words denoting the self or others exist linguistically, such direct addresses are reserved for the god Bel Lyv Vna, who may be referred to using a variety of gendered and nongendered terms. The use of pronouns for other beings is used extremely infrequently and has denotations of respect akin to the God, reserved only for the most serious of situations. When speaking in Basic or other languages, Belovians will choose to omit the pronoun without adjusting the grammar of the sentence, as would happen in native Belovian, which can cause confusion for the unprepared visitor.

The Great Exile and Life on Yutan
"You must understand, Senators, that this drain on our people cannot continue! No, no, listen to me! We have supported the Belovians for over twenty years by now, with minimal Republic support and funds. These people do not work, they do not settle, they do not assimilate. Ask any one of them and they'll say that they will be back on Belovia soon. It's outright denial, Senators, and you are enabling it!"
Representative Alanik Sing of Yutan during his speech to the Galactic Senate on 378.24ABY

Following what was later dubbed The Great Exile, the evacuated Belovians were relocated to a series of refugee camps on Yutan. A mainly dry and desert world, the majority of the population struggled to adjust. To present, many of the camps are still operational and the Belovian population remains segregated from the Yutanese, with no resolution in sight.
Last edited by Wrennin Vae on Mon Jul 29, 2019 2:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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Shili is an Expansion region system. Its Galactic Senate representative is Kaatha Lirn.

In the modern era, the life of a Force User lies ever more in the public eye. With the popularity of recent holomedia such as the critically acclaimed 'Withheld', the public's curiosity has never been more piqued.
One accomplished mechanist and metalworker, Chi Kiks, was inspired by the traditional orrerries of the Noita. The ancient machines were created to faithfully replicate the orbits of Shili and its six sacred moons. Kiks' collection Dawn and Dusk subverts this original design with a selection of orrerries great and small where the orbits move at random paces, causing chaos. Although praised by many Core curators, Dawn and Dusk failed to gain traction on Kiks' homeworld and thus remains in private collections and galleries.
Introduction to Chapter 12: Fortitutous Aspirations from An illustrated Timeline of Togrutan Artisan: Modern Era by Sir Oela Ak

Perched on the Salin Corridor, balanced perfectly between the wealth of the Core Worlds and the wilderness of the Outer Rim, a parched planet of humanoids was found. With sharp carnivorous teeth, yet a focus on craftsmanship and beauty; colourful by nature, yet sombre in custom: the humanoids were discovered as the Togruta.

The early reports of the first offworlders visiting Shili are gathering dust to this day, as the societies formed on this planet have changed little since ancient times. The same vast stone cities and cracking paintwork can be seen by even the modern day tourist, within the limits of designated cities. Indeed, the only new addition to many settlements is the spaceport, capable of supporting traffic and trade across entire quadrants.

With a focus on artisanry and craftsmanship, most of Shili's developments have been towards the arts, with the majority of technological and medical supplies being imported.

Force Organisation
Luu ennustus, or the casting of the bones, is a relatively unknown practice of the elusive Noita. The necessary components have been discovered across the galaxy, victims of the insatiable antique trade, but the methodology is harder to come by. For the ritual, one must have the following items:
A starmap. Most starmaps are inked directly onto tanned leather, ideally taken from an akul. However, some crude turu-grass based maps have been discovered. These starmaps are often highly decorated and inscribed with additional symbols, with the six moons featuring prominently.
The bones of a nightjar. The nightjar is a small, nocturnal bird native to Shili. The bones, once desiccated, must be left to bleach for several days in direct sun. The bowed pelvis of the nightjar is a pivotal piece in the bone divination process.
A bag or pouch. Due to the delicate nature of the bones, a small container is often included in the set, additionally decorated to a high standard.
Excerpt: Beyond the Jedi: A Look at Local Force Customs by Wit Oney

The Noita are members of the exclusive order of Force Users on Shili, Mid Rim. The term Noita is often used as an honorific for senior members, with students of the organisation primarily being referred to as Apprentice. Like many localised organisations for Force Users, the Noita exclusively accept members from the local species of the planet, namely Togruta. Historically, the Noita acted as settlement leaders, advisors and midwives. In the modern era, the members act as shamans for rural areas, emissaries for other Force User organisations and infrequently as contacts for diplomatic interventions.

Unlike the more famous Jedi Order, the Noita do not act as warriors and remain a revered and highly insular group. They focus on precognition and premeditation, which is often consulted before major governmental decisions.

Often the central aspect of most cities, the winding temples of the Noita house some of the greatest and most mysterious treasures of this noble culture. Whilst some rare artifacts have since been donated to museums both on and offworld, there is frequently little explanation as to the origin or purpose.

Society and Caste

The two largest moons announced that they would visit Shili and see if the couple’s claims were true or if they were selfish for their own wants. Many months later, the wife gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl each adorned with the sacred poulikuu markings. The town rejoiced but none more so than the couple, their one complaint having been answered by the night sky itself.
The Story of the Seven Children, Author Unknown, Translator Unknown

Tradition remains an integral part of Togruti society. Though an insular people, the influence of offworlders has brought some aspects into the modern era, such as the longstanding caste system that used to be employed.

Based on an individual's facial markings, the system was once used as a spiritual estimation of a child born to a family and to determine marriages between powerful families. The four shapes were loosely based on commonplace natural sights on Shili, ranging from the desirable shapes of the crescent moons to clouds to reeds to lagoons. Though the caste system has long since been discontinued, the stigma of possessing the unfavourable lammikko marking remains, and it often used as an insult.

Togruti Cuisine
Dust the hornox cheeks with catabar. Heat in oil. Once hot, brown the cheeks then remove and set aside. Fill pot with reduced stock, skull fragments and ju powder. Return the hornox. Add durmic and zwil, cover and cook until meat is tender.
Catabar Hornox Cheek recipe by Kashi Ovan

Being a carnivorous species, much of Shili's cuisine revolves around meat, with several famous dishes being adopted by high-end Core restaurants. Local delicacies include spiced Jiiro flank, charred berryhen and hornox cheek. Several large species of animal are raised on ranches across the planet, alongside smaller domesticated birds. Though some waterside communities subside on fish, the meat type is unpopular among the wider network.

Though capable of ingesting vegetarian foodstuffs, such food is often reserved to rural areas where trade is rare and animal rearing is unsustainable. Some agriculture exists to help feed the designated offworlder cities.


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Saleucami is an Outer Rim system in the Suolriep sector. Its Galactic Senate representative is Ira Ounil. Having been alternately within Hutt Space and Republic territory, the system serves as a common trade stop between the two regions.

"Did you see the old Hutt palaces, up in the hills? Can't miss 'em. Sat there, all squat and round. Like the Hutts themselves! Haha! ...I didn't say that, don't quote me on it."
Excerpt: Adventures along the Talcene Transit: An Autobiography by Tidal-Kich Hyan

After being colonized by Pantoran settlers in approximately 6100ABY, Saleucami's arid environment and distance from the Core made it a target for a variety of species both disillusioned from the Republic and escaping Hutt Space. As a result, the planet's culture is highly dependent on the percentage of the local populations. The richer areas, primarily of Pantoran and Human population, have large industrial areas with several exports. Rural areas, often ignored, tend to be more diverse with many cultures blended together.

Saleucami has a strong trader presence with many choosing to stop in the system along the Talcene Transit. Many communities are established with the sole intent of catering to the heavy turnover of traders, further diluting the planet's culture.

Corporate Influence
It would appear that most of the land at the foothills of the Illdine Mountain range is unusable. Aside from the caldera, the land is dry and nothing grows there, not even weeds. Additionally, the scans failed to identify a crevasse, running northeast to south, separating the caldera from the remainder of the land. The crevasse runs with lava, appearing to run between two unknown underground caverns. To conclude: we were duped.
Excerpt: Internal Memo #6411-A from GalvaSure Limited

Following centuries of Hutt exploitation and a lack of interest in redevelopment from the Republic, the void of power on Saleucami was soon filled by multi-system corporations. It's estimated that approximately 516 corporations currently own or have laid claim to large portions of Saleucami's landmass, though it is speculated that many more exist outside of the census. Most specialize in energy production, agriculture and research.

Whilst most settlements exist within corporate territory, these settlements are not supported or affiliated with the owners of the land. The corporations have little impact on the majority of settlements, though may intervene in legal disputes. Some corporations, most controversially Ion Inc. in 331ABY, buy out settlements to provide accommodation for workers.

Due to a lack of local government, infrastructure is frequently lacking across the rural areas of Saleucami. Most of the planet remains unmapped in any detail, particularly the numerous volcanic regions, though corporations often share charts of their territories for a price. Whilst there is a comprehensive network of light rails, there are few other facilities in the average settlement.

Xenophobia and Crime
Saleucami: Recommended Avoid.
Annual Report, Republic Center for Tourism

In spite of Saleucami's diverse population, there exist notorious communities of xenophobic individuals, often in the most inhospitable and remote areas of the planet. Following a spree of traders being injured or killed, a guide was released by ExecTour, one of the local corporations, which identified areas to avoid. The guide is updated every year and available to purchase.

Crime outside of corporate territory is widespread due to the proximity to Hutt Space and lack of security or police forces. It is estimated that approximately 4.2 billion credits of tax is lost from Saleucami due to unregulated drug and supplies trading. As of 380ABY, Saleucami remains on the Republic Center for Tourism's list of Recommended Avoid systems.


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Re: A Little On The Side

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wookieepedia eat your heart out, this is some super duper fantastic stuff!!!!
It wasn't me.
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Re: A Little On The Side

Post by Valgam Freestar »

If we get this approved by the Era Coordinator, I think this would be a fine addition to the archives section of the website.
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Re: A Little On The Side

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Valgam Freestar wrote: Fri Nov 09, 2018 6:37 am If we get this approved by the Era Coordinator, I think this would be a fine addition to the archives section of the website.
This needs to be a thing!
|| Name: Sirius Invictus || Species: Human || Homeworld: Vlemoth Port || Birth: 360.09 ABY || Initiation: 372.10 ABY || || Apprenticed: 373.09 ABY || Knighted: 384.30 ABY || Mastered: 410.13 ABY || Mentor: Delmi N'jork || Apprentices: Kiara O'ren, Rukia, Vale Sutherblaze ||
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Re: A Little On The Side

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Sirius Invictus wrote: Fri Nov 09, 2018 7:00 am
Valgam Freestar wrote: Fri Nov 09, 2018 6:37 am If we get this approved by the Era Coordinator, I think this would be a fine addition to the archives section of the website.
This needs to be a thing!
I second that statement!
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Re: A Little On The Side

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It's going to be reviewed by Dreshin and Xayr'ka is already cool with it.
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Re: A Little On The Side

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