Team Energise

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Teynara Jeralyr
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Team Energise

Post by Teynara Jeralyr »

Hey guys,

Count this the first of a few different suggestions (I'll post each separately to allow for discussion).

Okay, so currently our system for Force Energise is set up thusly:
  1. Give 15 FP to a single target only
    Range = 256 units
  2. Give 20 FP to one target, 13 to 2 targets, 10 to 3 and more
    Range * 1.5
  3. Give 30 FP to one target, 20 to 2 targets, 15 to 3 and more
    Range * 2
  4. Give 50 FP to one target, 33 to 2 targets, 25 to 3 and more
    Range * 2.5
  5. Give 75 FP to one target, 50 to 2 targets, 37 to 3 and more
    Range * 3
Considering the way in which we use it (usually with Masters 'energising' students that have Low FP), I was thinking we could (potentially) alter it to be more of an Effect-over-time skill. Just as a rough idea:
  1. Give 10 FP to a single target, increase FP Regen by 5 fp/s for 10 seconds
  2. Give 20 FP to one target, 13 to 2 targets, 10 to 3+e, and increase FP Regen by 5 fp/s for 10 seconds
  3. Give 30 FP to one target, 20 to 2 targets, 15 to 3+, and increase FP Regen by 10 fp/s for 10 seconds
  4. Give 50 FP to one target, 33 to 2 targets, 25 to 3+, and increase FP Regen by 15 fp/s for 10 seconds
  5. Give 75 FP to one target, 50 to 2 targets, 37 to 3 +, and increase FP Regen by 20 fp/s for 10 seconds

    In this way, though you're giving an initial FP boost, you're also increasing their FP regen pool temporarily, which means you use the skill less often, but also aren't simply providing a severe shock to their physical system (as a burst technique might). Also means that, in exercises where we might have to repeat this (for example, when providing students with a burst of energy to help with jump fatigue), the skill can be used less often.

    This could, of course, be offset by higher costs for the technique per burst.
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Xayr'ka Atreus
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Re: Team Energise

Post by Xayr'ka Atreus »

This sounds really, really cool. Another thing as someone who has force meld it can be quite annoying when I'm trying to meld one person, as I have a higher level end up using the ability on multiple people. Would there be a way to have it focus on one person?


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Teynara Jeralyr
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Re: Team Energise

Post by Teynara Jeralyr »

I did wonder that - perhaps some sort of conditional "if target is in reticle", then you only energise them, but if you're not looking directly at someone, you use the ability on everyone in range.
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Xayr'ka Atreus
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Re: Team Energise

Post by Xayr'ka Atreus »

^ This would be so nice. :D


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Sirius Invictus
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Re: Team Energise

Post by Sirius Invictus »

Absolutely in love with the above idea; yes please!
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Soh Raun
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Re: Team Energise

Post by Soh Raun »

Teynara Jeralyr wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2018 5:50 pm I did wonder that - perhaps some sort of conditional "if target is in reticle", then you only energise them, but if you're not looking directly at someone, you use the ability on everyone in range.
This is already the case, for both Team Heal and Team Energize. :)
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Dariun Antane
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Re: Team Energise

Post by Dariun Antane »

Would it be possible to make a command to energize/heal a specific person if it's impossible to aim at them?
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Re: Team Energise

Post by Sirius Invictus »

To be honest, if it would be impossible to aim at them, then you probably can't see the/reach them IC. So I can't really understand the reason for such a need. What do you have in mind?
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