381.20 // New Councilor

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The Jedi Council
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381.20 // New Councilor

Post by The Jedi Council »


We would like to announce that Jedi Knight Iffo Rav'i has been transfered to the branch of Dantooine of which he was granted a seat on the Council. In return for this transfer, Councilor Yyn Zet Ari has offered to transfer to our branch and aid us.

Firstly, congratulations to Jedi Knight Iffo Rav'i on his new position, and we wish him the best over on Dantooine. You will forever be welcome.

With that said, we would like to offer our gratitude towards Jedi Knight Yyn Zet Ari for offering her aid to us, and to congratulate her on the position as a Councilor here in our branch. They will now post a personal message below. If anyone has any questions or concerns you are free to contact us and we shall do our best to provide you with answers.

- The Jedi Council.

The Jedi Council of Duneeden

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Yyn Zet Ari
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Re: 381.20 // New Councilor

Post by Yyn Zet Ari »

Communication from Iffo Rav'i
I'm honored that the Council of Dantooine has offered me this position, and even more grateful to the High Councillors of Rannon for approving my transfer.

Often by ill-circumstance the chance to say goodbye has eluded me. Yet, here I am presented with the perfect opportunity to say goodbye but I will actively choose not to.

Rannon has been a home to me since I was a child, and although many of the faces from when I first arrived are gone, it will continue to be my home until my time in the galaxy comes to an end.

I look forward to visiting and the relationship between Dantooine and Rannon growing. You are all welcome to visit, infact, I hope you do.

Whilst now officially a resident of Dantooine, I don't depart until 381.23, so I hope to catch some of you before then.

Happy Life Day All.

Master Rav'i
Councilor of Dantooine.

Communication from Yyn Zet Ari
Greeting Residents of Rannon,

I am Jedi Knight Yyn Zet Ari and as per the will of the force, I have accepted this transfer to Rannon.

I have sat on the Dantooine Council for nearly 2 years now and whilst unfamiliar to you all, I am here to be approached should you require anything. However, before you do so, I would encourage you to reflect on the patterns of the galaxy around you as often the answers lie where we least expect to find them.

I will be hosting Master Rav'i in a brief handover once he arrives on Dantooine, before travelling to Rannon where I hope to catch the tail end of your Life Day celebrations.

Master Yyn
Councilor of Rannon
Yyn Zet Ari | Jedi Knight | High Councilor | Belovian | Belovia | Mentor: Chana Ramel | Padawan: Nidus Tal'vo
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