388.28 // New Councilor

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The Jedi Council
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388.28 // New Councilor

Post by The Jedi Council »


We would like to announce that Jedi Knight Nodo Salar has been granted a seat on the Council. We would like to congratulate him on the position as a Councilor here in our branch.

They will now post a personal message below. If anyone has any questions or concerns you are free to contact us and we shall do our best to provide you with answers.

- The Jedi Council.

The Jedi Council of Duneeden

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Nodo Salar
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Re: 388.28 // New Councilor

Post by Nodo Salar »

Friends and family!

It's with great joy in both my hearts, and maybe a little trepidation in one of them, that I join the bombad councilors of Rannon. I've been here most my life, and have seen many friends come and go. I hope to see many more come, and a lot less go - whatever direction we go next in these troubled times. We're a good bunch here in the Rannon branch, and will continue to be!

Please do me the solid of patience as I get used to all this, I'm sure I'm in for many fresh mistakes. Though my mouth may run away with me sometimes, Rannon will always be my home, and you my friends.

It wasn't me.
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