Vohai Civil War : Enlistment and Updates

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Laa'ken Ruun
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Vohai Civil War : Enlistment and Updates

Post by Laa'ken Ruun »

Vohai Civil War: Enlistment Forum


The Office of Strategics and Military Logistics of the Galactic Republic wrote: Dear members of the Jedi Order,

At 0523 on 387.13, the planetary Government of Vohai stationed on Vohai City was besieged, arrested and murdered by a radical terrorist cell that has gained notoriety on the planet, known as the 'People's Will'. After the Republic's Central Command had heard the surrender from the Vohai City garrison commander, we received a transmission from the so-called 'Revolutionary Council of the Independent System of Vohai', stating their independence and intent to do violence to Republic forces that remain on the planet.

As Governor of this system, I will not allow tyranny and unlawful murder to overtake a once-prosperous and safe place, home to billions of citizens. The Republic respects the democratic will of the people, but this is nothing more than a coup by terrorists and demagogues, that seek to enslave and subdue the population who still hold loyalty to the Republic. The People's Will appears to be the chief organiser of this new 'state', and we believe that the violence against Republic officials was orchestrated by their leadership.

I received a transmission of acceptance from the Chief of State earlier this morning, allowing me temporary military and legal jurisdiction over the planet while I solve this crisis. But, I am formally requesting the aid of the Jedi, such as our alliance exists, to aid the Republic in its time of need.

While a significant portion of the Republic Fleet has been above planet, due to Senatorial bureaucracy and a lack of understanding of the crisis, the Republic's involvement in the growing problems has been limited and, in my own view, lazy and unresponsive to the growing threat.

Due to the subversion of the population by this terrorist cell 'The People's Will' and their attack upon the people of the Republic, we are obliged to protect, but their violent anti-Republic ideology threatens the safety of our democracy. Our job is of paramount importance.

Functionally, we wish for the Jedi to engage in both military and 'spiritual' roles. Training, guidance and the brawn of the Jedi Order will be needed to bring an end to this terrible threat. Officers, soldiers, medics, explorers, diplomats and trainers will be greatly appreciated in any role you can provide.

We look forward to your involvement.

-Governor-General Ruun, Secretary for the Office of Strategics and Military Logistics

Planetary Map of VohaiImage


Faction Map of Vohai

Grandmaster Don'Roq wrote:Rannon Praxeum,

War is a curse upon the Jedi. We are burdened by our duty to plunge deep into the depths of humanity, and witness how cruel the Galaxy truly can be. If you so wish to take this great burden, then do not hesitate, for the people of Vohai suffer with every moment we wait.

However, I must profess my concerns about this operation. Let us not forget the mistakes of the past, in naming an enemy too fast. There are fundamental questions that must be asked here, we are not simply fighting an enemy of no soul. These fighters are labelled terrorists, it is known, yet we must keep our eyes open for the pain of the suffering. To turn to radicalism is a crime of passion, ignorance and pain. The 'Revolutionary Council', as it is referred, may not be as unanimous as the Republic presents.

Be mindful of the foe, but give mercy to the pained. We too share in their pain, for every life lost in this conflict is another star burnt from the sky. Let them see the beauty of the Jedi, but do not hesitate in our justice. Our alliance with the Republic has been long and fruitful, and must be protected against all threats.

May the Force be with you all,
-Master Don'Roq, Grandmaster of the Jedi Order


This is a list of roles meant for the JEDI, applications at the bottom of this post.

Governor-General: Laa’ken Ruun
Grand Admiral: Milara Krannis

*Fleet Advisor: A subsidiary, strategic role for the experienced and older Jedi of the facility. Aboard the fleet, the Fleet Advisor will discuss and draw up larger battle plans about the long-term logistics of the operation, as well as providing sound advice and support to the commanders where necessary. Previous war experience is preferable.

*Senior Jedi General: A mixture between the front-line and supportive position, leading larger divisions of the Republic forces. As you are in charge of the division of varying numbers, roughly 1000+ soldiers, this role is reserved for Masters, Councillors and experienced Knights.

Jedi General: A front-line position, leading smaller battalions of the Republic forces. This role is reserved for Knights, Masters and Councillors.

Jedi Commander: The Commander is an experienced Jedi Padawan (15+) that supports the Jedi General in completing operations by leading sub-sections of the forces, such as a handful of men in a platoon - or spending time with the soldiers face to face: training, eating and marching with them.

Jedi Mechanical Officer: A position for artisans and members of the Order less inclined to combative roles. Mechanical Specialists can perform roles such as droid repairing, the maintenance of defensive fortifications, or even mine disposal.

Jedi Medical Officer: As a Medical Assistant, the Jedi will alleviate the pain of both soldiers and civilians alike. Your healing and medical skills will be put to the test, as wars like this tend to result in a fair few brutal casualties.

Jedi Infiltrator: As Vohai is a planet with relatively little information, scouts and infiltrators will be necessary in their position to both avoid being discovered on-planet whilst retaining or collecting information that can provide crucial for ground forces.

Jedi Diplomat: While the war rages on, there is still room for words. Not all of Vohai is united against the Republic, and it is the Diplomat's job to not only uphold peace talks between the forces of the bloody Civil War, but also to convince the fringe groups around the Vohai living centres to support the Republic or retain their neutrality.

**Director's note: This role is a good choice for members of the Order who have advice to give, but cannot provide as much time or consistent mission-time activity.

Outline of Arc Criteria ((OOC))


((This arc will be more of an opportunity for character growth, journal entry and a catalyst for missions, rather than a traditional arc of series missions. You are allowed to spend as much IC time as you like in the combat zone, and accounts of the time spent there will be rewarded. In short, I hope the crisis gives you some inspiration for the journal entries and pieces of creative writing, but you will all hopefully be involved in missions within the arc.

Primarily, this arc will consist of missions centered around the 'important points' of the war, as well as any and all subsidiary and independent content that Knights want to provide, supporting the opportunity for creative writing in either the journals or other comport areas. Posted missions will structure and strengthen the formal progression of the war, but we implore all who sign up to take part to continue the story in your journals and any other means, such as private server sessions led by Knights.

Depending on your IC rank or position in the Civil War, you will receive consistent 'planetary updates' (usually weekly / cyclical) to give you context, problems, challenges and spice as the war progresses and changes as time goes on. You will be deployed to certain units depending on your position, and can be as creative as you like. We want to give people the opportunity to really explore the war in their journals, and anything written in there will be contextualised (when relevant) into the world, or into the map. That is to say that the decisions you make may impact the war as a whole. Naturally, well written and detailed journal accounts will count towards XP grants for time spent in the war zone.

Your actions do matter. I will do my best to provide in-game content outside of our primary missions, but engage with myself or other members of the Knight body if you want to try and organise something to happen depending on its scale. I will also attempt to offer small events for special individuals who we want to dismember or mentally scar. If any Knights are interested in independently providing content, send me (Joran) a message and we'll fit it into the context of the cyclical planetary / map updates.

In terms of journal content, this can range from spending time playing cards with your soldiers or repairing the fortifications at one of the Republic's strongholds. BUT for anything consequential to the map or war, it is worth checking with myself (Joran) whether or not it would be appropriate under the circumstances. For example:

  • Leading raids against an enemy position.
  • Spying and / or 'dealing with' an enemy, as a JEDI Infiltrator. (This is incredibly important if in regards to the information that can literally be provided to members going on missions.) For those interested in the Infiltrator position, you may be given more and more information the higher you rise in undercover prestige.
  • Advancing or retreating from a stationed position.
  • Speaking to high ranking officials.
  • Anything in between that might change the direction of the war.

Generally, be as creative and have as much fun as you like, just keep me in the loop if you want to try and win the war in one day. Try not to lose any limbs.

Once roles are assigned I will start putting up the missions, so get to applying!


Send your applications to Laa'ken Ruun if you wish to serve alongside the Republic in the Vohai Civil War. Please do not reply your applications to this thread.

Code: Select all







[i]I hereby profess my loyalty to the forces of the Galactic Republic and her citizens, for protection and peace, and will do everything in my power to maintain stability within the regional conflict of Vohai.
Signed, -insert name-[/i]
Pack Download

((If you have any questions concerning the deployment or anything to ask about the arc in general, please don't hesitate to reach out to me (Joran) over discord or Comport.))
Last edited by Laa'ken Ruun on Thu Jun 20, 2019 5:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Yyn Zet Ari
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Re: Vohai Civil War : Enlistment and Updates

Post by Yyn Zet Ari »

(( Just to confirm, this story arc is standalone from the Era arc.

After the Epilogue tonight (387.13ABY) there will be no more Era arc content until this arc has been completed. ))
Yyn Zet Ari | Jedi Knight | High Councilor | Belovian | Belovia | Mentor: Chana Ramel | Padawan: Nidus Tal'vo
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Laa'ken Ruun
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Re: Vohai Civil War : Enlistment and Updates

Post by Laa'ken Ruun »


The Republic
While the role of the JEDI involved on Vohai may require them to move from position to position across the planet, the assigned division will act as a base for the JEDI, and involve the majority of their time.

These divisions have been assigned to the Republic's Chain of Command with the sole purpose of quelling the troubles in Vohai, with the Jedi occupying several Officer roles alongside non-Jedi Officers and higher ranks.


5th 'Fire' Reserve Infantry Division
The 5th Infantry Division were constructed during the Yuuzhan Vong War, and have a long history of service and credibility within the Republic's forces. However, in recent years the division has been subjected more and more to 'disciplinary deployments', and as such has suffered considerably in degree of training and prestige and skill. Mostly constructed of conscripts and younger men and women with little experience, they may get more than they bargained for, and will rely heavily on the skill of their Jedi leadership.

Strength: 40,000 Soldiers

  • Senior General: Dreshin Bralor
  • General: Rhuacca
  • Commander: Serbithar Muunen
  • Commander: Aranna Vaan
  • Commander: Narael Undine
  • Medical Officer: Sirius Invictus
  • Mechanical Officer: Daegon Evera


18th 'Blueshirt' Marine Division
One of the most controversial deployments, the 18th Marine Division are combat veterans, having served alongside Lord Ruun on the Hutt Border and partaking in not only domestic peacekeeping but also counter-piracy raids and the eventual seizure of Hutt assets alongside the planetary borders. Professional soldiers trained in the amphibious warfare and water-based operations, they may be useful for the largely water planet of Vohai. However, due to their aggressive and military nature, they struggle to maintain peaceful relations with domestic deployments, and several 'abuses of violence' have been cited in the unit.

Strength: 36,000 Soldiers

  • Senior General: Ber-til Keztor
  • General: Drax
  • Commander: Nidus Tal'vo
  • Commander: vacant
  • Medical Officer: vacant
  • Mechanical Officer: Meep Trop


1st Mountaineer Division
Due to Vohai's often mountainous terrain, a newly-created 'Mountaineer' Division has been specially assigned to the command of Governor-General Ruun and the Jedi by the order of the Chief of State himself. While new, their training and equipment makes them suitable and capable soldiers, while specialised in the mountainous ranges they are skilled to fight in all appropriate terrains.

Strength: 30,000 Soldiers

  • Senior General: Xayr'ka Atreus
  • General: vacant
  • Commander: Kir Darnic
  • Commander: vacant
  • Medical Officer: Tycho Varga
  • Mechanical Officer: vacant

301st 'Nest' Infantry Regulars
The 301st Infantry Regulars found their origins in the Imperium Wars, initially constructed as a front-line militia of ragtags and mercenaries to stop the seemingly endless horde of the Imperium. However, due to the unbridled success during the Battle of Lorrd and later, Battle of Bastion, the division commanders were granted the rights of Republic officers; and many of them who fought back then still exist to this day. While not as experienced as they once were, the 301st Infantry Regulars carry a legacy of battle-readiness and commitment to the Republic.

Strength: 22,000 Soldiers

  • Senior General: Tiber Reman
  • General: Fenn Rahm
  • Commander: Lystra Hale
  • Commander: vacant
  • Medical Officer: Tenal Keleko
  • Mechanical Officer: vacant

2nd Special Operation Forces Brigade
The 2nd Special Operation Forces Brigade is a highly selective, elite number of career soldiers that have dedicated over 15 years of service each, and have been highly decorated for their individual achievements in the limited fighting the Republic has seen in the past few decades. While ineffective as front-line soldiers, they are more than qualified to complete small, highly skilled and covert operations without delay.

  • Strength: 2,800 Soldiers
  • JEDI will be picked by the officers of this Brigade to work alongside the soldiers in specifically designed missions.

  • Tanet'k 'Cato' Rethin
    Iffo Rav'i
  • Tharon Jivler
Last edited by Laa'ken Ruun on Thu Jul 04, 2019 3:14 am, edited 9 times in total.
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Re: Vohai Civil War : Enlistment and Updates

Post by Iffo Rav'i »

Governor-General Ruun,

The Residents of Dantooine are prepped and ready to be deployed.

Whilst I cannot speak on behalf of other Praxeums only my own enclave, note that the Knights of Dantooine, along with their Padawans will only serve so long as you and those you represent are continually seeking a diplomatic solution to the trouble.

Kind Regards

Jedi Knight Gifford Rav'i
Local Councilor of Dantooine Enclave

Jedi Master | High Councillor | Advisor to the Galactic Senate
Born: 333.06 | Initiated: 342.08 | Knighted: 357.07 | Mastered: 388.18 | Died: 435.29
Mentors: Wrennin Vae // Chothi Uxaala // Maia Rimora | Padawan: Serir Vun // Tycho Varga

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Laa'ken Ruun
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Re: Vohai Civil War : Enlistment and Updates

Post by Laa'ken Ruun »


Dear members of the Order,

The Office of Strategy and Military Logistics has supplied the following documentation to help you better understand Operation Vohai.

Do not hesitate to contact me privately for any further questions.
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Re: Vohai Civil War : Enlistment and Updates

Post by Laa'ken Ruun »


With planetary scans complete, and the savage attempt to destroy the RSN Firefly over, the Governor-General has concluded that the likelihood of further aerial attacks by the Revolutionary Forces is incredibly unlikely. In short, deployments will begin and, soon enough, resistance is anticipated.


Information Updated: Division Counters, Faction Map


  • Diplomatic Links have been achieved with the tribal Rodians on the east coast of the Rone Colony Settlement Continent, providing ample landing ground in the valleys surrounded by swamp and hill.
  • The attack against the RSN Firefly has prompted command to begin a strategic bombing across all important unprotected enemy controlled areas, as shield generators make quick bombardment impossible. These have, presently, been to the areas marked 'X' on updated maps above.
  • Tribal Rodians are less than hospitable towards local natives, otherwise known as 'mountain Rodians', and have been accused by Rodian leaders of harbouring and kidnapping tribesmen for sacrifices. Once forces are deployed, take all actions necessary to stop this practice, as it may well weaken supply once advances are made through the mountainous terrain.
  • An coordinated attack has begun on Sesnyo Station, with local sea-life being caught in the crossfire as Republic bombers attempt to stop the sea-invasion. However, submersible craft used by the Vohaians and greater understanding of the land has made this tactic ineffective.
  • Troop training and discipline is still incredibly weak among many of the units.
  • Anti-Air Batteries have been discovered on mass outside the territory of Jesterbon, along with a strong sea-navy and magnetic mines in the area. While JEDI have been successfully deployed, the area is under an incredible amount of logistical stress: food and water beginning to dwindle.
  • 5th Fire Reserve Infantry: Deployed to the Rone Colony Continent as per the agreement signed by the tribal Rodians. Will be fully deployed by 387.29. Alongside the 1st Mountaineer Division, Division is to move forward and engage hostiles through mountain passages, with the objective of reaching Narik'cho and taking over the city. Expected resistance as known enemy deployment in mountains, as well as civilian villages of 'mountain Rodians'.
  • 18th 'Blueshirt' Marine Division: Deployed imminently to the ensuing battle at Sesnyo Station, expected by 387.30.
  • 1st Mountaineer Division: Deployed to the Rone Colony Continent as per the agreement signed by the tribal Rodians. Will be fully deployed by 387.29. Alongside the 5th Fire Reserve Infantry, Division is to move forward and engage hostiles through mountain passages, with the objective of reaching Narik'cho and taking over the city. Expected resistance as known enemy deployment in mountains, as well as civilian villages of 'mountain Rodians'.
  • 301st 'Nest' Infantry Regulars: Deployed scarily to the garrison at Jesterbon. Under heavy logistical strain, food and water beginning to become hard to come by as more and more troops come in; though several transports are initially shot down by secluded Anti-Air emplacements protected by shield generators. Attack is expected at Jesterbon, officers are to prepare a defensive operation.
  • 2nd Special Operation Forces Brigade: Deployed imminently to the ensuing battle at Sesnyo Station, expected by 387.30.

Next scheduled update: 388.05

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Re: Vohai Civil War : Enlistment and Updates

Post by Laa'ken Ruun »


As our forces begin to make the first set of advances, first contact has been made with the Revolutionary Forces. Planetary scans and intelligence gathering by scouting forces has concluded that all out offensive is the best strategic interest. This cycle of the war will see major offensives prepared and begin by the 10th. Control of the waters has been fully achieved, Vohaian Naval Dockyards have been destroyed and all possibility of aerospace conflict has been nullified.


Information Updated: Division Counters, Faction Map


  • The Battle of Sesnyo Station (387.30) concluded in a Republic victory. With only 87 Marine casualties, over 800 confirmed Revolutionary kills and another 226 captured, the Battle for Sesnyo Station is a true testament to the leadership of the Jedi and quality of the Marine soldiers. With the major transport link now secure, all attempts at reinforcement by the Revolutionaries of the eastern continents has been effectively nullified.
  • Logistical and Terrain Blockages, Rone Colony: Minor skirmishes are taking place on the Rone Colony Continent as the order to advance is given. However, the Revolutionaries have seen to destroying several of the mountainous caverns and paths, severely hampening progress. The Jedi in this region will have to use the resources they have to find solutions to this problem.
  • Growing Refugee Crisis: A misfired artillery target has resulted in a portion of the city of Narik'Cho being set ablaze, having killed over 10,000 due to the densely compact city region that was unprotected by the city's shield generator. As a result of this, huge swathes of refugees are attempting to flee into the Republic-controlled cities of Little Vohai, Sesnyo Station and even the Republic military bases encamped in the mountainous regions of the Rone Colony Continent. This is causing severe logistical strain and clogging up the roads that would otherwise be used for offensives in the mountains.
  • Jesterbon Hunger: At Jesterbon, the 301st are being intensely bombarded by shield-protected artillery and anti-air emplacements. All attempts at orbital bomardment have proved futile, and the constant barrage is having a severe impact both on the morale of men and their safety. One example of this was how three barracks containing twenty-seven men collapsed inwards after a direct artillery hit, killing all of the inhabitants on 388.03. Shield generators have lacked the sufficient energy to be setup across the entire Jesterbon base, due to civilian sabotage of the power station and water dam located at Jesterbon. In further grim news, food and water continue to run in short supply, while Revolutionary troops have been sighted in mass outside the desert plains. An attack on the position would be suicidal, and so the garrison's morale must be maintained.
  • Curious Developments: Independent reconaissance teams and shuttles have been seen leaving and returning to isolated locations at the southern hemisphere of the continent by Governor-General Ruun for a task undisclosed to the Jedi. Most importantly, at the locations known to be called 'Glacial' and Miil'a-Dan.
  • Local Relations: Soldiers along the Rone Colony are maintaining good relations with the mountain Rodians, with very few acts of aggression being catalogued. It would be wise to gain as much information from these Rodians as possible. However, the mountain Rodians are very distrustful of the tribal Rodians, especially the Mehn'Dola tribe.
  • Defections and Secured Loyalties: Many previous Revolutionary cities, such as on the western continents, have officially stated Republican loyalty - causing internal wars and fights among populations. Anarchy takes hold of many cities, as violent factions split and form.



    • 5th Fire Reserve Infantry: Now fully deployed, the 5th engage in skirmishes with the Vohaian Revolutionaries, stepping through small village after small village of mountain Rodians. However, progress has been severely damaged by the Revolutionaries destroying canyons, caverns and roads along the mountains. Keeping good relations with the mountain Rodians will be necessary to remove these logistical obsticals. Governor-General Ruun has demanded supplies be prepared and that the pathway be cleared for an offensive to begin on the 10th.
    • 18th 'Blueshirt' Marine Division: After the successful Battle of Sesnyo Station, the Marine Division are recovering from losses and defusing Vohaian naval mines surrounding the station. This will continue until the 11th, when the Marine Division is being sent to the beaches of Naas'n, to open another front on the Rone Colony Settlement and take the city. Landing will take place on the 12th.
    • 1st Mountaineer Division: Now fully deployed, the 1st engage in skirmishes with the Vohaian Revolutionaries, stepping through small village after small village of mountain Rodians. However, progress has been severely damaged by the Revolutionaries destroying canyons, caverns and roads along the mountains. Keeping good relations with the mountain Rodians will be necessary to remove these logistical obsticals. Governor-General Ruun has demanded supplies be prepared and that the pathway be cleared for an offensive to begin on the 10th.
    • 301st 'Nest' Infantry Regulars: The situation only grows worse for the 301st as the days roll on. Under intense bombardment by shield-protected artillery and anti-air emplacements, all attempts at orbital bomardment have proved futile, and the constant barrage is having a severe impact both on the morale of men and their safety. One example of this was how three barracks containing twenty-seven men collapsed inwards after a direct artillery hit, killing all of the inhabitants on 388.03. Shield generators have lacked the sufficient energy to be setup across the entire Jesterbon base, due to civilian sabotage of the power station and water dam located at Jesterbon. In further grim news, food and water continue to run in short supply, while Revolutionary troops have been sighted in mass outside the desert plains. An attack on the position would be suicidal, and so the garrison's morale must be maintained.
    • 2nd Special Operation Forces Brigade: Deployed to training the garrison at Sesnyo Station, awaiting further deployment.

    Next scheduled update: 388.12

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Laa'ken Ruun
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Re: Vohai Civil War : Enlistment and Updates

Post by Laa'ken Ruun »


Ruminations of Peace : Vohai Civil War
'The Table of Chiefs'

Date: 387.21 ABY Time: 1450 GST (prep time), 1530 (start time)

Mission Profile: As the Republic's fleet orbits the planet of Vohai and scans are underway to assess the threat in greater detail, JEDI Diplomats are secretly deployed to the Rone Colony Settlement. Their sole mission is to conciliate peace between the Rodian Clans, and ensure their loyalty to the Republic so that a sufficient landing ground can be maintained.

STARRING: Tanet'k Rethin, Meep Trop, Panu Borawu.

Information / Objectives gathered from mission:

  • Gained the trust of the tribal Rodians, at the cost it required.
  • Learnt of the 'blood magic' that the Rodians practice.
  • Obtained a crystal for closer inspection, regarding the 'cloud' in the Force.


Ruminations of Peace : Vohai Civil War
'Fleet Mysteries'

Date: 387.23 ABY Time: 1430 GST (Prep), 1520 (Start)

Mission Profile: Two JEDI find themselves aboard the RSN Firefly, one of four of the Republic's Star-Dreadnoughts and de-facto Capital Ship of Operation Vohai as the largest Naval vessel in the de-facto blockade. Their job is simple: help train the recruits, fix on-board mechanics and convince a rebellious Naval Officer of the benefits of JEDI aid. However, the madness of space is hard to predict...

STARRING: Rhuacca, Aranna Vaan.

Information / Objectives gathered from mission:

  • Defections in Republic ranks.
  • Saved the RSN Firefly from destruction.
  • Destruction of Vohaian surface fleet.


Ruminations of Peace : Vohai Civil War
'One Two Three Four, Grand Republic Marine Corps'

Date: 387.30 ABY Time: 1430 GST (Prep), 1520 (Start)

Mission Profile: Two JEDI of the brave 18th 'Blueshirt' Marine Division have been assigned a task of utmost importance. It will be violent. It will be dangerous. But their objective is nevertheless critical to the outcome of the war. After a co-ordinated and vicious attack by the Revolutionaries against Sesnyo Station, the JEDI must take it back.
Personal Message from Governor-General Ruun:

Dear Commander Borawu and General Drax,

The loss of General Xan'shi and Commander Rillan was a tragic loss. Nevertheless, this day could not have been won if not for the bravery you summoned upon the battlefield. Our strategists were about to issue the retreat, until our scouts reported the Republic flag had been hoisted above the Station.

Should your bravery continue, I will hold you both in very high regard. Though it was once said that a soldier should never be celebrated for doing their job, you are not soldiers.. Continue to perform beyond expectations, and I will be most pleased, and those living under the tyranny of the Revolution will see you as heroes.

I wish you good fortune in the battles to come.

STARRING: Drax, Panu Borawu.

Information / Objectives gathered from mission:

  • Defended Sesnyo Station
  • Peaceful surrender of remaining garrison


Ruminations of Peace : Vohai Civil War
'Hidden in Plain Sight'

Date: 388.13 ABY Time: 1500 GST (Prep), 1530 (Start)

Mission Profile: While the war sees a spike in conflict and casualties to the south of Vohai, the northern spaceport, Gallica, still maintains a healthy nightlife despite the planet's current predicament. One club in particular, Misty Dreams, has recently been uncovered as a gathering ground for the People's Will's most top-ranking officials.

STARRING: Narael Undine, Lystra Hale.

Information gathered from mission:

  • Combat against the Rodian raids in the South West island. The Vohaian forces there are amid collapse, due to disagreement in the chain of command and lack of supply. The Vohaian leadership is considering defending the other continents, and pulling out what troops they can.
  • Attempt to eliminate smaller facilities in the East before making their move out of the capital directly, due to loss of troops during prior conflict. There is heated argumentation in the higher command about whether or not to abandon the capital of Vohai City due to its proximity to the front line.
  • The Immin-Yuub continent religious faction “C’olarien” has split and are having an internal war over their involvement in the Vohai Civil War.
  • Land and property is being 'nationalised' by the Revolutionary Council from rich Republic aristocrats, awarded to officials of which have contributed the most.
  • Rumours from the Badlands about a tribal King buying weapons from the Republic to invade the rest of the continent.



Fighting takes the planet by storm. Victories follow defeats, and defeats follow victories; the only standard is bloodshed, the once-blue seas of the planet turning red. The Republic sees early victories across the planet as several cities previously loyal to the Revolution turn against them to join the Republic or declare their neutrality from the war as a growing independent faction.


Information Updated: Division Counters, Faction Map, Key and Factions


  • The Rone Colony: Attacks begin in all directions, and the badly equipped Vohaian Revolutionaries suffer a series of consecutive defeats as Republic forces advance from naval invasions and manuevers in the mountains. Political divides cause severe military blunders for the Vohaian Revolutionaries, and due to still lacking a coherent military structure, split into two main forces on the continent. One half retreats from the mountains to Narik'Cho to defend the city, while the other half moves towards Naas'n in an attempt to mount an offensive against the attacking Republic Marines.
  • Revolutionary Cities declare Independence: All over the planet, several cities are beginning to falter from the Revolutionary cause or are expressing their true beliefs, and declaring neutrality from the conflict. Some of these 'neutral cities' are amassing forces of conscripts and volunteers to defend their independence from the Revolution and Republic, while others are even tacitly working with Republic forces to drive out the Revolutionaries.
  • 'Nationalisation' land seizure by the Vohaian Revolution: By order of the Revolutionary Council of Vohai, the land, property and assets of any and all members of the planetary's wealthy class have been "nationalised for furthering the war efforts." Practically, this has been overseen by a series of Revolutionary Guardsmen going out into collectivised groups and forcefully seizing the land of the rich. An unreported number of murders have occurred from his violent act.
  • Revolutionary Crackdown on Dissidents: Following the split of several Revolutionary cities into independent factions, fear grows among the ranks of the Revolutionary. Because of this, severe repression, assault and politically-motivated arrests have swept across the planet. The Revolutionary Council has deemed this action justified for the "security of the revolutionary society", but even one Council official was recorded as jesting: "terror is the business of the day."
  • The Immin-Yuub Conflict: Religious fundamentalists occupying the desert terrain of the northern area of the Immin-Yuub continent have convened in a 'Covenant of Grace' with regional leaders expressing a deep resentment for the anti-religious ways of the Revolutionary Guard. Following this 'Covenant of Grace', the religious group known as “C’olarien” has declared a unanimous war of faith against the Revolutionary cause. Working indirectly with the Republic, they mount an offensive to the rest of the Immin-Yuub continent.
  • Officers 'fragged' at Jesterbon Garrison: As morale weakens from constant bombardment, a rare occasion of purposeful friendly fire has resulted in a court martial at the Jesterbon camp. One junior officer, Lans Maan, was killed by his squad in an heinous act of violence. They planted a bomb underneath his bed, which went off in the night.
  • Republic Diplomats sent to treat with splitting factions: Diplomats from the Jedi Order have been dispatched to the various 'independent' zones of Vohai, in the hopes of gaining pacts of friendship or non-aggression.


    Pamphlets would be dropped around the zones of battle, left behind by Vohaian soldiers. On the back, this iteration reads:
    "For all the green, red and blue of this great planet; do not let the imperials turn it to grey!
    Mother Mu'la will guide us to victory.
    Donate sons and arms to the war today!"


    • 5th Fire Reserve Infantry: Following mountain battles and the breakthrough against the Vohaian forces, the 5th moves to the open valleys between Narik'Cho and little Rodia. The division will split to defending the mountain passages to stop an attack from Little Rodia, and besieging Narik'Cho. The city is surrounded by a large shield generator and occupied by a large garrison of Vohai troops. It is estimated that the city has a food supply for a whole year. Actions must be made to secure the city before this time, especially if the starvation of civilians is to be avoided.
    • 18th 'Blueshirt' Marine Division: Taking the beaches of Naas'n unopposed, the Marines deploy themselves into defensive positions inside the city of Naas'n. Vohaian forces are likely to attack due to pressures across the continent, but civilian casualties are a definite risk, as the city's shield generator has already been disabled by Vohaian saboteurs.
    • 1st Mountaineer Division: Following mountain battles and the breakthrough against the Vohaian forces, the 1st moves to border the megacity of Narik'Cho. The division will split into smaller groups to surround the city, and prepare artillery to bombard the shield generator of the city. The city itself is surrounded by a large shield generator and occupied by a large garrison of Vohai troops. It is estimated that the city has a food supply for a whole year. Actions must be made to secure the city before this time, especially if the starvation of civilians is to be avoided. The Mountaineers will be the main besieging unit of Narik'Cho, and are ordered to build defensive trenches in case of any Vohaian counter attacks.
    • 301st 'Nest' Infantry Regulars: The situation only grows worse for the 301st as the days roll on. Under intense bombardment by shield-protected artillery and anti-air emplacements, all attempts at orbital bomardment have proved futile, and the constant barrage is having a severe impact both on the morale of men and their safety. Morale of the men is already starting to break, as an instance of 'fragging' Republic officers by their own conscript troops has already taken place. While shield generators have expanded, it is not nearly enough to save the garrison. Worst of all, there are rumours of advances from the Vohaians - and aerial scanners say they are building tunnels under the desert terrain, with an unclear objective.
    • 2nd Special Operation Forces Brigade: Deployed to training the garrison at Sesnyo Station, awaiting further deployment.
    • Diplomats: The diplomats from the Jedi Order are dispatched to the locations of the Badlands in the hopes of speaking to this 'tribal king', the far western cities of Tomulus on the Audifall Islands, and the religious faction on the Immin-Yuub continent. Their objective is to either gain alliances or non-aggression pacts with these independent factions, arming these groups is also allowed with any available Republic surplus.
    • Infiltrators: All infiltrators are being ordered to find out where the Revolutionary Council is thinking of relocating, after the information has been discovered that they are considering fleeing the capital of Vohai City.

    Investigation of the Crystal:

    Led by Jedi Knight Valgam Freestart along with his research team including Narael Undine, the investigation into the nature of the crystal discovered in the diplomatic meeting with the tribal Rodians has yielded few results so far.

    The nature of the crystal is a dense mist in the Force. All scientific analysis of it would show that it shares a crystallography with Adegan Crystals and many other Force-sensitive crystals, but instead of being usable in a Lightsaber or utilised by a Jedi in that manner, the so-called Vohaian Crystal holds only a deep mist.

    Strangely enough, these crystals are beginning to appear in other areas of conquest by the Republic.

    Next scheduled update: 388.24

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Laa'ken Ruun
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Re: Vohai Civil War : Enlistment and Updates

Post by Laa'ken Ruun »


Ruminations of Peace : Vohai Civil War
'Hidden in Plain Sight'

Date: 388.14 ABY Time: 1450 GST (prep time), 1530 (start time)

Mission Profile: While the war sees a spike in conflict and casualties to the south of Vohai, the northern spaceport, Gallica, still maintains a healthy nightlife despite the planet's current predicament. One club in particular, Misty Dreams, has recently been uncovered as a gathering ground for the People's Will's most top-ranking officials.

STARRING: Narael Undine, Lystra Hale.

Information / Objectives gathered from mission:

  • Possible pregnancy of Mother Mu'la.
  • A tribal 'king' located in the Badlands, who seeks to buy arms for an upcoming campaign.


Ruminations of Peace : Vohai Civil War
'Behind Enemy Lines'

Date: 388.21 ABY Time: 1500 GST (Prep), 1530 (Start)

Mission Profile: As the Jesterbon garrison continues to be besieged by shield-protected artillery, two brave JEDI must come up with a creative solution to eliminate the threat. Destroying the shield generator is their objective, but it may not be as simple as they think...

STARRING: Serbithar Muun, Daegon Evera.

Information / Objectives gathered from mission:

  • Jesterbon saved from artillery barage.
  • Mother Mu'la's declared retreat from the Rone Colony, and defensive doctrine of remaining territories.



With senatorial pressure mounting and the Vohai strength only decreasing by the day, Mother Mu'la seeks to entertain diplomatic discussions, presenting a rare opportunity for the JEDI to stop the fighting, violence and bloodshed in a peace settlement. While Governor-General Ruun was hostile to this at first, due to political pressure he has been forced to concede, and at least entertain the idea of a peace settlement or ceasefire. Nevertheless, battle has gripped the planet over the past cycles, with the once green fields of Vohai painted red.


Information Updated: Division Counters, Faction Map, Key and Factions


  • The Rone Colony: After Mother Mu'la's directive to retreat the continent, mass surrenders have resulted in an entire capitulation of the forces on the island. This has been a major achievement for the Republic. Now, thousands of Vohaian prisoners sit in internment camps, awaiting justice. Refugees prosper as supplies continue to fly in. For once, the Jedi and Republic can breath fresh air, an untainted victory on the continent.
  • Immin-Yuub declare 'Grand Vizier Baa-lik' as their religious and military leader: With a surprising and lightning-fast victory over the Vohai forces, the forces under the once-warlord Baa-lik Kazzhrak have swept over the Immin-Yuub continent, and hoisted up the victory flag over the capital city of Shiramishi. Millions of religious followers have dawned this as a 'new era' for the C’olarien religion. However, the Immin-Yuub have been notoriously hostile towards the Vohaian separatists. There have been reports of practiced slavery, torture as well as public execution.
  • King Mogzed the first of the Badlands: In one of the more surprising turn of events, an unknown figure leading a vast quantity of lightly equipped warband-like tribal peoples, going by the name King Mogzed the first, has began attacking Revolutionary cities outside of the notorious area known as the 'Badlands'. The area was, to most, thought to be entirely uninhabited. However, reports began flooding in of thousands of spear-wielding maniacs burning and attacking farmland outside of the grey mist that surrounds the Badlands. Locals originally thought the grey-skinned individuals to be demons. This rumour was only fuelled by the escalating rumour that they are led by a 'red-faced hellspawn creature'. Only time will tell what can truly be made of this.


  • All Deployments are temporarily ceased from further offensive action until peace talks are negotiated. For now, all ground-forces are to engage in defensive operations to protect against the possibility of Vohaian counter-attacks. The encampment of defensive fortifications, protection of refugee convoys and establishment of friendly relations with newly-conquered territories is of utmost importance while ceasefire and peace talks are negotiated.

    Expected Peace Talks: 389.10

    (( I will be wrapping up this arc in the next coming missions (held by Knights) as well as the diplomatic finale. Thank you all so much for your involvement and help in this process, I very much appreciate it. This has been a truly enjoyable experience, and I can only hope that the same goes for the rest who were involved! Depending on how the finale ends, Vohai will be open territory for anyone to use, so do not feel constrained to ask me if you wish to use it in the future. If anyone is wishing to get journals done, XP grants will be given upon the end of the arc for any creative writing or supporting documents. Take care. - Joran ))
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Laa'ken Ruun
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Re: Vohai Civil War : Enlistment and Updates

Post by Laa'ken Ruun »

Vohai Civil War : Finale

Throughout the course of the Galaxy's long history, the Jedi and the Republic have been the twin bastions of preserving justice and liberty, even during the darkest of days.

Our tenable but frequently assaulted alliance with the Republic must ultimately be preserved. While I am aware of many within our Order who felt it unwise to bother ourselves with the procession of politics, when war and violence is concerned and the lives of those we seek to protect are put in jeopardy, we must ask ourselves if our complicity to the sidelines is ever wise. When the Republic calls, the Jedi Order should be prepared to follow all preconditions of alliance, so long as the larger act itself is not a precondition to our own destruction or to conjure up a greater evil.

I would like to personally thank each and every one of you for the bravery and principle you displayed. We do what we do because we must. Our lives as Jedi are sacrifices, and I whole-heartedly believe that every one of you who helped in a conflict, displayed every manner of duty that a Jedi must obey.

-May the Force be with you all,
-Master Don'Roq, Grandmaster of the Jedi Order

The planet of Vohai has been a Republic territory for hundreds of years since the Galactic Civil War. Located in the Outer Rimm the planet of Vohai has had a strong manufacturing base located between megacities separated by strictly monitored grassland and fields, with most trade and societal activity restricted to the megacities. Vohai is known for its industrial and its melting pot culture where many immigrant species have come to call the world home, many adopting the term ‘Vohaian’ in favour of their native names. Its diversity can be seen across its many regions, such as the Badlands and the Rone-Colony continent which is home to Little Rodia and the Rodian tribes. Vohai City, housing near 400 million citizens, has been the de-facto capital city of Vohai, housing the Republic Governance Committee and, briefly, the Revolutionary Council.

Economic strain due to the Galactic Recession and a huge loss of faith in Republic officials after the Vohai Massacre and subsequent corruption allegations have led to a continuing spiral of factory closures and economic depression. This economic depression and loss of faith in the traditional government has allowed for a hotbed of anti-Republic sentiment to grow, and while this opinion is not widespread, it has allowed vagrants and extremists to fester and arm themselves with some supplementary support, thus creating the People’s Will in the process.

This 'People's Will', led first by Grandmother Mu'la and now Mother Mu'la, took advantage of growing unrest in the provinces and launched a military-style execution and coup against the Republic authorities on the planet amid strikes and riots, declaring the 'Revolutionary Council' and secession from the Republic. What followed was an intense, gruelling campaign of long-term bombing, inter-faction diplomacy and terrain-restrictive advances led by Jedi officers and Republic forces against the Revolutionary Council's 'Revolutionary Guard'.

As anti-war protests gripped the inner core, politics and scheming condusive with the goals of the then-Governor-General, Laa'ken Ruun, resulted in the failed diplomacy and resignation of the Jedi Order from the conflict. However, by this point, the Revolutionary Council had been abandoned by most of its allies and could not compete against the Republic's orbital bombardment, having lost all of their small surface and fighter fleet in the attempted destruction of the RSN Firefly Capital Ship.

Jedi officers continued to show prowess on the field both as generals and commanders, but were unfortunately forced into resignation due to the growing political situation behind the scenes. Following the death of Mother Mu'la and the unconditional surrender of the Revolutionary Council, the unrest on Vohai still persists but is unlikely to result in full-blown war again. The regional authorities, corrupt and often very undemocratic, will hold onto Vohai with a slow-releasing grip. Democracy may return to the planet once more, but it will be a slow process of re-integration and forgetting old wounds, for Vohai has become a poor and war-torn place.

The Vohai Civil War Chronology wrote:

Vohai Civil War : Chronology

5th 'Fire' Reserve Infantry Division
The 5th Infantry Division were constructed during the Yuuzhan Vong War, and have a long history of service and credibility within the Republic's forces. However, in recent years the division has been subjected more and more to 'disciplinary deployments', and as such has suffered considerably in degree of training and prestige and skill. Mostly constructed of conscripts and younger men and women with little experience, they may get more than they bargained for, and will rely heavily on the skill of their Jedi leadership.

Strength: 40,000 Soldiers
  • Senior General: Dreshin Bralor
  • General: Rhuacca
  • Commander: Serbithar Muunen
  • Commander: Aranna Vaan
  • Commander: Narael Undine
  • Medical Officer: Sirius Invictus
  • Mechanical Officer: Daegon Evera

18th 'Blueshirt' Marine Division
One of the most controversial deployments, the 18th Marine Division are combat veterans, having served alongside Lord Ruun on the Hutt Border and partaking in not only domestic peacekeeping but also counter-piracy raids and the eventual seizure of Hutt assets alongside the planetary borders. Professional soldiers trained in the amphibious warfare and water-based operations, they may be useful for the largely water planet of Vohai. However, due to their aggressive and military nature, they struggle to maintain peaceful relations with domestic deployments, and several 'abuses of violence' have been cited in the unit.

Strength: 36,000 Soldiers
  • Senior General: Ber-til Keztor
  • General: Drax
  • Commander: Nidus Tal'vo
  • Commander: Panu Borawu
  • Medical Officer: vacant
  • Mechanical Officer: Meep Trop

1st Mountaineer Division
Due to Vohai's often mountainous terrain, a newly-created 'Mountaineer' Division has been specially assigned to the command of Governor-General Ruun and the Jedi by the order of the Chief of State himself. While new, their training and equipment makes them suitable and capable soldiers, while specialised in the mountainous ranges they are skilled to fight in all appropriate terrains.

Strength: 30,000 Soldiers
  • Senior General: Xayr'ka Atreus
  • General: vacant
  • Commander: Kir Darnic
  • Commander: vacant
  • Medical Officer: Tycho Varga
  • Mechanical Officer: vacant

301st 'Nest' Infantry Regulars
The 301st Infantry Regulars found their origins in the Imperium Wars, initially constructed as a front-line militia of ragtags and mercenaries to stop the seemingly endless horde of the Imperium. However, due to the unbridled success during the Battle of Lorrd and later, Battle of Bastion, the division commanders were granted the rights of Republic officers; and many of them who fought back then still exist to this day. While not as experienced as they once were, the 301st Infantry Regulars carry a legacy of battle-readiness and commitment to the Republic.

Strength: 22,000 Soldiers
  • Senior General: Tiber Reman
  • General: Fenn Rahm
  • Commander: Lystra Hale
  • Commander: vacant
  • Medical Officer: Tenal Keleko
  • Mechanical Officer: vacant

2nd Special Operation Forces Brigade
The 2nd Special Operation Forces Brigade is a highly selective, elite number of career soldiers that have dedicated over 15 years of service each, and have been highly decorated for their individual achievements in the limited fighting the Republic has seen in the past few decades. While ineffective as front-line soldiers, they are more than qualified to complete small, highly skilled and covert operations without delay.
  • Strength: 2,800 Soldiers
  • JEDI will be picked by the officers of this Brigade to work alongside the soldiers in specifically designed missions.

  • Tanet'k 'Cato' Rethin
    Iffo Rav'i
    Estelwen Rha
  • Tharon Jivler

350s - As the Imperium War comes to a close, veterans return and many Vohaians who fought in the war feel disenfranchised with the lack of compensation or consideration by the Republic for outer-rim territories. Over the course of the century, corruption and Hutt influence had begun to seep its way, slowly, into the infrastructure and government of Vohai. Governors and Senators appointed to the planet were increasingly not of the population, and by the 350s serious voter fraud and manipulation had become commonplace in most of the districts of the planet. In order to keep the peace, sections of the G.R.I.D were utilised as secret police, and anti-corruption movements on Vohai had their leaders arrested under the false pretense of preventing terrorism.

360s - The Yyla-Roda, Tribal Rodians from Vohai, begin a savage war of aggression and sabotage against fellow Rodians living in nearby mountain provinces. However, as violence spills over into human districts, racial tensions rise and several acts of violence are committed against the indigenous Rodian population.

374.02 - Following a string of corrupt enterprises being bailed out by the Republic, the first series of mass protests are seen on the planet of Vohai, as years of angry reach their boiling point. Protests remain peaceful and pro-Republic protestors even fight off more radical, anarchic protestors known as the 'People's Will.' It is believed that through these protests, did the People's Will gain much of its early support.

378.02 - Coruscant Stock Market Crash! Millions riot, job losses and the threat of a galactic-wide recession cause panic over most of the territory of the Republic.

378.11 - Jedi Knight Teynara Jeralyr, Padawan Sirius Invictus and Padawan Tycho Varga were unsuccessful in stopping the massacre of Vohaian rioters at the hands of Republic security forces. While the Jedi Order were blamed for their inaction and some accused them of giving the order to the soldiers, later documentation reveals that the ex-Governor of Vohai, Kril X'annash, gave the order for the troops to fire.

379.10 - The new Mother Mu'la, following the death of her grandmother at the hands of the Republic, takes up the reigns of leadership of 'the People's Will'.

380.02 - Intense riots and violent terrorist attacks conducted by the People's Will grip the planet's life day celebrations. This cycle sees the first murder of a Republic official, a lobbyist working for the Senate, who was shot in an alleyway of Vohai City.

381.29 - A severe crackdown is issued by the Governor Kril X'annash, seeing the arrest of several prominent People's Will members. However, Mother Mu'la narrowly avoids capture, leading to some in her own ranks creating a conspiracy theory that the young Mother Mu'la was actually working with the intelligence services to avoid capture.

382.13 - The kidnapping of the Governor's daughter off-planet, conducted by the remnants of the People's Will in exile, pressures the Governor to lobby to the Senate to declare a formal 'war' against the People's Will and assure more supplies to conduct intelligence operations. However, the Chief of State seems unimpressed, ignorant and monetarily austere, unwilling to provide further resources.

382.15 - After the death of a boy in a hospital that was dramatised to sound more like the purposeful withdrawal of supplies by the Republic, a slew of strikes allows Mother Mu'la to return, bundled secretly in a cargo shipment along with many of her supporters.

384.09 - The Queenstown prison break sees over 100 of the most prominent members of the People's Will escape into freedom, and link back up with other members of the anti-Republic resistance.

386.22 - Tensions rise as Republic closes another factory on Vohai, resulting in a greater slew of strikes and riots. With the People's Will back in full force, terrorist attacks are stopped in the hopes of garnering public support.

386.23 - | News Story | [OPINION] Is Lord Ruun the man to save Vohai from collapse? | A pro-Ruun piece, likely bribed through the holonews, to paint the man in a positive and strong-man light.

386.28 - | News Story | Strikes over job losses lead to violence in seven major Vohai cities.

387.11 - | News Story | Ruun declared new Governor-General amid Vohai chaos.

387.13 - At 0523 on 387.13, the planetary Government of Vohai stationed on Vohai City was besieged, arrested and murdered by the radical terrorist cell, the 'People's Will'. After the Republic's Central Command had heard the surrender from the Vohai City garrison commander, the Governor-General received a transmission from the so-called 'Revolutionary Council of the Independent System of Vohai', stating their independence and intent to do violence to Republic forces that remain on the planet. Most consider this the official beginning of the war, as on the same day the Jedi Order were formally requested to join the conflict under the chain of command of the Governor-General.

387.20 - | Forum Post | Enlistment Handbook

387.21 - | Mission | The Table of Chiefs: Padawans Tanet'k Rethin, Panu Borawu and Meep Trop were sent as emissaries to the unknown, savage land of the tribal Rodians in the hopes of securing not only a military alliance, but a landing platform for further operations by the Republic to be conducted. A success, but the Jedi discovered some unsettling truths about the nature of the tribal Rodians. An affinity for blood-letting and human sacrifice, the defenestration of captives and a leader of strong potency in the Force. To many, this was the first of many 'deals with the devil' that they had hoped the war would not see.

387.23 - | Mission | Fleet Mysteries: Jedi Knight Rhuacca and his Padawan, Aranna Vaan, are set aboard the RSN Firefly capital ship to conduct training exercises and convince the on-board commander to follow Governor-General Ruun's plan of avoiding mass civilian casualties. However, a poorly-planned terrorist attack is conducted from within the ranks of the ship as an EMP explosion meant to be joined with the ramming / suicide attack by the Vohai starship fleet was not coordinated in time, resulting in the capture and death of all attackers.


387.26 - Orbital bombardment on key strategic locations is conjoined with the deployment of the first waves of Republic soldiers.

387.30 - | Mission | One Two Three Four, Grand Republic Marine Corps: Jedi Knight Drax and his Padawan, Panu Borawu, are sent at the head off the marines division in the desperate defence of Sesnyo Station, the most key strategic location for the Republic's war effort. Intense, violent street-to-street fighting commences until the eventual surrender of the Vohaian forces. This battle sees the first deaths of other Jedi Knights and Generals sent into the war, as well as the largest single day of casualties for the Republic.

388.02 - | News Story | Empress Bellitria Comments on Vohai, making several subtle snarky comments about the nature and subject of the war. Her statements greatly emboldened the cause of the anti-war protests in the mid-rim and inner core as a source of legitimacy.

388.05 - | News Story | Senators lead anti-war protests grips Coruscant and Corellia. The birth of the anti-war movement, which only grows throughout the course of the war.

388.06 - The first engagements of the war begin, with Jedi leading task forces big or small into combat against the enemy. Due to the mountainous terrain, advances are slow, but the strategic bombing campaign takes a heavy toll upon the Vohaian industry, as much of it is not yet protected with shield generators.

388.13 - | Mission | Hidden in Plain Sight: As the war sees a spike in conflict and casualties to the south of Vohai, the northern spaceport, Gallica, still maintains a healthy nightlife despite the planet's current predicament. One club in particular, Misty Dreams, has recently been uncovered as a gathering ground for the People's Will's most top-ranking officials. Lystra Hale and Narael Undine are sent undercover to spy for information.

388.14 - Fighting takes the planet by storm. Victories follow defeats, and defeats follow victories; the only standard is bloodshed, the once-blue seas of the planet turning red. The Republic sees early victories across the planet as several cities previously loyal to the Revolution turn against them to join the Republic or declare their neutrality from the war as a growing independent faction. Due to a lack of supply, the main slew of Vohaian forces fall back and take up defensive positions in the cities.

388.17 - | News Story | Mother Mu'la Addresses the Galaxy:


“In this grave hour, perhaps the most fateful in our new history, I send to every household, trench and crater of my peoples, both at home and overseas, this message, spoken
with the same depth of feeling for each one of you as if I were able to cross your threshold and speak to you myself.For the second time in the lives of most of us we are at war. First, in the halls of riotous streets, and now again whence the enemy comes to our shores. Over and over again we have tried to find a peaceful way out of the differences between ourselves and those who are now our enemies. But it has been in vain. We have been forced into a conflict. For we are called, with our principles of freedom to what may feel to be alone. But our freedom is not so lonely, for each of us feels it burn within our hearts, and occupy our minds in the darkest of days. The principle of freedom that lives within all of us, all of us together, we will unite to fight for this fundamental right of being, belonging each and only to every single one of us.

It is the negligence of this principle which permits a state, in the selfish pursuit of power, to disregard its solemn pledges to those that they would call their people. An institution we would long call home exists no longer, and the foul creation that has taken its name is no friend of ours. If this loss of principle were established throughout the world, not only would the freedom of our own land echo its last breath throughout the Galaxy, but so too would the life of all free peoples. Under the servitude of such corrupt, negligent creations, there is no life. Not here, and not for this Galaxy. A poor, grim existence, where one does not know their place as little as they know themselves.

So let it be said, if even we should lose our last beach and burn our last blaster, the Galaxy will know that this was our finest hour. Let it be etched by each of our hands into the annuls of history, forever more, an independent Vohai. This is the ultimate issue which confronts us. For the sake of all that we ourselves hold dear, and of the world’s order and peace, it is unthinkable that we should refuse to meet the challenge. It is to this high purpose that I now call my people at home and my peoples across the seas, who will make our cause their own. I ask them to stand calm, firm, and united in this time of trial. The task will be hard. There may be dark days ahead, and war can no longer be confined to only the battlefield. But we can only do the right as we see the right, and reverently commit our cause to freedom. If one and all we keep resolutely faithful to it, ready for whatever service or sacrifice it may demand, then, in good time, we shall prevail.”
388.19 - | News Story | Benefit Concert cut short after controversial artist incites riot. Musician Hela Amarggill launches a vehement attack against the war on Vohai, prompting his supporters to lash out in anger, accusing the war of being a mass conspiracy aimed to make the rich richer and the poor poorer..

388.21 - | Mission | Behind Enemy Lines: Padawans Serbithar Muunen and Daegon Evera are sent on a secret operation to destroy the shield power generators protecting artillery positions positioned around the fortress of Jesterbon. Not all goes to plan, but the two are victorious and the Jesterbon garrison is relieved.

388.25 - The Chief of State, due to senatorial and public pressure, resigns from the position and lobbies Governor-General Ruun to accepting a peaceful accord. With senatorial pressure mounting and the Vohai strength only decreasing by the day, Mother Mu'la seeks to entertain diplomatic discussions, presenting a rare opportunity for the JEDI to stop the fighting, violence and bloodshed in a peace settlement. While Governor-General Ruun was hostile to this at first, due to political pressure he has been forced to concede, and at least entertain the idea of a peace settlement or ceasefire. Nevertheless, battle has gripped the planet over the past cycles, with the once green fields of Vohai painted red.

389.27 | The hopeful 'Vohai Peace Accords' end in failure and Jedi resignation. Jedi Master and Councillor Iffo Rav'i, along with Jedi Padawan Estelwen Rha and Narael Undine are unable to sway a position of peace among a set of representatives that are spurred on by Ruun's glory-seeking and violent rhetoric. In the face of the Jedi failure, the war continues with Ruun's resignation as Governor-General, and his hopeful championship to the position of Chief of State. However, commentators believe that his resignation was only in name, and he still had an active hand in the planning of the conflict following his departure from the front-line.


390.01 - Mother Mu'la is violently killed by a planted explosive device during the procession of Life Day celebrations. Chaos and confusion grips the ranks of the Revolutionary Guard, while Republic officers and soldiers alike share cheers and song, for they know the war is over. Earlier in the day, the fragments of the Revolutionary Council and Revolutionary military officers reached out to Republic officials and declared their unconditional surrender. Following the perfect outcome of the death, despite the Republic declaring no involvement in the murder, many commentators and anti-war demonstrators are convinced of a Republic-led assassination. The truth on the matter, however, may never be known.

Estimated military casualties (Republic): 8,045
Estimated military casualties (Vohai): 165,200 - 179,291
Estimated civilian casualties: 1.2 million - 7.8 million
Estimated number of civilians displaced: 60.2 million - 100.3 million
Estimated casualties (total): 2.3 million - 9 million ~
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