[Security Event] Screening Test

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[Security Event] Screening Test

Post by Nulla Zil »

  • Subject Details:This test is meant to gather students under a simulated situation of the arrest of two criminals. This is in direct correlation with the idea to send students out in the galaxy to do as we Jedi are meant to: Protect the peace. We do not merely exist for the sole purpose of quelling wars or answering to political situations that would need a well armed mediator.

    There is much duress in the Galaxy that is not met by even the steady hand of the Republic, or Empire. The Galaxy needs the Jedi more than ever even as we are chased out of our homes. This test is to remind you of what you are in the end: A Jedi. Training or not, you have a duty to uphold as you are well on your way to becoming one.

    A Jedi's life is not one lived in comfort and vanity. So I implore all who can to please make it to these screenings. There will be future ones perhaps, but the purpose is to know the capabilities of the students. I would never wish to send anyone to their deaths; this is based on the fact that I feel most of you have no clear idea the dangers of the Galaxy at large beyond what feels brave enough to come to our doorstep or what has happened in History.

    We should live in the present, and deal with the present. We are Guardian's of Peace.

    Check below for listed Date(s).
  • Time, Date & Location:
  • [All Test shall be had in the simulation room | Briefing shall take place in the studies near the Archives(be prompt)]
  • [Complete]Test Day 1: 394.06 ABY 1600-1700 GST Briefing [Test will be had after Briefing]
  • Test Day 2: 394.12 ABY 1500-1600 GST Pre-Briefing [Test will be had after briefing]
  • Additional Information:Do not be discouraged by failure. This test isn't meant to be easy, but see the readiness of the students. It is better to know what your best at, and where you need to improve in order to make proper teams. Solo missions are out of the question until you meet greater maturity for such(This has nothing to do with age, more to do with maturity in skill and use of power).
  • Additional Files:

    Simulated Ecumenopolis:>>File<<

|Name: Nulla Zil||Age: 29||Birthdate:369.08 ABY|
|Homeplanet: Quarzite|
|Initiated:379.02 ABY ||Padawaned:379.20 ABY||Knighted:388.28 ABY|
|Padawan: Nicole Inaru, Daegon Evera|

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Aranna Vaan
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Re: [Security Event] Screening Test

Post by Aranna Vaan »

If there would be a way for me to receive an accommodation, I would like to participate but will not be available until 18:30. If not I understand.

Aranna Vaan

Name: Aranna Vaan Birthday: 369.01 Age: 66
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Re: [Security Event] Screening Test

Post by Serir Vun »

I am eager for putting myself into this test. Thank you for this opportunity to learning more of ourselves.
⌠ Name: Serir Vun • Species: Duros • Master: Joran Fayara | Iffo Rav'i • Knighted: 410.26 • Birth: 374.14 ABY ⌡
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Re: [Security Event] Screening Test

Post by Marek Izu »

I will be there closer to 1700, but I may be just a bit late. For that of which I apologize now.
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Re: [Security Event] Screening Test

Post by Nulla Zil »

To Aranna,

Should you not be able to make the briefing, I will either give a short version, or we can work to planning another date for you to go through the test.

|Name: Nulla Zil||Age: 29||Birthdate:369.08 ABY|
|Homeplanet: Quarzite|
|Initiated:379.02 ABY ||Padawaned:379.20 ABY||Knighted:388.28 ABY|
|Padawan: Nicole Inaru, Daegon Evera|

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Joar Hasmal
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Re: [Security Event] Screening Test

Post by Joar Hasmal »

I'll be there.
| Born: 379.?? | Initiated: 385.25 | Apprenticed to Master Fenn Rahm: 388.22 |
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Re: [Security Event] Screening Test

Post by Xintr Wolfe »

I will be there for the screening. Thank you for arranging one, Master Zil.
\\ Name: Xintr Wolfe || Born: 383 || Arrived: 389.30 || Initiated: 390.10 //
..\\ Apprenticed: 391.25 || Mentor: Narael Undine || Knighted: 406.27 //
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Re: [Security Event] Screening Test

Post by Nulla Zil »

For the second session I'll put to a vote:

1 - Run the same Sim as Test Day 1
2 - Run a new Sim that might present more danger, but allows larger groups of students to tackle it.

((PM me your votes.))

|Name: Nulla Zil||Age: 29||Birthdate:369.08 ABY|
|Homeplanet: Quarzite|
|Initiated:379.02 ABY ||Padawaned:379.20 ABY||Knighted:388.28 ABY|
|Padawan: Nicole Inaru, Daegon Evera|

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Re: [Security Event] Screening Test

Post by Nulla Zil »

|394.09 ABY|


::Test Day 1 Reviews::

Each score rating is done in levels of difficulty and threat level ranging from one to three. Based on how you did in this simulation will show what you could currently handle with your team. Do not fret, as scores can be reviewed from future experience, and chances to take part in what might be considered a level 3 threat level will be available.

Team One: Rebels

Level 1 Mission Score: 100%
Level 2 Mission Score: 86%
Level 3 Mission Score: 68%

Comments: Your team is cleared, and each individual is cleared for levels one and two... however level three is not something I believe you can handle at the current time without a bit of an agreement with leadership and understanding of direct orders.

The death of a teammate brought your score down significantly. As older students, I did not hold back with your simulation, and the droid you were matched up with was engineered specifically to match against a full fledged Jedi. A lightsaber to their shielding would have been only so effective should it activate its overcharge. The Force would be your best option if you worked together. Given the droid was also using an electromagnetic rifle, it was best to act defensively with it.

Teamwork is your greatest asset, but I did not see you pause and take the time to 'wordlessly communicate' standing together is better than standing apart.

You handled the Cyborg well, and there's not much to say about that. I have no bias, and have not cleared anyone individual on this team for level 3. You MUST be able to work as a team, and all survive; there is no other way.

Team Two: Green

Level 1 Mission Score: 100%
Level 2 Mission Score: 82%
Level 3 Mission Score: ---%

Comments: A great effort, but it could have used a bit more tact in some areas. I will let you know, that age is taken into account. You're not all adults, and the rest of the galaxy has eyes. Letting a little girl wander around is dangerously bold, and much could have happened to Silene without proper assistance.

This lowered your score significantly for the level 2 threats.

Other than that, your score for level 3 is to be left blank. I do not believe you're ready for what I see as a level 3. Not because of age, but in terms of skills, knowledge of the Force, diplomacy, etc. none of you yet meet the requirement. Not to worry... as a Level 2 Threat is still dangerous, but you at least aren't fighting trained Jedi Hunters who specifically know weaknesses of the Jedi and our sensitivity to the Force.

Team Three: Objectivators

Level 1 Mission Score: 100%
Level 2 Mission Score: 88%
Level 3 Mission Score: 67%

Comments: Your team had a valiant effort, and a great plan that secured yourselves a great score... however, the execution was a bit off. Remember that you're not going up against regular thugs. Otherwise you'd have had the perfect way of taking down your average mercenary.

Another was your shortsightedness on your target, and allowing them to flee by trying to take other valleys. While I commend the effort, you left your back open and nearly lost Aranna. Had I not been a bit lenient, I would have declared she died. Be wary next time, and trust in your abilities in the Force is all I can add.

Final Comments: Now I will leave you with something to think about.

The Force is and will always be your tactic. Even in high stakes situations where your adrenaline may be on the rise you must calm down and be centered... lest you exhaust yourself from realizing its an option or in some scenario's cease to be able to call upon it for guidance and strength.
  • It is a droid: Do not fear breaking it down, or crushing it with telekinesis. A combined effort of the Force from all three of you can, and will have done so.
  • Extra Utilities and Gear: None of you actually asked for extra armaments which I was surprised about. A Jedi would not be sent on these missions simply with the clothes on their backs, but this is a readiness test, and I'm not hand holding.
  • Before the real deal: Please feel free to ask me, or other teachers more you can learn that will aid you and your allies in scenario's like these. From technology, combat, and the Force you can all improve in some way. I would recommend everyone take a lesson in curato if they already haven't. The ability to sustain your stamina, and null the pain of minor wounds goes a far distance.
Do not be afraid to attend the same simulation twice, as you're here to improve. Also don't fear being knocked down into an unknown place. Survival is one of the skills of us Jedi, even if it's to do that against a Rancor.

See you all very soon.


  • | Journal Author: Nulla Zil |

|Name: Nulla Zil||Age: 29||Birthdate:369.08 ABY|
|Homeplanet: Quarzite|
|Initiated:379.02 ABY ||Padawaned:379.20 ABY||Knighted:388.28 ABY|
|Padawan: Nicole Inaru, Daegon Evera|

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Nulla Zil
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Re: [Security Event] Screening Test

Post by Nulla Zil »

Second Test Day Posted.

|Name: Nulla Zil||Age: 29||Birthdate:369.08 ABY|
|Homeplanet: Quarzite|
|Initiated:379.02 ABY ||Padawaned:379.20 ABY||Knighted:388.28 ABY|
|Padawan: Nicole Inaru, Daegon Evera|

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Nulla Zil
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Re: [Security Event] Screening Test

Post by Nulla Zil »

|394.14 ABY|


::Test Day 2 Reviews::

Each score rating is done in levels of difficulty and threat level ranging from one to three. Based on how you did in this simulation will show what you could currently handle with your team. Do not fret, as scores can be reviewed from future experience, and chances to take part in what might be considered a level 3 threat level will be available.

  • Xintr
  • Caerith Lhot
  • Zel Mirra
  • Xishala
  • [Extra Help: Serbithar]

Level 1 Mission Score: 100%
Level 2 Mission Score: 72%
Level 3 Mission Score: 54%

Comments: Given this was a minor level 3 threat level, I expected an all out failure from the very beginning. That and coupled with the fact that the majority of you are fairly new to the order it was obvious.

I would only send those who have shown themselves capable to handle difficult situations even alone. You still did well, but for the younger students, I would need you to ask for your Masters permission to be allowed on a Level Two, just in case.

Final Comments: All I will say is that the armaments you chose were a fair bit lack luster. I know you were worried about the civilian's of course, but if so you must be careful with how you go about that.

You already knew where the gang was, so I suppose getting all the Civilian's out would have been your first course of action. An easy way to do that is to either pull a fire alarm, and blindside the enemy when they aren't looking, or try to trick one of the Mercenaries into escorting people out by affecting their mind.

There's many ways to tackle the scenario, and this isn't me chastising you. I'm letting you know that you all still have much to learn, as well as consider.

Good job.


  • | Journal Author: Nulla Zil |

|Name: Nulla Zil||Age: 29||Birthdate:369.08 ABY|
|Homeplanet: Quarzite|
|Initiated:379.02 ABY ||Padawaned:379.20 ABY||Knighted:388.28 ABY|
|Padawan: Nicole Inaru, Daegon Evera|
