.5 XP system

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Xin Okata
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.5 XP system

Post by Xin Okata »

Would it be possible to add a .5 XP to RPMod? I believe some assignments/encounters/lessons aren't worth the full XP, and while I can coordinate and calculate it myself without it necessarily being in the RPMod system; would RPMod be able to support this in the first place?

And if a class comes with an assignment, perhaps a 1.5 or 2.5 would be more acceptable than +1 additional XP. Or maybe extra effort in a class could be worth the additional .5? I know this largely depends on the prerogative of the Knight/Master, but I think this would be a useful feature to add to RPMod.
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Re: .5 XP system

Post by Teynara Jeralyr »

Ooh, I definitely support this.
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Re: .5 XP system

Post by Tharon Jivler »

I was about to say +1, but allow me to say this.

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Re: .5 XP system

Post by Silene »

I don't really see the use of a .5 xp. If something is not worth giving a full point just don't give it.

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Re: .5 XP system

Post by Xintr Wolfe »

((I would tend to agree with Silene. The more granular the system the more 'detailed' deliberations will be for those granting xp. Keep your lives simple, what isn't worth 1XP doesn't get any. In principle I'm against drawing more attention to the XP system; more simple = more good))
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Re: .5 XP system

Post by Sirius Invictus »

I wouldn't normally chime in a suggestion prior to seeing its extend; however, the students here hit the nail on the head.

Emphasis and workarounds shouldn't be given to the XP system. It only serves into giving it more attention when in fact the opposite should be the case, within reason.

If something is borderline worth 1 xp, going in so far to be 0.5 xp, then as mentioned above, simply don't grant any xp.
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Re: .5 XP system

Post by Kallan Reu »

The thought of having .5 next to an xp count really grosses me out :')

Either something is worth XP or it isn't, I don't think I'd be particularly happy seeing this system in place. Don't see the need to deviate from whole numbers.

EDIT: Personally I'd rather see the level and xp system gone in favor of something else entirely.

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Xin Okata
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Re: .5 XP system

Post by Xin Okata »

Adding this doesn't necessarily make the system more complicated, nor does it place a greater emphasis on XP. The amounts of XP granted have always been up to the prerogative of each individual Knight. Whether they choose to use it or not is entirely up to them. In fact, giving a .5 would make it harder to gain XP, lessening the emphasis on it. A similar thing was done by adjusting the XP amounts to gain levels, if we wish to talk about putting an emphasis on XP. It just gives Knights/Masters more tools to give XP. But I'll leave it up to the majority. Not everything is worth 1 XP, the same way not everything is worth 2 XP. I fail to understand, with this logic in mind, .5 would not be deemed considerable.
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Jana Haren
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Re: .5 XP system

Post by Jana Haren »

Kallan Reu wrote: Wed May 20, 2020 10:01 am The thought of having .5 next to an xp count really grosses me out :')

Either something is worth XP or it isn't, I don't think I'd be particularly happy seeing this system in place. Don't see the need to deviate from whole numbers.

EDIT: Personally I'd rather see the level and xp system gone in favor of something else entirely.
I find this quote very interesting.
I believe that the reason behind this suggestion is the "XP farming" issue, which is to be considered something that needs to be dealt with. While we all agree that XP should be some side feature to RP that marks the force improvement of each character, we also condemn any form of action aimed to obtain the most XP, to the expense of RP itself. I can't but wonder if there's another way, but yeah, the .5 XP isn't worth the job behind implementing it IMO. You might as well double the XP requirements to unlock force powers and level ups, halving the value of 1 XP, but that wouldn't fix the issue.

I'd be quite interested in seeing suggestions for alternatives (or additions that may provide other forms of rewards in advancement) to the XP system.
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Re: .5 XP system

Post by Silene »

Is xp farming really a thing nowadays ?

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Narael Undine
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Re: .5 XP system

Post by Narael Undine »

I would do away with all xp tbh. Make levels something like age progression, which will solve problems like XP farming , players complaining you didn't give them XP when an older Padawan attends an intro class, and the discrepancy between active players who are not able to attend classes dropping behind.

I suggest ignoring powers at all, since they are only used for sparring 99% of the time. If that's too much, Base powers (and lightsaber stuff) should level up like the main game, in fixed intervals P.ex get rank 1 at level 3, rank 2 at level 7 and rank 3 at level 12 and so on. And ignore special abilities at all, since they are entirely useless for RP and they usually cheaper sparring as well.

Training in abilities continues as is, with Knights confirming success or failure. But no xp, and no ability points.

Mentors and overseers can be the ones keeping the tabs on their students (as they should be). And all knights can update initiate or non oversee'd students.
Last edited by Narael Undine on Wed May 20, 2020 3:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: .5 XP system

Post by Ber-til Keztor »

I am not a fan of this mostly because I imagine the kind of stuff you'd need to rewrite and update in the code. Probably it's not even that big of a deal but I don't see the need when RPMod could at best be improved with more RP tools rather than having to adjust the Force Template & XP systems more than what they haven't been already.

When you double the need for XP by halving the reward you do not kill the problem, you just make the students work harder and make the issue even stronger.

I do not personally see the problem but if the current XP rate situation is something anyone considers an issue, in my opinion, the only way is to leave an example. Not literally one but do not highlight the XP that much is the best we can do. Do not settle milestones behind the level of the character but value the moments we spend with others.

Encourage them to seek growth and development from the roleplay. We have journals that can be potent IC tools that are never really used to their fullest potential as it usually falls down to writing entries about assignments or the thoughts on the latest mission.

But it's something that either everyone does or the example will always be something you can just ignore and instead use it for the XP. Attending classes and lessons and all aren't bad things at all. It's something students do. Back in the lore; students had fixated and strict schedules with how many times they had to meditate and the hours of their different training sessions and lessons every single day.
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Re: .5 XP system

Post by Jana Haren »

I don't know if there's any policy in this regards, I'm sure it's no commonly contemplated as XP granting procedure, but from my point of view (but I might just be idealistic and not practical) XP shouldn't be just a coin of exchange for "stuff you do", like <standard amount of XP per class>, because that way you're indirectly sending the message that the more classes you attend, the more XP you get.

To me XP grants indicate rewards that should be used to reward RP quality over quantity. By that I mean that it should aim to reward creative interpretation, variety of approach and contribute to the overall RP environment. But of course, when it comes to classes, the "XP reward as presence coin" is a long established mechanism that would require a whole revolution of the progression system to dismantle.
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Teynara Jeralyr
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Re: .5 XP system

Post by Teynara Jeralyr »

As Jana indicated, there's a simple rule for this:

XP equals actual experience.

Something new should happen: a lesson should be learned, an accomplishment should be made, a change in perspective or awareness should occur. And all this, for reference, should also be documented in your journals.

I'd also add: that's a very good reason for students to assess whether they deserve/warrant XP for a particular class/outing/sim/mission. Did your character develop from the experience? Have they learned something new? Have they grown as a person?

If the answer's "No", kindly let us know, so we can deny you the XP. That's not a criticism on you, but you taking stock of your experience and progress in the community and actively respecting the reasons for the existence of the system.
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