Ord Mantell Lead Investigation

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Aranna Vaan
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Ord Mantell Lead Investigation

Post by Aranna Vaan »

Overview/Mission Name Ord Mantell Lead Investigation
Name: Aranna Vaan
Rank: Padawan
Date(s): 399.21
Location: Ord Mantell
Members of the Jedi Order present:Aranna Vaan
Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: Planet
  • A number of droids were dismantled and destroyed in the warehouse district and one crate was damaged in the fighting.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • Padawan Vaan departed Rannon to Ord Mantell on 399.21

Knight Security Clearance
Information available to Knights+
  • Padawan Vaan followed a tracking device located in an unmarked crate belonging to Senator Treychar under suspicion that it held evidence linking him to crimes against sentience.
  • Padawan Vaan located the crate and, after an altercation with guard droids, the contents of which were revealed to be filled with cred-chits.


Jedi Council Clearance
Information available to Council+ and mission attendees.
  • I experienced a number of sensorial anomalies while investigating the crate. I saw an android force user who attacked me before an apparition of Master Rhuacca dismantled it. I confirmed he was not on the planet later. Shortly after, visions of friends and those I care about wielding lightsabers and running off to 'hold off the enemy' while I investigated the crate, including a vision of myself who told me not to get distracted. I'm unsure where the source of the visions came from.
Related Events
Links to either potential or confirmed related events/stories/missions
Potential: Credits may have been allocated payments towards illegal gem mining in areas where sentient's rights violations occur.
Confirmed: Credits were shipped from Senator Treychar's warehouse on Corsucant directly to this Ord Mantell location, so, whatever their purpose they belong to him.
Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

In my opinion..

My recommendations are as follows...
  • This evidence should be consolidated along with prior evidence to continue building a case to be submitted to the Senate Oversight committee on Coruscant.

Name: Aranna Vaan Birthday: 369.01 Age: 66
Initiation: 376.17 Apprenticed: 382.24 Knighted: 400.30
Rank: Jedi Knight Mentor: Rhuacca
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