(( Character progression question ))

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Minoda Darkrider
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(( Character progression question ))

Post by Minoda Darkrider »

(( Hey all,

Had a couple of questions around character progression for my species. My character is a Kiffar, he is only a young child and therefore wasn't given the opportunity to have his Kiffar tattoos applied (Qukuuf - http://holocron.swcombine.com/wiki/Kiffar#Qukuuf).

I thought as a nice character progression, as Minoda struggles with his identity in the transition from leaving his homeworld of Kiffex and his clan (Darkrider) he would find his new identity within the Jedi Order, leaving behind his clan name but having a new symbolic facial tattoo to mesh his Kiffar heritage with his new life at the temple.

So essentially, if Minoda Darkrider is initiated into ::JEDI:: he would drop Darkrider from his name to commit himself fully to his Jedi teachings as a form of symbolism but also adopt a new style facial tattoos in the style of Kiffar Qukuuf, again symbolising his commitment to the Jedi Order.

Nice way to keep consistent with the literature I've found e.g. " those Kiffar who leave Kiffex will often maintain their tattoos as a way to identify themselves and other Kiffar."

Interested to hear what kind of character progression others have had and any thoughts you have on the ideas I've shared. :D
MENTOR: Serbithar Muunen, Rhuacca
DEPARTMENT ROLES: Diplomat, General Technician, Sage
LANGUAGES: Basic, Kiffu, Huttese
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Xintr Wolfe
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Re: (( Character progression question ))

Post by Xintr Wolfe »

((As someone who's asked similar questions about his character's future, my advice is: Know the place your character is NOW, and let the future unfold in interactions with others.

If he's young, how important are the tattoos to him? Was he about to get them? What conversations bring them up? How does he react to the other tattooed faces? Let Minoda make his own path in his own life. A plan is great and daydreaming about the future is fun, but IMHO Jedi works best when the actual future happens interactively.

Just my two cents, let it be an IC evolution not an OOC decision

And of course, don't be in any rush ;) With luck Minoda wil be around a long while yet.))
\\ Name: Xintr Wolfe || Born: 383 || Arrived: 389.30 || Initiated: 390.10 //
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Zaesh Kyarr
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Re: (( Character progression question ))

Post by Zaesh Kyarr »

(( Xintr couldn't have said it any better ^ ))

~ NAME: Zaesh Kyarr | AGE: 22 | SPECIES: Echani | HOMEWORLD: Dantooine | MENTOR: Narael Undine ~
~ BIRTH: 389.25 ABY | INITIATED: 397.09 ABY | APPRENTICED: 398.01 ABY ~

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Minoda Darkrider
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Re: (( Character progression question ))

Post by Minoda Darkrider »

((Thanks for the advice! It was more of a way to think about my characters identity, I guess the real thing I am struggling with is how to set things up properly within an RP environment that would facilitate my character receiving things like facial tattoos etc.

Makes more sense for these kinds of things to just happen organically. It's only been a few days but I'm really enjoying the journey :D ))
MENTOR: Serbithar Muunen, Rhuacca
DEPARTMENT ROLES: Diplomat, General Technician, Sage
LANGUAGES: Basic, Kiffu, Huttese
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Xintr Wolfe
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Re: (( Character progression question ))

Post by Xintr Wolfe »

(( Glad you're enjoying it so far, and enthusiasm for the future is great. I do think you'll enjoy the results of letting IC experiences shape your character more than locking in certain OOC goals for them. Though having something to work towards can be a great motivator. ))
\\ Name: Xintr Wolfe || Born: 383 || Arrived: 389.30 || Initiated: 390.10 //
..\\ Apprenticed: 391.25 || Mentor: Narael Undine || Knighted: 406.27 //
....\\ Padawan: Zyli Hiden //
......\\ Artisan: Master Artisan || Aces: Flight Leader || Diplomacy: Envoy //
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