When Predator becomes Prey

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When Predator becomes Prey

Post by Xishala »

When Predator becomes Prey
Name: Xishala Uquali
Rank: Padawan
Date(s): 405.10 ABY
Location: Honoghr
Members of the Jedi Order present: Mirkal Ter'vho, Xishala Uquali, Valgam Freestar
Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: Local
  • Noghri Hunters and Gatherers, Primarily of Clan Bakh'tor, are disappearing.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • There are no bodies, though markings suggest a being is in the area that no one is familiar with.

Knight Security Clearance
Information available to Knights+
  • Ruins of an Ancient Civilization dot the landscape of Honoghr. The Noghri tend to stay away from them, for local legend suggests they are haunted by ghosts and horrific visions of the past
Related Events
Links to either potential or confirmed related events/stories/missions
Potential: none
Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

In my opinion..
There is something terrorizing the population of Noghri in this region. I think that perhaps some being has made it's lair within one of these ancient, and supposedly cursed ruins and has been mutated... either by Trihexalophine 1138 or perhaps a nexus of Dark Side force energy. I recognize that my explanation is out there but I think I have enough evidence to support this claim. No matter what the cause is of these disappearances, whatever the Noghri face is daunting, considering their martial prowess and proficiencies in killing...

My recommendations are as follows...
  • The Jedi on Honoghr should accompany the Clan Bakh'tor hunters on their hunt tomorrow.
  • Hopefully we can find a clue as to what is causing the Noghri disappearances.
Last edited by Xishala on Fri Dec 11, 2020 12:29 am, edited 1 time in total.

Hatched: 383.23 Initiated: 391.29 Apprenticed: 394.05
Master: Mirkal Ter'vho Specializations: Scout, Aspirant Archeologist
Homeworlds: Glee-anselm/Dac Languages: Mon Calamarian, Nautila, Quarrenese, Honoghran, Basic

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Re: When Predator becomes Prey

Post by Xishala »

When Predator becomes Prey
Name: Xishala Uquali
Rank: Padawan
Date(s): 205.11ABY
Location: Honoghran Wastes.. south of the clean zone.
Members of the Jedi Order present: Mirkal Ter'vho, Xishala Uquali.
Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: Local
  • A large Hunting party, including a Droid and two Jedi left Ulariish village.
  • Their intent was to find the lair of the creature they assume is disappearing the Noghri
  • Some time later, the Noghri Hunters returned, besides two who did not, Azhrakim and Blukovam. The Jedi and the Droid also did not return.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • The hunting party followed the creature's prints to a gorge between two mountain ridges, where the trail ended.
  • The Jedi, Two Noghri, and a Droid scoured the area for information, and set up camp within the valley.

Knight Security Clearance
Information available to Knights+
  • A Clone War era Trade Federation transport vessel was found within the valley, corroded beyond recognition.
  • Also within the valley was another structure. Mirkal and Xishala have dated the structure as being built some time after the Honoghran Cataclysm. There were stockpiled crates of supplies and technologies, all abandoned.
  • Mirkal and Xishala were able to recover a row of uncorrupted datastacks in encrypted binary.

Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

In my opinion..
The mystery has grown further and we are offered very little in the way of answers. I would second guess what my instincts tell me is happening, if I couldn't viscerally feel a lingering corruption in the force faintly all around us. I am now no longer sure if what we track is a sentient humanoid, or an animal. I hope the Datastacks we found will provide us some information about what they needed to measure so accurately, and why this structure exists.

My recommendations are as follows...
  • When we can establish a strong enough connection, the datastacks we found should be uploaded through one of our Datapads onto the Kaylee's onboard computers for decryption
  • We camp the night out in a strategically defendable position.
  • We wait until new information presents itself to decide on a plan for moving forward.

Hatched: 383.23 Initiated: 391.29 Apprenticed: 394.05
Master: Mirkal Ter'vho Specializations: Scout, Aspirant Archeologist
Homeworlds: Glee-anselm/Dac Languages: Mon Calamarian, Nautila, Quarrenese, Honoghran, Basic

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Re: When Predator becomes Prey

Post by Mirkal »

Overview/Mission Name
Name: Mirkal
Rank: Jedi Knight
Date(s): 405.16-17
Location: Honoghr
Members of the Jedi Order present: Mirkal, Xishala Uquali, Valgam Freestar
Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: Planet
  • The Jedi, Blavokam, and Azrakhim return from their expedition, and have cleansed the land of the predators.
  • Eight Noghri were rescued from the sunken temple in the wasteland. Eight more were found dead in an altar room.
  • <Clan Dynasts Only> Kaik'rahl Clan Bakh'tor was involved abducting Noghri with the assistance of Vornskyrs. Besides a claim that the Noghris' sense of honor was holding them back and zeal for a vague "higher cause", nothing of substance was said before fatal combat ensued.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • The Jedi did a thermal scan of the area in their ship the Kaylee, revealing a cavern underneath the valley that was reached via a mining charge.
  • The Jedi acquire and copy the navigation data from the CIS vessel and the datastacks from the unidentified structures on the surface to the memory banks of the Kaylee for future decryption and analysis.

Knight Security Clearance
Information available to Knights+
  • The cavern appears appears to be an expansive underground Rakatan Temple. The structure appears to have been supplied power by a monolith in the center of two main hallways that absorbs the fear of others, itself fed by the fear and suffering of the tortured Noghri.
  • The Jedi trio first found the Noghri prisoners in an improvised holding area with ray shields. One cell was sliced open, but the other two were fed the newly freed energy and unable to be unlocked. Xishala communicated with the Noghri and they agreed to stay put until the Jedi party could free all of them.
  • Valgam interacted with a large door that was heavily imbued with some sort of Dark Side ward that stunned him. His lightsaber was rendered inert, which we did not realize until it was attempted to be activated several minutes later.
  • Mirkal, Valgam reach the base of the hallway and see an altar/sacrifice room with 8 dead noghri, and one living (Posthumously identified by brother Azrakhim as Kaik'rahl Bakh'tor, was likely to have been Force sensitive). Trap is activated and Xishala is sealed inside with Kaik'rahl. Valgam and Mirkal are swarmed by his domesticated vornskyrs, and are unable to lend assistance. She sustains several minor cuts, and a major laceration to her leg, but still managed to subdue Kaik'rahl in combat.

Jedi Council Clearance
Information available to Council+ and mission attendees.
  • The total Noghri in the temple consisted of eight corpses and Kaik'rahl in the altar room, and eight prisoners, totaling 17. However, the combined Noghri clans say 28 hunters were missing over two years, with Kaik'rahl being the first. This leaves 11 Noghri unaccounted for.
  • Kaik'rahl wielded a crude-looking blade not of Noghri origin that could withstand lightsaber strikes
Related Events
Links to either potential or confirmed related events/stories/missions
Potential: N/A
Confirmed: N/A
Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

In my opinion..
The immediate threat on Honoghr appears to have been quelled, and we can now lend assistance in helping heal that area of the planet from the ecosystem damage, and from the dark side if possible (just as well. Perhaps this buried scourge has held back Honoghr's healing?). Regrettable we could not obtain Kaik'rahl alive for questioning or redemption, as he was slain by a vornskyr after Xishala subdued him. How he managed to obtain his blade and over a dozen vornskyrs is a mystery. I implore more investigation be done within the temple and on the evidence acquired during the mission. Specifics detailed below.

My recommendations are as follows...
  • Jedi Knight Aranna Vaan has offered to lend her assistance and expertise in healing to help that area of Honoghr. We should let her attempt her relief efforts as soon as possible. Excavation of the Rakatan Temple should simultaneously commence soon; the place was very expansive with many cave-ins blocking sections of the structure.
  • Attempt to decrypt the datastacks, as well as structures on the surface should be investigated; they must have been constructed some time after the Clone Wars considering the technology and supplies.
  • The Noghri wished to keep this as much of an internal matter as possible. Out of respect for their honor, I implore the council keep the details of the truth behind the threat a secret unless it would further danger the Noghri people.
With his love's last breath, she too exhaled a tale:
A new sun rises from the sea to flood the land in light...
Raising the mother's shining soul as blessing, these spirits light the dark to cull

Many times for eons yet to pass, the day will fade and night again will fall
But when it's darkest and again we thrash within its grip
Again the sun will rise
those spirits come to save us all
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