Loose Wires, Loose Screws | 409.24

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Zyli Hiden
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Loose Wires, Loose Screws | 409.24

Post by Zyli Hiden »

Loose Wires, Loose Screws
Name: Zyli Hiden
Rank: Padawan
Date(s): 409.24
Location: Haranae Sewers
Members of the Jedi Order present: Knight Xintr Wolfe and Padawan Zyli Hiden
Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: <None, Planet, Sector, Region, Galaxy>
  • None
  • The Electrical Fixes made in the sewers of Haranae were kept secret to prevent any gangs from seeing repairs being done in another domain, which would cause further chaos in the region.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • Knight Wolfe and Padawan Hiden headed to the Haranae Sewers to investigate and issue repairs to the sewers, due to hearings of malfunctions in the area.
  • Knight Wolfe and Padawan Hiden then split between two different areas of the sewer to cover ground quicker.
  • Padawan Hiden came upon a terminal box that appeared to be sparking and out of control. Once Padawan Hiden tried to shut off the power grid so she could operate on the box, it appeared as the Terminal Box had been tampered with.
  • A Wire had been put into the terminal box and was directing power elsewhere. Padawan Hiden investigated and had found an area covered with a huge amount of scrap and parts. A man and an unoperational droid were there.
  • Once Padawan Hiden confronted the man, he appeared to be unresponsive to her and talking to a certain individual not there. He claimed that Padawan Hiden had parts and that she must give it over at once. Padawan Hiden then fled the scene, and the man discharged a blaster at her.
  • Padawan Hiden then got back in contact with Knight Wolfe, informing him of the circumstances. They had remet and headed back to where the man previously was. It had appeared as the man and his droid fled the scene. Knight Wolfe then proceeded to fix a generator that had appeared next to the droid. Padawan Hiden then proceeded with repairs upon the Terminal box.
  • The sewer control system then went off, as the sewer started to flood sewage, suggesting someone was in control of the sewer. Knight Wolfe and Padawan Hiden then fled the scene. However, it appeared the sewer then returned to normal levels of sewage after Knight Wolfe and Padawan Hiden left.

Summary and Actions
In my opinion, I believe that the man that was found is up to malicious acts to build his droid. He appears delusional and is using parts from the sewage technology to build his droid. He may possibly also have control over the sewage system at this time.

My recommendations are as follows...
  • Send someone or a team to follow up and check the Haranae sewage systems for any more interference. It is possible the damage caused by the man could cause issues for the people of Haranae to not have proper running Sewage. If so the man needs to be apprehended.
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