409.25 The Extraction of Marek Izu

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Dexen Cass
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409.25 The Extraction of Marek Izu

Post by Dexen Cass »

The Extraction of Marek Izu
Name: Dexen Cass
Rank: Padawan
Date(s): 409.25
Location: Dune Sea, Tatooine
Members of the Jedi Order present: Serbithar Muunen, Dexen Cass, Marek Izu, Serir Vun, Aren Kelpor, Silene Oniron, and Rhuacca

Master Rhuacca sent an emergency holo communication detailing a request for an emergency medical evacuation for Padawan Marek Izu - who from the urgency of the request, and the tone of Master Rhuacca's translation unit - was potentially incapacitated, Master Rhuacca noted several lifeforms closing in on his location, so we had to move quickly.

We quickly boarded a shuttle - Master Muunen boarded his own fighter, and we quickly left the atmosphere of Rannon and into space, where we then quickly jumped to hyperspace, After a short period of time we were outside of the orbit of Tatooine, where we then entered the atmosphere and landed in the sand of the Dune Sea.

We all departed the shuttle and began our search for Marek Izu. Master Muunen was surveying the area in his personal fighter - and drew their fire enough for myself to identify the location of the blaster fire, which we immediately set our path towards. Upon arriving close to Marek's location we noticed a small group of Tusken Raiders - about three or so, which Master Muunen dispatched quickly with fire from his fighter, allowing us to take their position on the ridge unobstructed.

Arriving on the scene, Marek was bruised and beaten and rendered unconscious. and Nearby a fighter lodged into the sand. We placed him on a Gurney and Serir set to work on stabilizing him. During this procedure, we were assaulted by waves of Sandpeople - I appointed Aren a position on the opposite ridge to the one I had moved to, and Silene covered our flank, allowing us to more or less create a perimeter. Master Rhuacca instructed us to move shortly afterward.

I took point to move the gurney - the repulsor lifts were damaged by blaster fire previously, so it had to be done manually. Serir protected me as I pushed Marek towards the safety of the shuttle - when arriving there was a final assault by the Tusken Raiders, which were dealt with quickly by my fellow Jedi.

As of writing this report, Marek is in the med bay recovering from his wounds.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • Marek Izu was injured on Tatooine following an event that is yet to be determined.

Related Events
Links to either potential or confirmed related events/stories/missions
Potential: There's a risk that a Tusken Raider may be in possession of a lightsaber - if it can manage to use it, this could be cause for alarm for the citizens of Tatooine.
Confirmed: Marek Izu lost his lightsaber during this incident.
Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

In my opinion... What happened here is up to interpretation - with how hectic the scene was, it's impossible to speculate whether or not this was a targetted attack, though the presence of a crashed fighter being near the scene raises questions in my mind - as I don't believe that the Tusken Raiders are capable of bringing one down.

My recommendations are as follows...
  • Follow up with settlements or towns near the coordinates where Marek was found to determine any increase in sand people activity.
  • Investigate the scene of the accident to determine what brought the fighter down.
  • Await Marek to regain consciousness for a full, detailed report on the situation.


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Serbithar Muunen
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Re: 409.25 The Extraction of Marek Izu

Post by Serbithar Muunen »

The Extraction of Marek Izu
Name: Serbithar Muunen
Rank: Knight
Date(s): 409.25
Location: Dune Sea, Tatooine
Members of the Jedi Order present: Serbithar Muunen, Dexen Cass, Marek Izu, Serir Vun, Aren Kelpor, Silene Oniron, and Rhuacca

On 409.25, approximately 1700 GST, the Rannon Praxeum received a distress call from Master Rhuacca. He requested immediate assistance on the remote desert world of Tatooine. We have received reports on Padawan Izu being stranded on a remote location, with serious injuries that needed immediate medical attention.

I was piloting the Varactyl Vanguard (callsign: Varactyl-One), while the MEDEVAC team consisting of Padawan Cass, Kelpor, Oniron and Vun was aboard a Lambda Shuttle. Providing aerial escort to said vessel, we arrived at Tatooine, immediately approaching the source of the distress signal Padawan Izu was able to send. The MEDEVAC team was held back by a considerable hostile force of local Tusken raiders. Realizing the severity and urgency of our mission, I proceeded to a do a sweeping run, loosening the Sandpeople to a degree that can be easily taken care of by MEDEVAC.
After one more sweeping run, I landed nearby to provide further ground support. Following a series of considerably smaller firefight, we managed to stabilize Padawan Izu just enough to make it back to Rannon, where he was immediately handed to the Medical Department.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • Padawan Izu undergone a really invasive operation. As far as I understand, his injuries were so severe that an amputation was carried out.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • Padawan Izu was injured on Tatooine following an event that is yet to be determined.

Knight Security Clearance
Information available to Knights+
  • It is very likely that an unknown individual set Padawan Izu up for this journey that ended with an ambush on purpose. Further investigation is required. It is confirmed that the individual we are looking for is a Kenzie citizen

Related Events
Links to either potential or confirmed related events/stories/missions
I do not wish to add to this section, Padawan Cass made a perfect summary of both potential and confirmed risks and events

Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

Following further consultation with Master Rhuacca, this ambush was far from an improvised one. I believe that Tusken raiders, although being overly and aggressively territorial, could not have carried out this attack with Padawan Izu sustaining so many injuries. Whatever was the case, Padawan Izu fell victim to a well orchestrated ambush beforehand, even resulting in being disarmed (his lightsaber was not recovered, nor was it found in the deployment zone.

My recommendations are as follows...
  • Survey and question the nearby settlements about recent activities that could lead to the initial ambush site
  • During the recon flight, as Padawan Cass also pointed out, there was a crashed vessel, a TIE model at first glance. Since this model is the standard issue fighter craft utilized by the Empire to this day, I also suggest contacting the appropriate authorities for any matching flight records...
  • ...we have also spotted a group of Java scavengers nearby. Their testimony would also prove useful in the previously mentioned point.
  • As soon as Padawan Izu regains his strength we should conduct a report.
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Aren Kelpor
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Re: 409.25 The Extraction of Marek Izu

Post by Aren Kelpor »

The Extraction of Marek Izu
Name: Aren Kelpor
Rank: Padawan
Date(s): 409.25
Location: Dune Sea, Tatooine
Members of the Jedi Order present: Knight Serbithar Muunen, Padawan Dexen Cass, Padawan Marek Izu, Padawan Serir Vun, Padawan Aren Kelpor, Padawan Silene Oniron, and Knight Rhuacca
Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
On 409.25 around 1700GST, Master Rhuacca received and replied to a distress signal from Padawan Marek Izu. Master Rhu immediately requested assistance from Rannon, and a rescue team assembled, and departed Rannon for Tatoonie.

The rescue team arrived at the Dune Sea some time later and landed some distance away from the distress signal due to the terrain. The rescue team moved out on foot, where Padawan Cass noticed small arms fire as well as an E-wing providing what appeared to be Close Air Support. The rescue team quickly moved towards the small arms fire where they came in contact with numerous Tusken Raiders. After a brief and fierce engagement, the rescue team set up a perimeter around Padawan Izu, Knight Rhuacca, and Knight Muunen, while Padawan Vun performed triage and stabilization for the injured Padawan Izu. After fending off several more attacks by Tuskan Raiders, Padawan’s Kelpor and Oniron were sent to secure the shuttle and prepare it for launch.

The remaining rescue team was engaged several times while pulling back towards the shuttle. Once the Padawans were aboard the shuttle Knights Muunen and Rhuacca were able to recover their E-wings, the entire rescue team returned to Rannon.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • Padawan Izu was injured on Tatoonie, the event is as of yet undetermined.
  • Padawan Izu's location in the Dune Sea appears to be a secondary location. A swoop damage swoop bike was found near his person.
  • There was minimal damage to the Shuttle and E-wings

Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

It appeared that Padawan Izu was chased to the location where he was rescued in the Dune Sea, thus resulting in an unorganized series of ambushes. There was a downed Tie Fighter next to Padawan Izu, which appeared to have been there for sometime. I do not believe that the Tusken Raiders had or have the firepower to bring down that starfighter.

During the time that we were engaged, we attempted to disarm the Raiders in ways that were none-lethal, specifically targeting their weapons. However it appeared that many of the raiders after loosing there long rifles attempted to engage in melee.

  • Recommend looking into the Tie Fighter, contacting appropriate authorities for information on this vessel.
  • There were several Jawa’s nearby, it might be prudent to talk to them as they seemed to have been there for the duration of the rescue/
  • Once Padawan Izu is able to provide additional information, it would be advisable to interview Padawan Izu to gain additional insight to what occurred.
  • If we are able to find the location of where Padawan Izu was kept, it might be prudent to discover why the Raiders were so instant on trying to capture or recapture Padawan Izu.
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Marek Izu
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Re: 409.25 The Extraction of Marek Izu

Post by Marek Izu »

The Extraction of Marek Izu
Name: Marek Izu
Rank: Padawan
Date(s): 409.25
Location: Dune Sea, Tatooine
Members of the Jedi Order present: Serbithar Muunen, Dexen Cass, Marek Izu, Serir Vun, Aren Kelpor, Silene Oniron, and Rhuacca

About two weeks before 409.25, I had gotten a tip of an unfinished lightsaber that was used to pay off a debt. When I was told the lightsaber was on Tatooine, I took an e-wing and once I landed at the location, I found myself in the middle of a conflict between Jawas and Tuskens.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • The man who gave me the tip said he stole the lightsaber and sold it off to pay off debts to Hutts.
  • When I arrived at the location, I found myself at a larger facility being used by the Jawas. Before I could get close enough, I started getting shot at. Upon them getting closer, they realized I was not a threat and invited me inside.
  • While I could not understand them, the Jawa showing me around did also show me the lightsaber that was mentioned. It did work, but it did eventually short out.

Knight Security Clearance
Information available to Knights+
  • Shortly after the Jawa demonstrated the use of the lightsaber I was after, and their complete lack of desire to sell it to me, Tuskens invaded the facility.
  • Once the Tuskens started filing in, they started creating chaos. I was able to defend myself until they surrounded me, forcing me to surrender and become their prisoner until 409.25
  • After much physical punishment, they blasted my left hand, leading to its infection and consequential amputation.
  • On 409.25, I was able to just barely sneak out, stealing a working swoop and taking off into the Dune Sea. The swoop ran out of fuel as I came across the old TIE ship made campsite. I was able to link up the swoop, TIE cockpit, and an antennae to send out a distress call. From there, I passed out and do not remember waking up until I was in the healing tank on Rannon.

Related Events
Links to either potential or confirmed related events/stories/missions
My lightsaber was taken from me when I was taken prisoner by the Tuskens.

Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

I have read the other reports that have been submitted. While this may have been a set up, there is nothing that happened to me that could absolutely confirm that.

My recommendations are as follows...
  • We follow Master Muunen's suggestions.
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Re: 409.25 The Extraction of Marek Izu

Post by Silene »

The Extraction of Marek Izu
Name: Silene Astra-Oniron
Rank: Padawan
Date(s): 409.25
Location: Dune Sea, Tatooine
Members of the Jedi Order present: Jedi Knight Serbithar Muunen, Padawan Dexen Cass, Padawan Marek Izu, Padawan Serir Vun, Padawan Aren Kelpor, Padawan Silene Astra-Oniron, and Jedi Knight Rhuacca

On 409.25, around 1700 GST,we received a distress call through the security broadcast system coming from Master Rhuacca. He acknowledged us that Padawan Marek Izu was in need of urgent assistance on Tatooine with life threatening injuries.

A small team quickly gathered in the praxeum hangar and departed immediatly after a short briefing from master Rhuacca. Aren was in charge of piloting the shuttle while master Muunen was piloting the Varactyl Vanguard
When arriving on Tatooine, we headed directly to the source of the distress signal in the middle of the desert.
On site many Tusken raiders were already surrounding the area and we had to use lethal means as they were shooting at us with no intent to back off.
We managed to repel them enough for Padawan Cass and Vun to provide the first care to Padawan Izu. In the mean time Padawan Kelpor, myself and master Rhuacca were covering the rest of the team from the constant assault of the raiders. Master Muunen soon joined us on the ground after covering ourselves from the air.
When Padawan Izu was ready for the evac we moved back to the shuttle still under fire from the raiders. Back on Rannon Padawan Izu was led to the med bay where master Vaan and Padawan Vun took care of the rest of his treatments.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • Padawan Izu was severely injured before the rescue requiring the removal of one arm to preserve him from the growing fatal infection.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • Events prior to the extraction are still under investigations as well as its implications.

Knight Security Clearance
Information available to Knights+
  • Padawan Izu was led to Tatooine following a track to a supposedly incomplete lightsaber. During the ambush Padawan Izu's hilt was taken from him.

Related Events
Links to either potential or confirmed related events/stories/missions
A Jedi lightsaber was taken and coulb be sold or used with malicious intents.

Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

An investigation must be run to retrieve Padawan Izu's lightsaber as well as the one he was supposed to find on Tatooine.
In the mean time inquiry on the ambush itself should be done to lighten how the raiders knew (if they did) about the lightsaber parts and Padawan Izu's presence.

◄▌Name : Silene Astra-OnironBirthdate : 382.28▐►
◄▌Homeplanet : MorganiaInitiated : 390.01Mentor : Shu Ra, Tharon Jivler▐►

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