414.06 // New Councilors

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The Jedi Council
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414.06 // New Councilors

Post by The Jedi Council »


We would like to announce that Jedi Knights Kiara O'ren and Anya have been granted seats on the Council. We would like to congratulate them on their positions as Councilors here in our branch.

They will now each post a personal message below. If anyone has any questions or concerns you are free to contact us and we shall do our best to provide you with answers.

- The JEDI Council

The Jedi Council of Duneeden

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Re: 414.06 // New Councilors

Post by Anya »

I really don't know what to say; you guys know who I am (I hope) and I'd like to believe that being in the Council now will allow me to help in any way I can.

I want to point out that my (virtual) door is always open!

Thank you guys and, most of all, congratulations to Kiara; she truly, utterly deserves it.

NAME: Anya
HOMEWORLD: Coruscant
MENTOR: Caerith Lhot
PADAWAN: Vuren Nilim
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Kiara O'ren
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Re: 414.06 // New Councilors

Post by Kiara O'ren »


I am truly astonished to have been extended this unexpected calling from the High Council and the Force. I have no choice but to answer said call. As a Jedi, I serve the Force first and have faith that thereby I will succeed in my new responsibilities to the Order.

Those that know me know I am not an infallible being. I expect my fellow Jedi to hold me accountable if they, in their wisdom, ever feel I am falling short of my newfound duties.

-Jedi Knight Kiara O'ren

((I would like to take this rare moment to rededicate myself to being a force for continued positive growth and presence in the ::JEDI:: community. Similar to Kiara's IC pledge I hope any of you will not feel shy in approaching me if you ever feel I can do a better job.))
___________|- Name: Kiara O'ren | Born: 372ABY | Image
|- Initiation: 382.27 ABY -|- Apprenticed: 386.01 ABY -|- Knighted: 397.25 -|- Padawans: Eli Tzineda, Donan Healof, Tarsi Morga -|
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