413.22 | Wyld Space: Act 1 - Gazing Into the Deep

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Aren Kelpor
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413.22 | Wyld Space: Act 1 - Gazing Into the Deep

Post by Aren Kelpor »

Wyld Space: Act 1 - Gazing Into the Deep
Name: Aren Kelpor
Rank: Padawan
Date(s): 413.22
Location: Deep into Wyld Occupied Territory
Members of the Jedi Order present: Jedi Knight Xintr Wolfe, Padawan Zyli Hiden, Padawan Aren Kelpor
Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: None
  • Ships launched in support of the operations pertaining to the Wyld Empire.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • Padawans’ Hidden and Kelpor escorted the ship Arcadia commanded by Jedi Knight Wolfe.
  • Arcadia arrived at deployment coordinates and began to deploy its payload. During deployment hyperspace signatures were detected entering the vicinity of the payload deployment area. Padawans’ Hiden and Kelpor engaged the contacts who were identified as hostile in order to protect Jedi Knight Wolfe during deployment operations.
  • During the engagement, Jedi Knight Wolfe initiated a communications jamming routine that prevented communications from leaving the affected region.
  • Upon completion of the engagement, Jedi Knight Wolfe terminated the jamming routine and a distress signal was picked up. Padawan’s Kelpor and Hiden were dispatched to respond while Jedi Knight Wolfe finished deploying the payload.
  • Upon responding, the Padawan’s were engaged by several Wyld Empire Pilots. One pilot attempted to warn Padawan Hiden of a potential attack and was quickly destroyed.
  • During the engagement, one of the Wyld Empire Pilots destroyed the civilian ship before self-destructing.
  • Upon returning to Jedi Knight Wolfe, the team returned to Rannon without incident.

Jedi Council Clearance
Information available to Council+ and mission attendees.
  • Just moments after the Wyld Ones destroyed the civilian freighter, Padawan Hiden expressed intense anger and hatred, toward the pilot that destroyed the freighter, as well as relaying a feeling of wanting to act on such emotion. Padawan Kelpor was able to distract her before she had the opportunity to act on those feelings.
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Summary and Actions
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Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

My recommendations are as follows...
  • It would be prudent to discover the reason the civilian ship was out in that area of space. It is far from known trade routes which would seem to indicate that it didn’t want its business to be known to others in the region, especially the Wyld Ones.
  • An increase in simulations for padawans that give an opportunity to both feel and experience loss and/or failure during missions in order to better prepare oneself.
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Xintr Wolfe
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Re: 413.22 | Wyld Space: Act 1 - Gazing Into the Deep

Post by Xintr Wolfe »

Wyld Space: Act 1 - Gazing Into the Deep
Name: Xintr Wolfe
Rank: Jedi Knight
Date(s): 413.22
Location: Wild Space, occupied Wyld Empire territory
Members of the Jedi Order present:
  • Padawan Aren Kelpor (Crash two)
  • Padawan Zyli Hiden
  • Knight Xintr Wolfe (Crash One)
    Public Information
    Publicly Available Information on the events
    Level of Exposure: None
    • Launch of the Arcadia and one E-wing escort may have been observed by any local observers near Rannon. Launch of the Stealth E-wing escort is unlikely to have been observed.

    Padawan Security Clearance
    Information available to Padawans+
    • On 413.22 Padawans Hiden and Kelpor departed the Temple in escort of Knight Wolfe in the Arcadia.
    • All three pilots and ships returned several hours later with no significant external damage.

    Jedi Knight Security Clearance
    Information available to Knights+
    • During deployment of several deep space probes the Arcadia and it's escorts were discovered by a patrol of four Wyld Empire ships.
    • The Wyld patrol's communications were jammed and the ships were disabled and or destroyed.
    • There were no Wyld empire survivors from this engagement. It appears that their ships were fitted with self destruct mechanisms.
    • After dropping the jamming screen a distress signal was received from the direction of the Skynara system.
    • Padawans Kelpor and Hiden deployed to the distress signal while Knight Wolfe continued the probe deployment.
    • The civilian ship issuing the distress signal was destroyed in the subsequent firefight as were several Wyld Empire fighters.
    • Flight logs show the civilian ship identifying itself as the 'Slug of Paradise.' A ship with such a name is suspected of involvement in several arms sales and smuggling incidents. Four outstanding warrants were rescinded upon confirmation of destruction.
    • Since the placement of the probes, Knight Wolfe has begun compiling telemetry information on communication broadcasts and hyperwave disturbances in the sector.

    Jedi Council Clearance
    Information available to Council+ and mission attendees.
    • Probes deployed in sector Q19/20 rimward of the rough midpoint between Nedji and Karazak.
    • Early telemetry suggests a traffic and communication locus somewhere in Sector Q20.
    • During the debrief, Padawan Hiden revealed that she was overcome by an outburst of emotion, resulting in inappropriate manipulation of the Force.

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    Summary and Actions
    An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
    Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

    In my opinion the primary goal of the mission was a success. The telemetry incoming from the probes is already beginning to indicate a general area of interest. I am confident that with more time and information on hyperwave disturbances, trajectories can be recreated and a specific system can be pinpointed from which the Wyld Empire is launching it's invasion.

    The loss of the civilian transport is a tragedy, the best guess I can tender as to why they were in that space is they may have been attempting to deliver illegal weapons to the local resistance on Skynara. This based on current affairs and the outstanding warrants on the 'Slug of Paradise.'

    I am also concerned by the apparent use of auto destruct mechanisms and friendly fire shown by the Wyld Empire in the flight logs of this mission. I am unsure what can be implied by the treatment of their fighters and pilots.

    Regarding Zyli's outburst, I fear that her capacity to focus and feel the Force has outpaced her mastery of her own past and emotional state. I have begun counselling her on the situation and shall redouble our focus on her emotional development before delving deeper into interactions with the Force.

    My recommendations are as follows...
    • Continue monitoring and compiling information on activities in the Q20 sector.
    • Prepare a scouting party to explore the region indicated by the collected telemetry.
    • Continue to identify, expand on, and take action in any ways that the Order can to assist the resistance to the advance of the Wyld Empire on Skynara and elsewhere.
\\ Name: Xintr Wolfe || Born: 383 || Arrived: 389.30 || Initiated: 390.10 //
..\\ Apprenticed: 391.25 || Mentor: Narael Undine || Knighted: 406.27 //
....\\ Padawan: Zyli Hiden //
......\\ Artisan: Master Artisan || Aces: Flight Leader || Diplomacy: Envoy //
........\\ Skin: Skin //
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Zyli Hiden
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Re: 413.22 | Wyld Space: Act 1 - Gazing Into the Deep

Post by Zyli Hiden »

Overview/Mission Name
Name: Zyli Hiden
Rank: Jedi Padawan
Date(s): 414.12
Location: Wild Space, occupied Wyld Empire territory
Members of the Jedi Order present: Jedi Knight Xintr Wolfe, Jedi Padawan Aren Kelpor, Jedi Padawan Zyli Hiden
Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure:None
  • Supporting Ships seemed to have come in contact with hostile Wyld Forces.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • Padawan Hiden and Padawan Kelpor left the Jedi Temple by escort of Knight Wolfe in the Arcadia.
  • All three safely arrived to the designated coordinates for Knight Wolfe lay down a variety of deep space probes to recognize Wyld Empire ship's coming through the region.
  • During the deployment, a variety of Wyld Empire ship patrol's approached the three jedi vessels. Padawan Kelpor and Padawan Hiden engaged them.
  • During this engagement, Knight Wolfe had engaged a jammer on all communications to prevent a compromise of the Jedi's position.
  • After successfully disabling all patrol's in the proximity of Knight Wolfe's position, both Padawan Hiden and Padawan Kelpor went to investigate a distress signal in the Skynara system.
  • Padawan Hiden and Padawan Kelpor had arrived upon the distress signal. A civilian ship was being harassed by Wyld Forces.
  • Padawan Hiden tried to lure the ship's in so Padawan Kelpor could easily disable all ship's, Padawan Kelpor was detected and possibly recognized the telepathic connection going on.
  • In the end the civilian ship was destroyed by one pilot that eventually self-destructed afterword's.
  • The Padawan's regrouped with Knight Wolfe and returned to Rannon with little damage upon all Jedi present.
Jedi Council Clearance
Information available to Council+ and mission attendees.
  • After the civilian ship was destroyed, Padawan Hiden seemed to come over with a influx of guilt and anger. Attempting to choke out the life of the wyld ship that had destroyed the civilian ship. However, with the guidance of Padawan Kelpor, she was stopped from killing the passenger.
Related Events
Links to either potential or confirmed related events/stories/missions
  • 414.4 | Wyld Space Act 1 - Skynara Blockade Run

  • 411.16 | Wyld Space: Act 1 - Defense of Cotellier
    412.06 // Attack at Alzoc III!
    412.26 // Planetary Systems Fold to Rising Empire

Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

In my opinion, this mission was a success with our original goal. However, we of course were not able to save this ship. This was a large lesson for me, especially after my unacceptable action of letting my emotions get to me and attempting to take another life. I myself have taken direction from my maser and continue to reflect upon my actions from this assignment.

My recommendations are as follows...
  • Continue patrol's across these regions and make sure that Q20 sector probes are still online and in tact.
  • As we have been doing continue operations for recon and scouting upon the Wyld Empire. The more we know on our enemy the better we can prepare for further assaults.
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