414.18 | Socorran Civil War

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Donan Healof
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414.18 | Socorran Civil War

Post by Donan Healof »

Wyld Space Act 1 - Socorran Civil War
Name: Donan Healof
Rank: Padawan
Date(s): 414.18
Location: Skynara
Members of the Jedi Order present:
  • Padawan Aren Kelpor
  • Padawan Donan Healof

Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: <Planet>
  • The 'Socorran Mafia Alliance' fighting the Wyld empire off their planet and the Loyalist cartel trying to alliance with the Wyld empire to gain supplies, credits, and control of the Planet. The Mafia reaches out to the Jedi for having a mutual enemy and not being able to push back both the Wyld empire and the Loyalist cartel by themselves.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • We were contacted by one of the mafia families head to help and aid them by sabotaging one of the cartels' warehouses - that was their given information.
  • During mission briefing not much was said as the Don of one of the Mafia families did not share that much over.
  • The flight to Socorran was without any trouble, we arrived at the given coordinates and were met by quite a lot of armed guards.
  • We were led through the headquarters where we met with Don.
  • After his proposal, I and Aren had a talk as neither of us had a good feeling about this but we agreed to go with Don's proposal just we had our own thought of how we will execute it.
  • We were tasked to enter one of the cartels' warehouses through the sewer system where we would need to slice into one of the main consoles and download some proof that the cartel has been supplying other planets with the Wyld empires given supplies just for credits - to break the alliance between the cartel and the Wyld empire.
  • But I and Aren set out to make copies of the information for ourselves as well as the Don which the Don was not aware of.
  • We were given an airspeeder ride closer to warehouse, with our hilts hidden we went towards where we felt is the place and that was exactly where we quickly arrived.
  • We tried to do recon and find a different route as the entrance to the warehouse through sewer main was protected by a small group of cartels' loyalists.
  • After many tries and understanding that the only way in is the one that's guarded we approached the entrance and one of the guards.
  • Fortunetly two hundread credits and a chrono watch (that Aren owned) was enough to bribe the guards to leave and turn their eyes for a moment as I and Aren entered the sewer system.
  • Soon after that we arrived at the warehouse entrance where Aren used the force to interact with a console and give us acess inside.
  • Walking through corridor we arrived at a intersection with two different doors, one of them was blocked of because of radiation leakage so we took our only path.
  • Trusting the force to show us what's happening behind doors we did not alert anyone as we passed through a group of four guards patrolling a bay and stealthly entered an administrative office.
  • There was laying a book with information in it that Aren found and a terminal that Don asked to download information from, I did but I also made a copy of the same files to my personal datacard as well as issued a command on the console to evacuate the four guards because of a sudden radiation leakage - resulting in I and Aren leaving with no problems and without alerting anyone.
  • We took the airspeeder back to Don, as we approached we still had our suspicions that came out to be truth - Don did betray us and was nervous for a reason.

Knight Security Clearance
Information available to Knights+
  • A cold feeling of a familiar presence made my hair stand as we were entering the courtyard there was an ambush set up that did not surprise us at all.
  • The Don was working with the Wyld and hoped that he wrapped us up like a gift for the Wyld in hopes of earning more power and an alliance with the Wyld empire.
  • Unfortunetly for the Don and the Wyld, I and Padawan Kelpor took care of the Wyld force user and his men left soon after.
  • I did try my best to capture the Wyld force user alive but unfortunetly consumed by anger and hatred for us he went beyond normal survivalability and went for his last strikes that took the last of his energy, he fell on the ground dead.
  • Aren jumped on one of the bridges above us as he sensed the Don trying to make his escape and after I rejoined him we captured Don and I copied his personal files to the datacard as well.

Council Security Clearance
Information available to the council
  • The other Mafia families made it very clear that it was not their plan to betray us and it was only the idea of this family as the other families blew up the betrayers headquarters as we were leaving the planet.
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Summary and Actions
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Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

Padawan Healof and Padawan Kelpor were right to have their trust issues with the Don. I think it was correct to agree and help the Mafia family with their goal in order to learn more and gain our benefits. I believe we suceeded in this mission as only one life was lost during our mission and it was the Wyld force user that was only consumed by his own anger and hatred that took his life. We got the files with information, a book and we captured the one who betrayed us and his other mafia families - alive and brought him back into the temple.

My recommendations are as follows:
  • I believe other heads of the mafia disagreed with Dons' actions and showed it very openly, it would be wise and contact them for possible cooperation to weaken the Wyld empires grasp on Socorran.
  • I'd recommend to start looking through all the intel we gathered and copied as soon as possible and act accordingly to what we learn.
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Aren Kelpor
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Re: 414.18 | Socorran Civil War

Post by Aren Kelpor »

Wyld Space Act 1 - Socorran Civil War
Name: Aren Kelpor
Rank: Padawan
Date(s): 414.18
Location: Socorran
Members of the Jedi Order present:
  • Padawan Donan Healof
  • Padawan Aren Kelpor
Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: Planet
  • Two representatives of the Jedi interacted with the head of the Socorran Mafia Alliance in an attempt to garner support for an alliance against the Wyld Empire supported cartels as well as against the Wyld Empire itself.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • The head of one of the more affluent Mafia’s families on Socorro the Jedi in order to solicit aid and a potential coalition between the Jedi and the Mafia during this time of Crisis.
  • Padawan’s Healof and Kelpor were tasked with making contact with the Don, discover the true motivation for that request, and, if able, attempt to secure a base of operations to combat the Wyld Empire.
  • Both Padawan’s met with Don [name]. The two learned that there was the potential to disrupt the weak alliance between the Cartel and the Wyld Empire, which could destabilize the support between the two factions, which would allow the Mafia to further cement their powerbase on the planet.
  • In order to acquire the information, both Padawan’s agreed to secure the requested information from the cartels which was located in a warehouse, deep within Cartel controlled territory.
  • The Padawan’s were able to retrieve the requested information, however after a brief altercation the Don was taken into custody. And the facility that would have been utilized was ultimately destroyed.

Knight Security Clearance
Information available to Knights+
  • The Don requested that both Padawan’s infiltrate a cartel controlled warehouse and steal information that showed that the Cartel had been selling a not insignificant amount of weapons and supplies to other criminal enterprises that were being provided by the Wyld Empire.
  • While tasked with this mission, both Padawan’s felt as if something was off, and planned to acquire the information, but hold on to it until after they had met with the Don for a second time.
  • Upon acquiring the incriminating information from the Cartel warehouse and returning to the Don’s stronghold, the Padawan’s encountered an ambush as well as a Wyld user. The Padawan’s attempted to take the Wyld user alive, however they were ultimately unable to do so, and the individual died of their wounds.
  • Padawan Kelpor was able to prevent the Don from escaping, while Padawan Healof secured the Don’s personal files, before taking the Don into custody.
  • Upon departing the Socorro the base that the Don was using was destroyed.

Jedi Council Clearance
Information available to Council+ and mission attendees.
  • Both Padawan’s learned that Don was attempting to gain the favor of the Wyld Empire, by killing or capturing the Jedi representatives as well as exposing the Cartel treachery.
  • After the destruction of the base, the Padawan’s were contacted by the other Mafia families and learned that the other families had no intention of betraying the Jedi nor knew of the Don’ plans to betray them and the Jedi representatives.
  • The padawan’s recovered detailed information linking the cartels to selling Wyld Empire weapons and other supplies to other criminal enterprises throughout the galaxy, in addition to recovering personal communication between the Don and the Wyld Empire.
Related Events
Links to either potential or confirmed related events/stories/missions
Potential: Confirmed: Image
Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

In my opinion Padawan’s Healof and Kelpor made sound judgment, discerning a potential double cross when it came to the Don’s mission request. Additionally, both Padawan’s made an excellent call agreeing to recover the information that, ultimately, would both expose the cartel’s duplicitous nature to the Wyld Empire and Don’s own treachery to other Mafia families. While the primary mission of securing a base of operations is regrettable and may be seen as a mission failure, the information gained as well as an intelligence asset in the form of the captured Don, could be seen as mission success.

My recommendations are as follows...
  • It would be prudent to continue an open dialogue with the rest of Mafia families, Creating a limited coalition between the forces opposing the Wyld Empire and Mafia families itself would be mutually beneficial, especially in regards to personnel and equipment. Though this event may be isolated, any additional attempts at securing Mafia support should be undertaken carefully.
  • Vetting the intelligence gained by the Padawan’s would also be very beneficial, especially in regards to tracking down some of the shipments of weapons that the cartel sold. Knowing how, what, why, where, and when the Wyld Empire acquired those weapons could help lead to finding more information on where they come from as well as learning more about the structure of the Wyld Ones.
Homeworld: Corellia
Species: Human
Birthday: 388.09
Initiated: 399.04
Apprenticed: 400.20
Mentor: Wen-Ordo
Knighted: 428.26
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