416.25 // Changes within the Council

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The Jedi Council
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416.25 // Changes within the Council

Post by The Jedi Council »

Greetings Residents,

We are in the unfortunate position to announce that Master Sirius Invictus has succumbed to his illness, becoming one with the Force. Let us all treasure the memories and moments we have spent with him in our mortal existence.

In addition, Councillor Anya has elected to transfer to the outpost on Cotellier, given the fact that they are in need of assistance at this point in time. In order to focus on her new duties, she has stepped down from the Local Council of Rannon.

On a lighter tone, the High Council is pleased to announce that a seat on the High Council has been offered to Jedi Knight Aranna Vaan, who has graciously accepted. They will now post a personal message below.

No matter what the past has bestowed upon us, we strive for a brighter tomorrow. If anyone has any questions or concerns you are free to contact us and we shall do our best to provide you with answers.

- The Jedi Council.

The Jedi Council of Duneeden

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