Wyld Space Campaign Record

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Aranna Vaan
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Wyld Space Campaign Record

Post by Aranna Vaan »

Wyld Space Prelude

Dark Forces have been working throughout Wyld Space for decades. Working slowly and carefully to not gain notoriety or attention. Methodical abductions targeted on decentralized planets with low infrastructure, social mobility, and high crime and corruption rates. A shadowy organization plays puppet master by coordinating pirates, slavers, gangs, and criminal syndicates as their fronts. All the while syphoning the resources and people that were stolen back to their mysterious headquarters…

Locally, the Instrop Sector was impacted by a notorious band of pirates known as the “Shebs Ravagers” who were so bold as to attack Jedi vessels out on training exercises on two occasions as well as a full jedi shuttle...

404.29 Mission 1: Tour on Manaan

Jedi Knight Aranna Vaan has set up a tour of the Archology facility on Manaan to be guided by Jedi Master Ari Tolen. While there, the Jedi will be able to see the new BL-022 stimpak in action as well as experimental bio-prosthetics and medical technology showcases.

JEDI Padawan- Nicole Inaru
JEDI Padawan - Ayyagella
JEDI Padawan - Serir Vun
JEDI Padawan - Zyli Hiden
JEDI Padawan - Minoda Darkrider

En route to Manaan, the JEDI were shot down by a pirate vessel and crash-landed on the ice-planet of Naos. Knight Vaan incapacitated, the Padawans had to find their way off the planet before night fell and freezing cold took hold… Having recovered and scavenged the parts to repair a comm array, the JEDI found that the first people to answer it were the Shebs Ravagers. A fight broke out and ended with some of the pirates being arrested and brought back to the Praxium including one Guy Wingman…

408.27 Shebs Ravagers Strike

In coordination with a joint task force of patrol squadrons from the Instrop System planets and inside information from Guy Wingman, the JEDI of Rannon will be leading an offensive strike versus the presumed headquarters of the Sheb’s Ravagers pirate organization. Located someplace in the asteroid belt region of Excarga, intelligence given by a captured pirate suggests they have a mobile carrier as their base of operations.

The primary objective of this mission is to neutralize the majority of enemy combatants and destroy their central carrier. Secondary objectives include infiltrating the carrier to obtain information about where these pirates were equipped, given their advanced technology & retrofitted equipment.

JEDI Knight Rhuacca
JEDI Knight Xintr Wolfe
JEDI Padawan Aren Kelpor
JEDI Padawan Anya

After taking the carrier that acted as a mobile home base for the Sheb’s Ravagers, the JEDI ended the pirate menace in the Instrop Sector for good. Data specialists uncovered the primary contact for where the pirate organization got their arms and ammunition from: One Telum Mangone.

410.04 - Disappearances Spike to a Fever Pitch News Article

410.12 Arms Dealer Arrest

Based on information obtained during the strike on the Sheb's Ravagers, the JEDI know that Telum Mangone was the arms dealer who provided advanced weaponry and equipment to the Instrop Sector pirates.

GRID officers investigating the disappearances in Wild Space have uncovered a lead on the location of Telum Mangone on the planet of Karazak. A planet with a legacy of being a central hub for the slave trade in the Outer Rim, Jedi are not overly trusted there.

The Council needs JEDI volunteers from the Rannon Branch to follow this lead and covertly apprehend Telum Mangone for questioning related to the Sheb's Ravagers and perhaps the rash of disappearances in Wild Space.

JEDI Knight Wen Ordo:
JEDI Padawan Aren Kelpor

With help from GRID Agent “Smile Lines” JEDI operatives secured some leads including that Telum Mangone was working with a mysterious third party with ties to slave trafficking syndicates. The mission ended with an arrest, but because of information shared with Telum Mangone he was able to get out of revealing most of what he knew to the authorities as well as increased some friction between GRID and JEDI operatives in future missions.

410. 27 Ship in the Night


Written and Directed by Xintr Wolfe

A colony transport name 'The Ludovico' carrying refugees from Duneeden has been reported missing after passing through the Skynara system, never arriving at Nedij. Original crew was 150 including colonist/refugees. Three crew and one passenger were found dead on the ship, the rest vanished without trace, presumed abducted. Copies of all ships logs and manifests have been brought back to Rannon temple for investigation and to search for useful information.

JEDI Padawan Zyli Hiden

Logs showed jamming of communications on all but a little used high energy band frequency. Fortunately the Arcadia is configured to receive such transmissions. Ship and one functional droid, T34-CH, surrendered to Skynara security forces.

410.31 Abduction Sting

The temple of Rannon has been requested by a coalition of planetary security chiefs in the five veils to spearhead a sting operation on the recent string of abductions happening across the planets bordering wild space.

Officials from Vohai, Skynara, Vergesso, Farstine, and Trigalis have coordinated with GRID to investigate the rash of abductions.

The primary planet who has been receptive towards Republic assistance has been Ryloth, their planet having too long a history with situations exactly like this one.

Agents from GRID have set up a sting operation to apprehend a cell of suspected operators. GRID officials have requested Jedi backup to assist with the plan and support GRID officers in the field who will be acting as bait.

JEDI Knight Xintr Wolfe
JEDI Padawan Zyli Hiden

Working with Operative Agent Sospito, the JEDI ran as backup in case of an emergency. Because of leaked information that JEDI operatives gave up during the arrest on Karazak, the proposed meet to exchange credits for slaves was a setup. A wall dropped and an e-web cannon opened fire. With JEDI backup, Agent Sospito managed to come out with light injuries and continue the pursuit of the slaver contact.

After capturing the slaver contact the JEDI and Agent Sospito had to make their way back to their evac shuttle while fighting off slaver ambushes. In the escape some of the rescued prisoners that the JEDI had liberated were lost, but many still were saved.

Information given from the captured slave leader proved helpful to further investigations…

411.22 Major Breakthrough in Abductions Case News Article

411.30 Wyld Space Prelude Finale: Abductee Recovery

The son of a major Sullustan industrialist from Svivren, Fru Ribab, has become the latest in a string of major disappearances linked to the ‘Great Abduction’ of Wild Space systems.

The son's name is Tobb Ribab.

The planetary government of Svivren has lent its resources to mrs. Ribab but she is unsatisfied with the resources they have available to find her son. Because of this she has reached out to the Jedi branch on Rannon for assistance.

She has offered to send the captain of her security force as an attache’ to facilitate the return of her son, as well as to dig up any further information about the criminal organizations behind the interplanetary crime spree.

What information she has points to her son being transferred through, or possibly being kept on, Karazak. Karazak is a planet with a long history in the intergalactic slave trade. The last coordinates she received from his tracker determined he was someplace underground there in the cinotes and tunnels below the surface.

JEDI Knight Serbithar Muunen
JEDI Knight Xintr Wolfe
JEDI Padawan Minoda Darkrider
JEDI Padawan Donan Healof

JEDI Operatives made contact with Private Security Captain Krars Feap. They navigated the city on Karazak in search of the lost son. They found a lead with some people in a local bar who wanted the JEDI to do a favor for them, get them a certain canister and power coupling. Each item in a different warehouse.

Upon completion of the favor the JEDI found themselves ambushed by the men. They were bounty hunters who had sent the JEDI off on the job to make sure that they were, in fact, JEDI who had a large bounty on them from the bounty hunter’s employers.

The Bounty Hunters exchanged information for freedom. They informed the JEDI that they were hired by an organization known as the Wyld Empire. They also informed the JEDI where Tobb Ribab was located, on board a freighter that was readying itself to depart.

The JEDI navigated their way through the city and met a lieutenant of this Wyld Empire, someone in black armor who set a Rancor on a group of captives inside a large arena. Upon defeating the Rancor, the JEDI carried on to thwart the kidnapping attempt.

In the ensuing battle, the JEDI fought 3 lieutenants of the Wyld Empire. All of whom used force-enhanced abilities and referred to themselves as “Wyld” users… The JEDI subdued one while the others escaped but rather than be taken prisoner, the lieutenant took their own life.

The JEDI, their mission successful, made their way home quickly as reinforcements were clearly on their way.

End of Chapter


Name: Aranna Vaan Birthday: 369.01 Age: 66
Initiation: 376.17 Apprenticed: 382.24 Knighted: 400.30
Rank: Jedi Knight Mentor: Rhuacca
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Aranna Vaan
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Joined: Mon Jun 11, 2018 11:48 pm

Re: Wyld Space Campaign Record

Post by Aranna Vaan »

Act 1 Summary


The Wyld Empire held the initiative. Having built their industrialized military war machine in a hidden location, still unfound, in Wild Space they were able to strike with ferocious, lightning speed. The intensity of violence with which they overwhelmed independent planetary security forces shocked and bewildered the Galaxy as they invaded planet after planet. The small, independent worlds could not stand alone versus the onslaught of this prepared, capable military force. And so, in isolation, each system folded under the threat of violence perpetuated by the Wyld Emperor and his military apparatus.

Battle of Alzoc III
Borders after the initial blitz of Wyld forces

The story of the first years of this brutal war is the oppressive story of damage control. The Jedi Order announced its intent to help support systems without fighting an entire war on their behalf. JEDI members moving into systems as relief workers, aid facilitators, and battlefield commanders to organize strategic withdrawls and retreats to protect as many lives as possible. JEDI commanders infiltrated behind enemy lines on occupied planets under Wyld control to bring supplies, training, and leadership to resistance and partisan groups who were determined to loosen Imperial holdings on occupied worlds.

Borders after major Wyld gains

While many stories of this era of the war effort tell the narrative of a shocked galactic community reeling from successful invasion after invasion, JEDI leadership allowed some systems to maintain independence and sovereignty in the face of overwhelming odds. The naval battles in orbit over Svivren, for example, saw JEDI infiltrators break the Wyld blockade over the planet and allow for a fortified spearhead to remain in independent hands in the heart of Wyld Space.

The expansion of the Wyld Empire came to a head as the Galaxy fell silent with the Imperial invasion of Vohai. The Western Wyld fleet, led by Admiral Kerudelys, pulled a dangerous maneuver to chart their own hyperspace course around all major systems to cut off the Republic’s 5th fleet over the system of Radra IV. Hiding in the system’s asteroid belt, they utilized tractor beams to pull large asteroids out from their orbits to barrel down into the line of frigates and capital ships in the Republic fleet, decemating them in the surprise attack and taking the Republic Star Destroyer “Illuminant Star” in a boarding action.

Wyld Ambush of the 5th fleet over Radra IV
Borders after the Battle of Vohai and Radra IV

With the Republic pulled into the war now, the scope of the conflict has changed. As the galaxy moves forward and the conflicts escalate, only time will tell what impacts the Wyld will have on generations to come…

Major Events

Attack at Alzoc III - News Article

Wyld Space: Act 1 - Defense of Cotellier

Date: 412.16 ABY Time: 15:30 GST (prep time) 16:00 GST (starting time)Mission Profile:

Clearly targeted because of the JEDI operated medical facility there, the Wyld Empire fleet has been identified as positioning itself for an imminent invasion of the planet.

The medical installation of Cotellier has requested JEDI assistance from Rannon, the closest praxium, in helping hold off the invading forces long enough to evacuate the most intensive cases and patients that require time and delicacy to move without incurring more serious injury.

Additionally, all sensitive data about the Republic, JEDI, and other miscellaneous data must be deleted and then physically destroyed so as not to be recovered by enemy agents.

  • Jedi Knight - Xintr Wolfe
  • Jedi Padawan - AyyaGella
  • Jedi Padawan - Donan Healof

  • Author/Director(s)
  • Author: Aranna Vaan
  • Director: Aranna Vaan

412.06 | Planetary Systems fold to Rising Empire - News Article

Wyld Space: Act 1 - Gazing Into the Deep

Date: 413.22Time: 15:00 GST (prep time) 15:30 GST (starting time)[/center]Mission Profile:

Knight Wolfe will take the Arcadia deep into Wild space to place several of the deep space probes acquired from the ExplorCorps. He will require a fighter escort as this is occupied space.

  • ​​ Jedi Knight Xintr Wolfe
  • Padawan Zyli Hiden
  • Padawan Aren Kelpor

  • Author/Director(s)
  • Author: Xintr Wolfe
  • Director: Xintr Wolfe

Wyld Space: Act 1 - Svivren Sortie

Date: 414.5Time: 15:30 GST (prep time) 16:00 GST (starting time)[/center]Mission Profile:

The planetary monarch of Svivren has approached the Jedi Council about an opportunity to break the siege of their planet, giving interplanetary resistance movements a land-base to begin counter-attack operations.

Svivren has a powerful planet-to-orbit defense network of Ion Canons as well as Hypervelocity Canons. Unfortunately, the charge rate for these respective planetary defense systems is not optimised and as such is not enough on its own to incapacitate the large enemy capital ships in orbit.

When the Ion canons fire to neutralize the shields, it takes too long to charge energy stores to fire the hypervelocity canons to destroy the capital ships. On their own, the Hypervelocity cannons cannot penetrate their shields.

Svivren command is asking for a small team of Jedi infiltrators to board the Wyld Empire’s flagship after the Ion canon disables their shields, boarding in order to permanently sabotage their shield systems, so that the Hypervelocity canon can finish the job. At which time, the Svivren reserve fleet which has been in hiding will ambush the remaining blockade and should be able to route the enemy force.

  • Jedi Knight - Xintr Wolfe
  • Jedi Padawan - Rukia

  • Author/Director(s)
  • Author: Aranna Vaan
  • Director: Aranna Vaan

Wyld Space: Act 1 - Skynara Blockade Run

Date: 414.4Time: 15:30 GST (prep time) 16:00 GST (starting time)[/center]Mission Profile:

Partisan leadership on the planet of Skynara have managed to get a request out to the Jedi Order asking for supplies and assistance with training their guerilla force. An experienced pilot will be needed in order to slip past the blockade in a large transport, as well as Jedi experienced in command and combat are required to train partisan recruits and get them ready for asymmetric warfare.

During the training, these skills will be put to the test.

  • Jedi Padawan - Donan Healof
  • Jedi Padawan - Aren Kelpor

  • Author/Director(s)
  • Author: Aranna Vaan
  • Director: Aranna Vaan

412.26 | Wyld Empire Opens New Fronts after Small Victories - News Article

Wyld Space: Act 1 - Socorran Civil War

Date: 414.18Time: 15:00 GST (prep time) 15:30 GST (starting time)[/center]Mission Profile:

The planet of Socorro has had a long history of violent gang warfare. The planet for generations has never been fully unified under one planetary government for all intents-and-purposes. In reality, the planet has been a patchwork of ill-defined borders between criminal syndicates.

Now these syndicates are openly fighting in the streets. The ‘Socorran Mafia Alliance’ fighting to keep the Wyld Empire off their planet and the ‘Loyalist Cartels’ seeking to join forces and gain the resources from the new faction on the block.

The Mafia families of Socorro have reached out to the Jedi with the understanding that in normal times, they are on opposing sides. But they have a mutual enemy, and the crime families will be more than willing to lend aid to secure Socorro as a redoubt for the war effort.

  • Jedi Padawan Donan Healof
  • Jedi Padawan Aren Kelpor

  • Author/Director(s)
  • Author: Aranna Vaan
  • Director: Aranna Vaan

Wyld Space - Feeding the Rancor

Date: 415.08 ABYTime: 15:00 GST (prep time) 15:30 GST (starting time)[/center]Mission Profile:

With the Wyld threat becoming more and more pressing, the coalition more than ever needs battle-readiness. With many of the Outer Rim planets reluctant to allow munitions storage/productivity on their planets, Commander General Pyke, the appointed general of the coalition, has asked the Jedi to assist in talks to secure weapons rights on the tactical planet of Svivren.

Order Co-coordinator Vun has made arrangements for a twilight dinner on the temple grounds to dispel tensions.

  • Jedi Knight Dexen Cass
  • Jedi Padawan Donan Healof

  • Author/Director(s)
  • Author: Serir Vun
  • Director: Serir Vun

416.02 | War Comes to the Republic - News Article

Wyld Space: Act 1 FINALE - Defense of Voahi

Date: 416.07 Time: 15:00 GST (prep time) 15:30 GST (starting time)[/center]Mission Profile:

The Jedi have been asked by the Republic to help facilitate the defense of the planet as the 5th Fleet moves in to reinforce and stem the tide of the Empire’s advances.

A forward invasion force has taken the local defense fleet by surprise, the Empire moving far faster than Republic Intelligence originally predicted. Jedi commanders are needed to mobilize the defense of the planet and to keep the system secure until the 5th fleet can arrive and destroy the invading forces.

  • Jedi Knight - Mirkal
  • Jedi Padawan - Donan Healof

  • Author/Director(s)
  • Author: Aranna Vaan
  • Director: Aranna Vaan

417.02 | The Border Advances - News Article

End of Act 1

Last edited by Aranna Vaan on Sun May 12, 2024 3:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Name: Aranna Vaan Birthday: 369.01 Age: 66
Initiation: 376.17 Apprenticed: 382.24 Knighted: 400.30
Rank: Jedi Knight Mentor: Rhuacca
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Aranna Vaan
Posts: 959
Joined: Mon Jun 11, 2018 11:48 pm

Re: Wyld Space Campaign Record

Post by Aranna Vaan »

Wyld Space Act 2 Roles


Leadership from the Republic, Coalition of Free Planets, and Jedi Order met on Svivren and coordinated a mutual military accord to build a front to rebuke the advancing Wyld Empire.

The Republic's full involvement is to end after the liberation of Vohai, but, the Chancellor has authorized the Republic Navy to create a voluntary Expeditionary Corps entitled "Winged Nexus" to continue serving under Coalition leadership for the remaining duration of the war.

The Jedi Order has made it clear that their members are allowed to volunteer to participate, but will not be required to do so. In addition, Order members will serve as force multipliers, advisors, and allies in the conflict but will remain independent in rank. Jedi will not fall under the command of any Coalition or Republic officer and will be allowed their own discretion to make decisions both in combat and in the ready room.

JEDI Leadership Roles:
Strategic Advisor: Remains on-station aboard flagship vessels to coordinate space and ground forces effectively. Strategic Advisors will pre-plan operations and oversee real-time engagements in order to facilitate effective Jedi participation in coordination with regular troops.

Medical Officer: Will assist and lead in field triage, operating room needs, as well as post-op situations. Medical officers will supply conventional as well as force healing knowledge and techniques while also being available for added support to care-givers, soldiers, and civilians through the conflict.

Mechanical Officer: Designed with Jedi artisans and slicers in mind, there's an abundant need for competent mechanics to keep Coalition & Republic fightercraft in the air, troop transports functional, weapons systems online, as well as shield capacity for capital ships at 100%.

Wing Commander: Will lead Jedi flight wings in coordination with Republic & Coalition fighter groups to maintain air and space superiority over Imperial battle groups. Jedi, and Jedi Wing Commanders, operate under their own discretion but may take Republic or Coalition orders under advisement.

Junior Wing Commander: Operates in a command role while Wing Commanders are away, incapacitated, or unavailable. Defers to Wing Commanders when present.

Field Officer: Will lead Jedi strike teams on surgical operations to critically harm Imperial defensive infrastructure planetside during ground invasions. May assist allied forces in front-line combat. Jedi, and Jedi Wing Field Officers, operate under their own discretion but may take Republic or Coalition orders under advisement.

Junior Field Officer: Operates in a command role while Field Officers are away, incapacitated, or unavailable. Defers to Wing Commanders when present.

Fleet Composition

"Winged Nexu" has been divided into the following Marine and Fleet regiments and battle groups respectively. Each will have space for Jedi attachments to advice and help lead.

The Flagship of the small naval fleet is the MC-180 "Kulthka"

The Fleet is broken into two battle groups, Battle Group Lylek and Battle Group Reek. Each is flagged by a Zenith-Class Nebulon Frigate. Retrofitted with light armaments the Hospital NASH vessels 4077 and 8063rd have volunteered to assist.

Battle Group Lylek (Eastern Deployment):
Command Ship:
NASH-4077 Zenith-Class Nebulon Frigate "Hawkeye" - Commander Zebulon Pyke in command.
1 wing of 24 fighter craft (X-wing Series).

JEDI Command Officers:
Strategic Advisor: Jedi Knight Daegon Evara
Medical Officer:
Mechanical Officer:
Wing Commander:
Junior Wing Commander: Jedi Padawan Aren Kelpor
"Shockwave Riders" Field Officer: Jedi Knight Rhuacca
"Shockwave Riders" Junior Field Officer: Donan Healof
"Mirrorshades" Field Officer: Serbithar Muunen
"Mirrorshades" Junior Field Officer: Minoda Darkrider

Support Fleet:
1 Assault Dreadnaught "Brilliant Flame" (deployed 419.15)
3 CVX-70 Corvettes from the Svivren Defense Fleet: "Axium", "Emerald Star" (deployed 419.15, lost over Alzoc III 422.15), "Perseverance" (deployed 419.15)
"Elation" - Lost over Vohai 418.16
"Sapphire" - Lost over Skynara 420.13

Fighter Wing:
1 wing of 24 A-series interceptors
2 wings of 24 Y-series heavy bombers
3 modified YT-series gunships for fighter support.

Marine Contingent:
1,200 Republic Marine Volunteers "Shockwave Riders"
2,000 Coalition Volunteers "Mirrorshades"

Battle Group Reek (Western Deployment):
Command Ship:
NASH-8063 Zenith-Class Nebulon Frigate "Trapper" - Republic Admiral Avon in command.
1 wing of 24 (X-wing Series) fighter craft

JEDI Command Officers:
Strategic Advisor:
Medical Officer:
Mechanical Officer:
Wing Commander:
"Rainbow's End" Field Officer: Jedi Knight Tiber Reman
"Snowpiercers" Field Officer: Jedi Master Mirkal

Support Fleet:
1 Dreadnaught "Stalwart"
3 SFS T-Series Corvettes: "Ter'ak" (lost over Alzoc III 422.15) "Ambition" (deployed 419.15, lost over Alzoc III 422.15), "Serendipity" (deployed 419.15)
"Randun Skrett" - Lost over Vohai 418.16

Fighter Wing:
1 wing of 24 Z-series interceptors
2 wings of 24 B-series heavy bombers
1 modified XS-series gunship
1 modified ZH-series gunship

Marine Contingent:
1,000 Republic Marine Volunteers "Rainbow's End"
2,600 Coalition Volunteers "Snowpiercers"

Operation Acklay's Pincer

Once the Vohai system has been secured, the Republic 1st fleet will remain in-system to ensure that there is no further attempt by Wyld forces to re-take the planet. The "Winged Nexu" will begin the first phase of the Operation at that point, splitting into 2 Battle Groups with the "Kulthka" remaining over Svivren to assist where needed.

Battle Group Lylek will hit the Empire's eastern flank and take the fight to Wyld commanders Admiral Vehmens and General Truculen there. The spearhead will be Ryloth as the first target.

Battle Group Reek will hit the Empire's Western flank, using the victory at Vohai for momentum. They will be facing off against Wyld commanders Admiral Kerudelys and General Inestima. Their beachhead will be Alzoc III.

After finding ground on both fronts, the two battle groups will squeeze Imperial forces between them, flanking on both sides to meet over Drexel.

Battle of Vohai 418.16
At 15:30 the Republic 1st Fleet along with both battle groups dropped out of hyperspace to engage the Wyld fleet in full assault. During this time, the JEDI strike team moved to the surface to secure a landing zone for ground assault.

In orbit, all five corvettes and both Nebulon frigates moved into a picket formation to screen enemy fighter and bomber runs, the Kulthka taking up position in the rear to focus its primary turbolaser batteries at the enemy formation.

The Wyld forces consisted of an orbital defense station, one battleship, one dreadnaught, and three corvettes. They fielded 10 wings of bombers, 8 wings of interceptors, and 8 wings of heavy fighters.

In the battle two corvettes, the Elation and Randun Skrett from battle groups Lylek and Reek respectively, were separated from the main picket line. The Imperial battleship Dark Summit maneuvered between them and the rest of the allied fleet, blocking support while Wyld bomber runs compromised their hull integrity. The Elation suffered a direct hit to their hyperdrive, initiating a cascade effect that caused immediate detonation in the ship's internal hull. All hands on board were lost in the explosion. The Randun Skrett was disabled from ion bombs and, its systems failing, ordered the ship scuttled. In all, 86 of its crew were killed in action, the rest getting to escape pods as the ship self destructed.

All three Wyld corvettes were destroyed in the action that took place while the Battleship and dreadnaught completed a jump to hyperspace after the defensive space station was disabled.

The JEDI strike force took control of the surface and secured the Governor and the system was successfully reclaimed for the Republic.
Battle of Ryloth 418.23
At 17:45, Battle Group Lylek fell out of hyperspace in position to engage the Wyld forces. Meanwhile, the Jedi team broke off to descend to the provided coordinates to meet up with resistance cells planetside.

The "Hawkeye" as the flagship, accompanied with the two CVX-70 corvettes "Sapphire" and "Axium" were covered by a thick fighter screen. The bomber wings behind the corvette line, ready for an opening to begin bombing runs.

The coalition battlegroup was up against the modest defense fleet over Ryloth. Two Dreadnaughts and several wings of starfighters.

Having learned from the Second Battle of Vohai, Lylek's corvette line stuck close together. The fighters screens engaged one another, both vying for control to keep the other off of their respective bomber wings. The "Sapphire" and "Axium" directed power to their thrusters and moved ahead of the "Hawkeye," using their point defense cannons to ensure Wyld bomber wings were staved off as the "Hawkeye" moved along the broadside of one Dreadnught, using its frame to block the arcs of fire of the second.

The exchange disabled one Wyld Dreadnaught while both the "Sapphire" and "Axium" sustained mild damage. The "Hawkeye's" starboard shield array failed and the starboard turbolaser batteries were disabled by enemy fire. However, this maneuver opened up the Wyld's flank for Republic bombing runs.


Seeing the tide shift, the unharmed Deadnaught diverted its own power to its forward shields and its thrusters. An abrupt increase of speed took the "Sapphire" off guard and the Deadnaught rammed the CVX-70, causing decompression on the back end of the ship and disabling their hyperdrive. Shortly after, the Dreadnaught made its own jump to lightspeed. The remaining Dreadnaught self-destructed shortly after, with remaining Wyld fighters falling back into hyperspace as well.

JEDI leadership eliminated "Lord Ryloth" but Wyld fighting cells remain on the planet and ongoing fighting continues for many months after to maintain control of the planet.
Battle for Skynara 420.13
Battle Group Lylek has received intel that resistance groups on Skynara have been successfully armed and ready to overthrow the imperial government of the Wyld. Several partisan, freedom fighters and paramilitary forces have come together to begin an assault on multiple fronts on Skynara.

A JEDI Infiltration-Team has been sent planetside to lead two platoons of mediocre-skilled soldiers into battle, but were suddenly ambushed by one of those which seemed to be bribed soldiers and mercenaries financed by the Wyld Empire. After a brief skirmish, the JEDI team managed to wipe out the platoon near a ruined building several miles away from a military convoy, which has been set as a primary target for this mission.

The main objective was to halt and destroy the armed convoy that was struggling it's way through the canyon. The resistance of the Imperial forces was higher than expected, leaving the rebels with too many casualties to continue to fight, which was a breaking point in the battle.

The team of JEDI decided to face the convoy alone and head-on, placing detonators at the structure of a natural bridge going through a passage in the canyon. The JEDI team managed to block the canyon with a huge detonation of the bridge, crippling the maneuverability of said convoy that has been destroyed after a Squadron of Y-Wings have initiated a bombardment of said location.

By taking out the convoy, military resistance soon yielded to the rebels and Skynara was officially liberated from the grasp of the Wyld forces.

As the JEDI strike force engaged in ground operations, the fleet battle group moved into position in orbit. The Skynara defense fleet was headed by a Wyld capital ship, "Razor's Edge" with several fighter wings in support as well as a CQ defense station in orbit.


Coalition Dreadnaught "Brilliant Flame" took the lead with the "Hawkeye" on its wing, running jamming on missile salvos from the "Razor's Edge". Meanwhile, the "Axium", "Emerald Star", and "Sapphire" moved with interceptor squadrons to engage with the "Razor's Edge" fighter support.

The "Razor's Edge" turned its main batteries on the "Brilliant Flame" and quickly started depleting the Dreadnaught's shields to critical levels, all hands bracing for hull breach which occurred at 22:00 with decks 7-9 losing pressure. In all, 86 hands were lost onboard and the "Brilliant Flame" was crippled, needing major repairs after the battle was completed.

However, with its fighter support otherwise engaged, the "Hawkeye" took over the spearhead of the attack while Coalition bomber squadrons, escorted by heavy X-series fighter/bombers, made several successful strafing runs, disabling the capital ship's shields and primary weapon batteries.

The "Razor's Edge" made an emergency jump to lightspeed and the space battle found a victory with only the loss of the "Sapphire" which found itself the victim of several Wyld fighters bombing themselves into its hull.
2nd Battle of Alzoc III | 422.15
Alzoc III was well defended with 1 Golan platform, 3 QX defense stations, as well as a substantial Wyld Fleet that was flagged by the commandeered Republic Star Destroyer "Illuminant Star". Along with the flagship the Wyld fleet had two battle groups of its own. The 'Winged Nexu' fleet engaged in full, both Battle Group Lylek and Reek present, for this massive push to break the spine of the Wyld Front.

On the surface, a JEDI strike team secured the capital city as a staging ground before moving on to assault their former home, the Jedi Praxium, where the Wyld General Inestima had set up his primary forward headquarters of the entire Western Front.

As the Coalition army engaged in the sweeping, snowy, hills of the ice-planet, the JEDI strike team infiltrated the old Praxium to capture General Inestima alive to put an end to the battle then and there.


Act 1: Wyld Battle Group Fervor -vs- Winged Nexu Battle Group Lylek
Fervor was led by the Vengence-Class Frigate "Crimson Claw" and a support fleet of 2 Corona-class Frigates, and 4 Pelta class corvettes along with a full fighter complement.


Lylek's "Brilliant Flame" and "Hawkeye" charged down the middle, coordinating their fire to bring down the "Crimson Claw" and knock it, and its mass driver cannons, out of the fight. Meanwhile, the "Axium", "Emerald Star" and, "Perseverance" set up a point-defense screen to intercept enemy squadrons that were moving to cut off Lylek's Heavy bombers who were targeting the Corona Frigates.

In the engagement, the three CVX-70's were successful in stalling the Wyld interceptors from hitting Lylek's bombers, but, the "Emerald Star" found itself the focus of fire from both of the Corona frigates forward batteries and its munitions cash was hit, incinerating the corvette while losing all hands on board. The bombing run was successful, however, as after the loss of the "Emerald Star" the bombers hit their targets, causing explosive decompression of one Corona frigate while crippling the other, taking it out of the fight.

Meanwhile, the "Crimson Claw" was worn down by the frigate line of Battle Group Lylek but not before sending a mass driver round through the bridge of the "Brilliant Flame" and the engine decks of the "Hawkeye." Taking the flag, the "Hawkeye" coordinated a flanking maneuver with the "Axium" and "Perseverance", diverting power to thrusters to arc around the back of the "Crimson Claw" while its shields were 100% diverted to the forward arrays. "Crimson Claw's" batteries were still able to fire locally, and so the drifting ship managed to keep pressure on the Vengence-class along with the "Hawkeye" until the CVX-70's got into position, opening fire with their batteries to hit along the thruster array, igniting the fuel reserves which caused a cascade of internal explosions that dismantled the ship.
Act 2: Wyld Battle Group Tenacity -vs- Winged Nexu Battle Group Reek
This half of the engagement was the show-stopper. 'Winged Nexu's' flagship, the MC-180 "Kulthka," faced down versus a former Republic Ship-of-the-Line "Illuminant Star" along with the rest of the respective fleets.


Battle Group Reek's "Trapper" and "Stalwart" broke off from the "Kulthka" along with a small section of bombers to engage with the line of QX stations that were peppering Nexu's fighter squadrons while the "Ter'ak" and "Ambition" set up a point-defense screen to fend off Wyld bombing runs from the capital ship. Meanwhile, daring bomber pilots who were escorted by two gunship escorts, moved to engage the "Illuminant Star's" support battle group Tenacity, consisting of the "Crimson Claw's" sister ship, the Vengence-Class "Crimson Talon" along with 3 retrofitted CR-145 corvettes. The Y-series bombers made two passes, one over the CR-145's to drop a sheet of ion torpedoes to disable their systems temporarily. On that run, 30% of the bombers were shot down by the corvette's point-defense cannons before they were rendered offline. After, the bombers came around for another pass, firing high-yield proton torpedoes to destroy the "Crimson Talon's" mass driver cannons that were firing into the hull of the "Kulthka." All the while, the gunship escorts kept the Wyld interceptor squadrons engaged.

Trading blow for blow, the "Kulthka" and "Illuminant Star" were the centerpiece of the fight. Both ships diverting shields full to front meant that whichever fleet could break through the flank would take the battle. The Wyld believed that the QX line would protect their 'north' flank and so they had no ships there, all of their support craft were engaged with Battle Group Reek's fighter screen. Unfortunately for Admiral Kerudelys, he underestimated the firepower of Battle Group Reek's "Trapper" and "Stalwart" as they engaged the primarily anti-fighter stations. the QX line pummeled the shields of the Nebulon and Dreadnaught, but, though both found their shields decimated by the engagement, surgical strikes by talented bomber pilots disabled the shields on the platforms, allowing the heavy canons of both frigates to shred the stations to ribbons.


With Reek's frigates quickly maneuvering into position, the "Illuminant Star" focused all of their firepower onto the SFS T-Series Corvettes to try and open a window for its own bombers to make a run to cripple the forward shield arrays on the "Kulthka". Both "Ter'ak" and "Ambition" found their shields overwhelmed by the superior firepower of a focused Republic-class Star Destroyer. "Ter'ak" was the first to break down the middle, its central hull caving under the firepower. "Ambition" diverted all of its power to engines to try and break off, but, a score along the primary static discharge vane meant that the action overloaded the ship's power systems and caused the entire engine compartment to rupture, causing the ship to suffer a catastrophic failure and explode.

A furious bombing run followed from Wyld bombers, succeeding in destroying the "Kulthka's" forward shield array and the "Illuminant Star" bombarded the hull with everything they had. The central fin sustained heavy damage, but did its job in protecting the major systems of the ship's hull from the heavy turbolaser canon fire long enough for the Dreadnaught and Nebulon frigates to get behind the "Illuminant Star's" forward shield projectors. Melted sheets of metal filled the space around the Republic-Class Star Destroyer as the flanking maneuver lit up their starboard side and with that, Admiral Kerudelys knew the battle had been lost. He ordered the "Illuminant Star" make an emergency jump to hyperspace, saving the Admiral's flagship to fight another day.
Finale: The Battle Ends
The fleet regrouped to engage the Golan platform. A massive wall of steel, shield arrays, and heavy turbolaser batteries. Every ship having sustained major damage, the outlook of securing orbit was dire until a transmission came from the surface, a video feed that the "Kulthka" rebroadcast on unencrypted channels for all to see: General Inestima had been captured by the JEDI strike team. He was in cuffs, brilliantly coloured lightsabers surrounded him, and the shame of his capture was evident even behind his mask fixtures.


With that broadcast, the Golan platform shut down its main reactor and surrendered, allowing boarding parties to come aboard and take prisoners for the first time en masse for the whole war. With that, the Battle of Alzoc III was concluded with a Coalition victory.

Name: Aranna Vaan Birthday: 369.01 Age: 66
Initiation: 376.17 Apprenticed: 382.24 Knighted: 400.30
Rank: Jedi Knight Mentor: Rhuacca
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