418.11 | Kenzie Ambush

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Minoda Darkrider
Jedi Knight | Councilor
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418.11 | Kenzie Ambush

Post by Minoda Darkrider »

Overview/Mission Name
Name: Minoda Darkrider
Rank: Padawan Learner
Date(s): 418.11
Location: Kenzie, local settlement outside of the Rannon Praxeum
Members of the Jedi Order present: Padawan Minoda Darkrider
Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: Planet (Will have received local news coverage)
  • There was a meeting between two patrons within the Kenzie cantina
  • During this meeting one of the patrons passed what appeared to be a sack to the other.
  • The other patron opened the sack revealing the blood soaked head of a woman.
  • The patron who delivered the package was seen fleeing the scene in the ensuing chaos.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • Padawan Darkrider was contacted by Phatso Qunar, his former employer. He was asked to join him for lunch at the Kenzie Cantina. Mr Qunar was fairly laboured and monotone in his delivery of the message, which given his line of artisanry work, isn't entirely uncommon.
  • There was no sign of Mr Qunar upon his arrival at the Kenzie Cantina, but Padawan Darkrider was beckoned over to a table at the west side of the bar. He was greeted by an individual who seemed to know him and he offered to take a seat at the table.
  • During the conversation, it was revealed that the individual knew many details of Padawan Darkriders family, friends, associates and life style. Later revealing the source of this information to be Mr Qunar whom he had held captive for a number of weeks. The individual identifying himself as Ylvion Skelgard compelled Padawan Darkrider to stay seated as removing himself from the situation may have drastic consequences for Mr Qunar.
  • Ylvion blamed Padawan Darkrider for the desecration of his culture and proceeded to make numerous threats to the Padawan. He then lifted a small sack, containing a bulbous object to the surface of the table, making clear that Padawan Darkrider would want to check the contents before Ylvion hastily exited the Cantina.
  • Upon emptying the sack, the blood soaked head of a women rolled onto the table, resulting in mass hysteria within the Cantina. Padawan Darkrider quickly retrieved both objects and fled from the cantina.
  • With no sign of Ylvion, he sought refuge in Mr Qunar's workshop, his natural next stop given the information he had.
  • Phatso Qunar when first found in the basement of his workshop, was tied to a chair in a semi-conscious state. Medical personnel were called to the scene, to attend to Mr Qunar's wounds and evac him to an infirmary.

Knight Security Clearance
Information available to Knights+
  • During the discussion between Padawan Darkrider and Ylvion, Ylvion revealed that he had ascertained the information from Mr Qunar by torturing him for as long as six weeks, going into excruciating detail into the methods he used and gloating about how he 'Sang like a bird'. Explaining that he knew about Padawan Darkriders friends, family, associates and The Jedi Order.
  • After realising that there were nefarious intentions behind summoning Padawan Darkrider to the Cantina, he tried to remove himself from the situation to tend to Mr Qunar but was prompted to sit back down when Ylvion said that Mr Qunar had been wired with explosives and if Padawan Darkrider did not stay to hear Ylvion out, he would detonate. This later turned out to be a rouse to keep Padawan Darkriders attention.
  • Ylvion revealed that he was the one who inflicted the near mortal wound on Padawan Darkriders chest during a confrontation on Kiffex. Going on to explain that he blamed Padawan Darkrider personally for the fall of the Skelgard reign over the Kiffar, breaking centuries of tradition and culture. Blaming him for disgracing Clan Skelgard and vowed to not fail again in killing Padawan Darkrider. He declared that before he kills Padawan Darkrider, he will destroy his soul, taking away everything he cares about.
  • Padawan Darkrider made attempts to dissuade Ylvion from the dark course he had set himself on, even vowing to help him but his words fell on deaf ears. Claiming Minoda had set him on this course.
  • He left behind a sack, claiming he was starting now. After looking in the sack and emptying its contents, a blood-soaked head rolled out onto the table, the eyes staring back at him were that of Artemisia Darkrider, Padawan Darkriders last living relative.
  • Mass hysteria erupted within the Cantina, forcing Padawan Darkrider to flee with the sack and head. He tried to follow after Ylvion but he was long gone by this point, disappearing into the crowd.
  • Seeking refuge in Mr Qunars workshop to check on him, he found him tied to a chair with many deep lacerations. Mr Qunar was for the most part unresponsive, being in a semi-conscious state. From his initial examination, most of the wounds looked to be of varying age, some cauterized to stem bleeding. Substantiating what Ylvion had said about torturing Mr Qunar for information rather than to slowly kill him. There was a wide array of tools marked with blood as well as packaging of food, hydro and medical kits littered around.
  • Padawan Darkrider called for medical assistance immediately to attend to Mr Qunar, he was evac'd to the Kenzie Infirmary and is now in stable recovery.

Jedi Council Clearance
Information available to Council+ and mission attendees.
  • Ylvion has made claims that the events on Kiffex are the catalyst for wanting to enact revenge on Padawan Darkrider.
Related Events
Links to either potential or confirmed related events/stories/missions
Confirmed: Image
Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

In my opinion..

My recommendations are as follows...
  • Ylvion has claimed that anyone associated with me will be in danger. This list is extensive, including all of my student peers, my Master and any member of the Jedi Order branch on Rannon. I believe Ylvion will do everything in his power to harm or kill anyone close to me. I would recommend that students and Knights alike to be vigilant in their endeavours and be more cautious of their surroundings.
  • Requesting an RSF protective detail for Mr Qunar and associates in Kenzie.
  • Detailed report to be forwarded to the RSF for them to understand the gravity of the claims made. Including a visual description of Ylvion Skelgard.
  • As previously discussed, I would formally request to withdraw from the diplomatic efforts between the Kiffar and Republic. Deferring to Master Cass's judgement on whether the Order should proceed with these efforts.
  • Temporarily introduce a pairing system, preventing Padawans from leaving the walls of the Rannon Praxeum on alone. At least until there is a resolution to the situation.
MENTOR: Serbithar Muunen, Rhuacca
DEPARTMENT ROLES: Diplomat, General Technician, Sage
LANGUAGES: Basic, Kiffu, Huttese
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