
Discussions which are Out of Character.
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Khátla Merie
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Post by Khátla Merie »

Peeping in to say hello, and to see how it's going everyone.
I'm a little bored during this whole virus thing, so I might make myself available to do some 'animation' modifications for the community if anyone has requests.

I hope you are all doing fine, I miss you guys :D
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Teynara Jeralyr
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Re: Hey!

Post by Teynara Jeralyr »

Good to see you, old friend. Hope you're doing well!
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Ber-til Keztor
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Re: Hey!

Post by Ber-til Keztor »

Seeing your name is a trip down the memory lane; it's been a while! It'd be nice to catch you around again.
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Khátla Merie
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Hey! (The Remake)

Post by Khátla Merie »

I'm gonna necro this thread since I don't really remember how you're supposed to treat OOC on here.

Merry Christmas!
Or Life Day, if that's how you still do it on here.

I know, kind of late. I've been having fun trying to guess what my old password is.
Still alive, still kicking an still keeping an eye on here.

Hope you are ALL doing good.
Can't RP, but like I sometimes do, I am available on discord at


If you want to acquire one of my old models or need help with one you've got 🎁
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Kiara O'ren
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Re: Hey!

Post by Kiara O'ren »

Welcome Khátla,

Always good to hear from a past member! I don't know why you think you cannot RP but should that ever change it would be nice to have you back.

Happy Holidays!
___________|- Name: Kiara O'ren | Born: 372ABY | Image
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Minoda Darkrider
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Re: Hey!

Post by Minoda Darkrider »

Wasn’t here when you were a member but always happy and willing to RP with anyone who graces the Rannon Praxeum! Hope to see you about even if it’s just to play a wandering merchant :)

- Minoda
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Teynara Jeralyr
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Re: Hey!

Post by Teynara Jeralyr »

Nice to see you again, Khatla. Hope you've been doing well!
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Khátla Merie
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Re: Hey!

Post by Khátla Merie »

Likewise friend and friends!
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Khátla Merie
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Re: Hey!

Post by Khátla Merie »

I have been lurking as the ominous red dot for a week now, and while I'm still not sure I should participate, I couldn't keep myself from working on something anyway.


It's very clearly an edit of the Rebels inquisitor, I tried to make it look young enough to get in the youngling pack, as I did intend to roll Pau'an a little over a year ago I think.
It's not a great edit, and could use a helping hand if I actually were to rig it up for use. I also plan to update at least one of my other models to make available for younglings.

I'm mulling over a bio and character name, but I have nothing right now :mrgreen:
If you're interested in using the pau'an head go ahead an send me a PM/DM whichever you prefer.

The original model was obtained from JakeGreen163 on Deviant Art, in case there are an grievances with using it for the youngling pack without permission I can try and get it.
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