418.23 Battle for Ryloth

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Minoda Darkrider
Jedi Knight | Councilor
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418.23 Battle for Ryloth

Post by Minoda Darkrider »

Battle for Ryloth
Name: Minoda Darkrider
Rank: Padawan Learner
Date(s): 418.23
Location: Ryll, Capitol city of Ryloth
Members of the Jedi Order present: Jedi Knight Serbithar Muunen, Padawan Learner Minoda Darkrider
Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: Galaxy - planetary control shift
  • Coalition Forces aided by members of the Jedi Order, mounted a full frontal assault on Wyld Forces occupying the capitol city of Ryll.
  • Wyld Forces armed with repeating blasters, explosives and armoured walkers held back the Coalition Forces in the streets until enough ground had been made for Republic ground reinforcements to arrive in drop-ships.
  • The power struggle has shifted in favour of Republic Coalition Forces. Fighting still continues in and around Ryll, with both sides sustaining heavy casualties.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • Knight Muunen and Padawan Darkrider boarded the NASH-4077 Hawkeye, where they were briefed by Commander Pyke and Captain Typ-hoe on the mission objectives.
  • Jedi Knight Muunen and Padawan Darkrider were transported to a shield installation on the outskirts of Ryll, which they were tasked with infiltrating and liberating prisoners of the Ryloth Resistance. Shortly after gaining access to the installation, both Jedi were faced with an organised contingent of Wyld Forces, which they were able to overcome in order to free the resistance fighters. After freeing the resistance fighters, the Jedi capitalised on the Twi'leks intimate knowledge of the tunnel system to aid them in destroying the shields and infiltrating the city of Ryll.
  • Attempts to reach the head of the Wylds efforts in Ryll using stealth and infiltration tactics failed as a errant Wyld soldier crossed the path of Padawan Darkrider forcing him to resort to defending himself. The group were then fired upon by two squads of soldiers and one armoured walker. Jedi Knight Muunen was able to disable the walker while Padawan Darkrider assisted by two of the Resistance Fighters, Libra One and Trigger were able to dispatch of the two trooper squads. Making a clearing to allow the Republic drop-ships to enter the city.
  • As the ground forces pushed through the city in an effort to retake it, Knight Muunen and Padawan Darkrider confronted the cities Governor, Lord Ryloth. Although wounded, they emerged victorious.
  • After the battle, Padawan Darkrider and Jedi Knight Muunen were Med Evac'd to the NASH-4077 Hawkeye for immediate Medical Treatment where they were put into the care of Medical Officer Corporal Damonar.
  • Fighting still continues on the streets of Ryll.

Knight Security Clearance
Information available to Knights+
  • The Wylds Forces seemed far more organised than previously experienced. The tactics they employed were similar to that of a highly trained squad of Republic Marines. The walker encountered during the conflict was one of many sighted. It appears the Wyld Empire is accumulating more and more military hardware of a higher quality.
  • Attempts were made to reason with Lord Ryloth and have him, his guard and forces surrender peacefully, however all attempts to speak were met with taunting. Lord Ryloth only had a few moments after the arrival of Knight Muunen and Padawan Darkrider before ordering his personal guard to attack.
  • The personal guard protecting Lord Ryloth were equipped with jetpacks, repeating blasters and vibroblades. Their armour was exceptionally advanced as was the weaponry they were using. Repeating blasters with extremely high fire rate and cooling modifiers. During the confrontation, the personal guard employed advanced military formations to attempt to separate Padawan Darkrider and Knight Muunen.
  • Lord Ryloth himself was wearing lightsaber resistant Songsteel armour, wielding a Songsteel Vibroblade and was highly trained in the Dark side of the Force. As he was being worn down during the fight, his strength grew, causing him to lash out with devastating physical and Force attacks. Using such techniques as Tutaminis, burst telekinesis and physical augmentation.
  • When Knight Muunen was wounded by Lord Ryloth, he was readying himself to make the final strike. Padawan Darkrider was able to summon enough of his energy to knock Lord Ryloth far enough across the room. Giving Knight Muunen enough time to get to his feet.
  • The fighting continued for a few moments longer before Padawan Darkrider and Knight Muunen were both severely wounded by the vibroblade. Padawan Darkrider was able to make a final stand where his last strike caused Lord Ryloth to succumb to his wounds.
  • Padawan Darkrider was able to stem Jedi Knight Muunens bleeding until the Republic Forces arrived, where both were rendered unconscious and transported back to the NASH-4077 Hawkeye.

Jedi Council Clearance
Information available to Council+ and mission attendees.
  • Lord Ryloth exhibited many of the signs we learn to look for in practitioners of the Dark Side. He was quick to reveal how fast he responds to confrontation with violence and as he did so, I could feel his disdain for us as Jedi, a pure and raw hatred that seemed to give him strength. He used this during the confrontation and wherever we prevailed, it further infuriated him making him an even more dangerous opponent.
Related Events
Links to either potential or confirmed related events/stories/missions
Potential: None.
Confirmed: Campaign Record
Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

In my opinion..

My recommendations are as follows...
  • I believe the Force Mastery and Theory department should convene to discuss the theory behind the Wyld Empire's Force Philosophy. To try and understand what motivates them and if they see themselves as following a higher purpose, or even believe their crusade to be a noble one. It might help us understand how to more effectively combat them.
  • It might be prudent to advice Commander Pyke on bolstering his forces with the help of the Resistance as they proved extremely effective during our mission. Libra One and Libra Two are a husband and wife who lead the Resistance, they would be the point of contact.
MENTOR: Serbithar Muunen, Rhuacca
DEPARTMENT ROLES: Diplomat, General Technician, Sage
LANGUAGES: Basic, Kiffu, Huttese
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