421.23 | Trust but Verify II

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Donan Healof
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421.23 | Trust but Verify II

Post by Donan Healof »

Trust but Verify II
Name: Donan Healof
Rank: Padawan
Date(s): 421.23
Location: Annoo
Members of the Jedi Order present:
  • Jedi Knight Emma Vilume
  • Padawan Donan Healof

Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: <None>
  • G.R.I.D. operatives had suspicions that one of the Hutt clan leading figures - Kalarro was dealing with the Wyld by doing dead drops. There was proven facts that the crew of Starstalker had transported goods already to the Wyld and the crew were under the employment of Kalarro the Hutt. The Jedi were sent to mediate the situation by being the neutral spectators, invited by Jiramma the Hutt to his abode.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • Short briefing in the security department and both Padawan Healof and Knight Vilume were transported to the location of the ''negotiations'' as it was called at first.
  • The mansion was gigantic, most likely to impose ones power, wealth and superior status on the visitors.
  • We were greeted by Majordomo Dorrix (a Klatooinian Male) who led us through the corridors into the dining space.
  • Three Hutts were already there at their chairs, next to them the Majordomo's who mostly worked as translators but it was quickly obvious they had their own agendas and conflicts between each other.
  • After my Faux pas during the dinner when because of my lack in knowledge of the Hutt culture - I thought it was a good idea to introduce in Huttese and it was nothing more than an insult to them.
  • It's safe to say both I Padawan Healof and Knight Vilume felt uneasy there as if tension filled and kept filling the room almost leaving no space to breathe...
  • We had to gather ourselves, but as the conversations became heated I offered for a short pause and Jiramma the Hutt agreed...

Knight Security Clearance
Information available to Knights+
  • It does not take a too trained empath to feel if one is highly in distress and that was Majordomo Tellix Drovagh.
  • Majordomo Tellix Drovagh tried to scare me off or threaten me - mostly using his body language.
  • Tellix made a mistake of leaving through the balcony, by using a rope as he did not see me in the balcony taking a breath in. Stress leads to mistakes.
  • With a series of jumps I entered his room and inspected it, he hid a bunch of documents that proved Kalarro the Hutt involvement with the Wyld - I presented these documents to Majordomo Dorrix after giving it myself a read.
  • At the table more arguments were made until the evidence were presented and Jiramma ordered his Majordomo to get rid of the Hutt named Kalarro.
  • I asked and tried to influence the Hutt for him not to kill Kalarro but hand him to the G.R.I.D. but my effort was futile.
  • As the vibroblade of Dorrix was placed on the skin of Kalarro a Jedi came out of nowhere, his face hidden - he ignited his purple blade that lit the interior. It was then revealed that it was Master Wen-Ordo.
  • Being familiar with Jiramma he followed us there to make sure we get out alive, up until that point I did not feel like my life is in any way threatened - I did not think the Hutts would ever try to take a Jedi who's on an official mission out - I was naive.
  • We managed to do copies of the documents for the republic before returning them to Jiramma and leaving the atmosphere of Annoo.

Related Events
Links to either potential or confirmed related events/stories/missions
  • None
  • None

Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

Going in neither I or Knight Vilume expected such a 'greeting'. But it was definitely something to adjust to, see through the bog that is the tension and mix of emotions in the room, find what's not right and eventually figure it out. I would say we filled our roles quite well and it went quite smoothly considering the way it could've went.

However, for the future I must mention that we do have classes on so many different things but rarely it's on different cultures such as the Hutt for example, so maybe that could be implemented for the future.
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