422.15 ABY | Wyld Space Act 2 FINALE: Battle for Alzoc III

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Donan Healof
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422.15 ABY | Wyld Space Act 2 FINALE: Battle for Alzoc III

Post by Donan Healof »

Battle for Alzoc III
Name: Donan Healof
Rank: Padawan
Date(s): 422.15
Location: Alzoc III
Members of the Jedi Order present:
  • Jedi Knight Grruvahk
  • Jedi Knight Nicole Vantane
  • Jedi Knight Daegon Evera
  • Padawan Donan Healof

Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: <Galaxy>
  • JEDI commanders together with coalition forces pushed through the ranks of Wyld forces, lowering civilian casualties as well as completing one by one of the objectives.
  • After securing the landing pad and the communication center, the JEDI infiltrated the interior of the Alzoc III jedi temple, previously home to some who were part of the field operation.
  • Despite the numerous attempts to minimize the casualties the Wyld operatives would take their own lives instead of being kept alive. However, it was a great victory as the General who resided in the Jedi temple was captured alive by the Jedi and was transmitted live to all the Wyld forces in order to break their morale.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • The four would be instructed by Councilor Vaan in the council chambers, before they were sent of to join the coalition forces, they approached Alzoc III as one of the frigates exploded before reaching the atmosphere.
  • Landing on Alzoc III capitol city they were met by the captain of the local forces, who instructed the Jedi quickly before they joined to turn the tide of the battle.
  • Objective by objective the Jedi more or less slowly and carefully pushed through the ranks of the Wyld forces by which they were met with great resistance.
  • The local AA guns were set to fire upon Wyld ships instead of the coalition ships.
  • After the first objectives were complete the JEDI made way to the Jedi temple.
  • Jedi Knights used their Force abilities in attempts to either minimize damage on the JEDI ground operatives or save some of the Wyld forces.
  • It is clear that the Wyld forces have been trained how to act when faced against certain Force abilities, even the simple soldier feels when a presence tries to infiltrate it's mind and rather chooses to take his own life.
  • Inside of the temple we've met not only specially equipped soldiers, but high ranking Wyld fighters that used lightsabers.

Knight Security Clearance
Information available to Knights+
  • A Wyld soldier would blast his brain out if he feels a mind trying to peer into his head.
  • It was clear that the Wyld forces done their homework and were prepared for the scenario that happened (us arriving from the Archives), but it did not stop us from succeeding.
  • As we approached General Inestima the intensity and level of training of the Wyld forces increased drastically.
  • After clearing the inner yard we started searching nearby places for signs where the General could be, but soon a powerful dark presence was felt as General Inestima chose to fight us himself accompanied by other trained dark side users.
  • It was not an easy fight, unfortunately more blood was spattered on the ground of the temple but we completed our objective by capturing General Inestima alive.
  • He attempted to pierce himself onto our lightsaber blades, but Master Grruvahk was much quicker to react and after it we restrained him with cuffs.
  • Restrained and with his morale broken General Inestima was transmitted captured to all of the Wyld forces in order to break their morale and to show the Galaxy that the Jedi are here to protect.

Related Events
Links to either potential or confirmed related events/stories/missions
  • None
Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
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We succeeded in taking back Alzoc III, cleared it of the Wyld forces and saved the civilians that were held captured. We completed our objectives, led the coalition forces, infiltrated the Jedi temple and ultimately captured General Inestima. However it does feel as either the Wyld forces have maybe bit too much and can't hold control of their planets or... The worse scenario is that they're focused on something else and decided to sacrifice the hold on Alzoc III.

My multiple clashes with the Wyld also taught me that they are very proudful of their cause and this will definitely not only feel as a loss to them but as a very powerful insult. As a cornered beast, pushed even further into a corner I believe they might go to unimaginable extremes - expect very filled with anger backlash.
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