Wyld Space Act 3: Intel Gathering Report

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Wyld Space Act 3: Intel Gathering Report

Post by Eluna »

Wyld Space Act 3: Intel Gathering
Name: Eluna Mioni
Rank: Padawan Learner
Date(s): 423.14
Location: Suarbi, Wyld compound
Members of the Jedi Order present: Padawan learner Eluna Mioni, Padawan learner Zyli Hiden
Public Information

The Jedi successfully infiltrated the wyld compound and retrieved crucial informations.
Level of Exposure: Planet

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
Padawan Hiden and Mioni were tasked to infiltrate a Wyld training camp to retrieve some information about the Wyld culture as well as their homeworld location.
While undercover padawan Hiden was injured by Tar'sak, an elite Twilek warrior of the Wyld and in charge of training the new recruits.

The Wyld value their own interpretation of honor above all. In reality they despise anything they see as a weakness such as compashion, mercy, and praise strength, brutality and most feelings leading to the dark side. Wyldlings are the arm of the Emperor, to enact his will. Foot soldiers are just their faughter to use as they see fit. It is possible to meet him when inducted as Wylding. The superiors during the training are called Wielder while those under them are named worms. They also call the Force the Wyld.

The next day we started our exploration of the compound and found the requested data. We had to fight Tar'sak, she was unfortunately impossible to reason and died of her wounds. We then escaped the facility and regrouped with the flotilla.

Knight Security Clearance
Information available to Knights+
While searching the compound we found informations about a stolen artifact during the occupation of Alzoc III. Some engineers were working on it before Tar'sak killed the whole team for their lack of results. They were doing some research on an hypergate, meant to bring an army from their homeworld.
Jedi Council Clearance
Information available to Council+ and mission attendees.
After retreiving the informations about the artifact we headed to the main building where Grand Wielder Nobriah Rekon was resting. Tar'sak spotted us inside and questionned us before forcing us to fight her over the location of the Wyld homeworld.
After being defeated the Twilek gave us the location of the Wyld homeworld.
An exoplanet in coordinates R20 Subsector 9.
There is no sun and it can be detected only through sensors.
It appears that their cities are under the surface.
Related Events

Confirmed: Wyld Space Act 3: Force Recon | 422.29
Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

A small team or sentries should be sent to the coordinates to confirm the exoplanet's presence and to recon before setting up a larger scaled operation.

In the mean time it is crucial to retrieve the artifact from the training compound as it can pose as a strong threat if the Wylds manages to make it work.

◄▌Name : Eluna Mioni Birthdate : 392.28▐►
◄▌Homeplanet : Thustra Initiated : 400.10 Mentor : Saesee Yaren▐►

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Zyli Hiden
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Re: Wyld Space Act 3: Intel Gathering Report

Post by Zyli Hiden »

Overview/Mission Name
Name: Zyli Hiden
Rank: Padawan
Date(s): 423.14
Location: Suarbi, Wyld compound, and Training Facility.
Members of the Jedi Order present: Padawan Zyli Hiden and Padawan Eluna Mioni.
Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
The Jedi Order was sent to do recon and recover information. These Jedi successfully were able to achieve their goal.
Level of Exposure: Planet

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • Both Jedi Padawan Zyli Hiden and Padawan Eluna Mioni were able to successfully infiltrate a Wyld Training Facility and gather critical information on Wyld culture and the homeworld location.
  • The Wyld has a quite strict system and harsh training process that is designed to cause internal conflict between students, while also breaking their mental and physical fortitudes to 'strengthen' them, while also reshaping them as a person. They also have codes and major principles that all of them follow. One is the pure importance of honor, they believe that honor is the most important aspect. There are many ways to lose honor but the three primary ways to them are by shopping compassion, mercy, or hesitation will lose someone honor in the Wyld. Their direct doe states, "Strike Hard. Strike First. Show No Mercy." This code enforces the principle of using the force, which they refer to as the Wyld, as a tool for destruction and no mercy upon their foes. This leads to many of them losing themselves to the Wyld which while making them stronger for a strong duration of time, seems to drain their mental and physical attributes.
  • During this operation, Jedi Padawan Zyli Hiden was injured by a Wyld Warrior named Tar'sak. Eventually once Padawan Hiden and Padawan Mioni had gathered their information, they were forced to confront Tar'sak again. She had used the full extent of the 'Wyld' in this case boosting her physical abilities to an ll time high but also in the end making her too exhausted. Combined with her overuse of the force and her injuries, she eventually succumbed to her wounds.

Knight Security Clearance
Information available to Knights+
  • Further information that we have found was an artifact from Alzoc II. From a datapad, I had found it suggested this was a 'hypergate', and that the Wyld has been working for a while to try and get this up and going to possibly try and bring more Wyld forces into the core area.

Jedi Council Clearance
Information available to Council+ and mission attendees.
  • Tar'sak before her death, had revealed about her past with Ryloth and how she wanted to make it better by joining the Wyld. This suggests to me that the Wyld are praying on those who have troubled pasts and are not in a great mental state to feed their army. She also had told us the coordinates to the Wyld Homeworld, being an exoplanet in R20 Subsector 9. She also had told us that there is no sun present on that planet, and sensors must be used to detect it. Under the surface is also where the cities are present, so those things should be kept in mind if an assault is planned by any forces for their homeworld.

Related Events
Links to either potential or confirmed related events/stories/missions
Confirmed: Wyld Space Act 3: Force Recon | 422.29
Summary and Actions

This operation has shown us the true Wyld Culture and how they are able to achieve such a large and vicious army by praying to people who have been affected by previous events or the war and also enforcing a code that enforces honor over surrender. The combination of these does make for a great army but as proved with Tar'sak there may be coming back for some though convincing is rather difficult as also proved with Tar'sak. In my recommendations, we should start recon and surveying of this homeworld to see what activities may be taking place or even communications coming from the planet since this is most likely where the Wyld Emperor gives his commands. We also should possibly try and disable the training facility if possible and gather back the artifact taken from Alzoc III due to the threat it could present if the Wyld are able to activate it.
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