424.02 - Into the Darkness Phase I (Wyld Space arc finale)

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Donan Healof
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424.02 - Into the Darkness Phase I (Wyld Space arc finale)

Post by Donan Healof »

Into the Darkness Phase I
Name: Donan Healof
Rank: Padawan
Date(s): 424.02
Location: Wyld Empire's homeworld
Members of the Jedi Order present:
  • Jedi Knight Rhuacca
  • Jedi Knight Kiara O'ren
  • Padawan AyyaGella
  • Padawan Donan Healof

Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: <Galaxy>
  • JEDI task force landed around twenty clicks away from their final goal for phase I - which was taking down the hypervelocity cannons that were stopping the Republic fleet from moving in closer.
  • Before they made safe landing the transport ship that carried the JEDI was shot down as it approached the orbit, luckily no casualties and the JEDI landed not too far of their given coordinates.
  • Making their way they quickly met the team of Rangers that were there to help them. Together they pushed through the defences of the Empire as well as completed additional tasks that helped the coalition forces as a whole.
  • After helping with the additional tasks the Jedi made their way into the fortress, defeated all the hostile forces and disabled the cannons that let the Republic move in and secure the objectives.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • There would be a quick briefing in the council room before all four would quickly leave for their mission.
  • The landing was not the best but was to be expected considering the state that the planet was in, they've met with the rangers assigned to them and made their way by pushing through the forces of the Empire as well as helping fellow coalition squads push away their attackers.
  • Objectives done besides the Hypervelocity cannon disabled were : Destruction of the communication tower; Helping fire team Zulu fight off heavy machinery and secure their ground;
  • Soon after we've made our way into the fortress where besides meeting heavily armed and trained soldiers - we've also met well trained swordsmen that could also use the Force.
  • After defeating these dark side of the Force users, Jedi Knight Rhuacca, I and Padawan AyyaGella destroyed the cooling for the power conduits that fed the Hypervelocity cannons.
  • Moments after many ships of the Republic approached the atmosphere and numerous of task squads descended on the ground to reinforce our taken over objectives.
  • A different team of JEDI consisting off : Padawan Eluna Mioni, Padawan Aren Kelpor, Jedi Knights Evera and Vantane went in for phase II of capturing the Emperor.

Related Events
Links to either potential or confirmed related events/stories/missions
  • None
Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

We've managed to secure all of our objectives and more that were given for Phase I of the battle with I believe the minimal amount of losses on our side. Because of how successful Phase I was I believe helped out the task force that went in for Phase II as I am currently aware of our victory. Yet I recommend of dwelling deeper into the Lore of this "Wyld" species, watching them closely for future.
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Re: 424.02 - Into the Darkness Phase I (Wyld Space arc finale)

Post by Ayyagella »

Overview/Mission Name
Name: Ayyagella
Rank: padawan
Date(s): 424.08
Location: Wyld Empire homeworld
Members of the Jedi Order present:
  • padawan ayyagella
  • Jedi Knight Kiara O'ren
  • Jedi Knight Rhuacca
  • Padawan Donan Healof
Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: <Galaxy>
  • Jedi Forces 'landed' twenty clicks from there objective. To clear the way to the Hypervelocity cannons and Take the fortified base.
  • With the help of the Rangers the jedi where able to spearhead a push to take the required Points to make there way to the Hypervelocity Cannons.
  • After a long push and Assistance from outside forces such as other squads the jedi where able to disable the cannons and take the Fortress allowing for more forces to push forwards.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • As Field missions of this scale go, the landing was rough but there where no injury form the 'controlled' crash.
  • During our push to the fortress distress calls where heard from other assault teams, a small Diversion was taken so that assistance could be offered to the soldiers in danger.
  • Upon clearing there communications tower and Dealing heavy casualties to there forces they recalled there troops to the Fortress. Allowing for the Jedi to regroup and infiltrate the fortress
  • Upon Infiltrating there was a large number of skill and heavily armed forces. Including but not limited to, heavy repeaters, Swordsmen, Wyld users, General Foot soldiers. The sheer number of warm bodies left us lacking on options once making our way inside.
  • The jedi assault team had worked together to cut a coolant line to leave the Cannons in question inoperable, Once this was finished The Republic played a key roll in claiming the Fortress.
  • Once the base was successfully claimed stage two could begin allowing for the second Jedi team to begin there mission.

Related Events
Links to either potential or confirmed related events/stories/missions
Potential: ...
Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

In my opinion.. as the war seems to be coming to a close make a public statement to the Wyld that remains. A message that would help to leave there forces moral broken to allow for the remaining skirmishes to Fade without the need of more bloodshed.

My recommendations are as follows...
  • Set aside a portion funds for relief to the planets affected by the war
  • Set fundraisers or assist them by sending the order as a show of face to show, and reaffirm our pubic opinion we are protectors of all life and piece.
  • Those heavily effected by the missions and war are given LOA's or Time to recover before they are pressed for more missions or tough situations
  • Allow those 'wyld' users a chance to change and shift there views on the force and Life.
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