[Rules & Tips] Changelog

((JEDI Rules & Tips to help you get the best start within the community))
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Re: [Rules & Tips] Changelog

Post by The Jedi Council »

~ Rules & Tips Update ~

Greetings All,

On 359.06 ABY, the following updates were made to JEDI's rules:
  • New thread [Rules & Tips] The Lore of ::JEDI:: was added. This thread was written to help hopefuls and newer members be aware of and understand recently established lore that will impact them in character.
Feedback on these changes is welcomed, as such large bodies of text can be susceptible to many overlooked errors.

For any questions or concerns about the updated material or future updates, please contact The Jedi Council account through private message.

- The Jedi Council

The Jedi Council of Duneeden

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Re: [Rules & Tips] Changelog

Post by The Jedi Council »

~ Rules & Tips Update ~

Greetings All,

On 362.25 ABY, the following updates were made to JEDI's rules:
  • New section Resignation and Reapplication was added to the Code and Conduct thread. This adjustment was made to clarify returning to JEDI after a resignation, rather than after an LOI.
Feedback on these changes is welcomed, as such large bodies of text can be susceptible to many overlooked errors.

For any questions or concerns about the updated material or future updates, please contact The Jedi Council account through private message.

- The Jedi Council

The Jedi Council of Duneeden

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Re: [Rules & Tips] Changelog

Post by The Jedi Council »

~ Rules & Tips Update ~

Greetings All,

On 362.26 ABY, the following updates were made to JEDI's rules:
  • The Joining JEDI thread was revised, the Consult a Mentor section was updated and reformatted, and 'Permanent cybernetic enhancements' was added to the list of banned species for applications. Whilst not a specific species in itself, this addition was made to ensure that all joining members have an even playing field for progression and ability, as well as avoiding cliché plots.
Feedback on these changes is welcomed, as such large bodies of text can be susceptible to many overlooked errors.

For any questions or concerns about the updated material or future updates, please contact The Jedi Council account through private message.

- The Jedi Council

The Jedi Council of Duneeden

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Re: [Rules & Tips] Changelog

Post by The Jedi Council »

~ Rules & Tips Update ~

Greetings All,

On 363.26 ABY, the following updates were made to JEDI's rules:
  • A rule has been created in regards to returning members. Members who have been gone for two years or longer are now required to re-roll as an initiate or hopeful, regardless of what rank they obtained before their leaving. This serves as a way for the returning members to relearn and reintroduce themselves to JEDI and Star Wars role-play. This can be found in the Resignation and Reapplication section of Code of Conduct.
  • The section Character model and skin was added to the Character Creation Guide. This section clarifies the importance of choosing a suitable model and skin, resources for hopefuls and a restriction on anime/cartoon inspired models/skins.
Feedback on these changes is welcomed, as such large bodies of text can be susceptible to many overlooked errors.

For any questions or concerns about the updated material or future updates, please contact The Jedi Council account through private message.

- The Jedi Council

The Jedi Council of Duneeden

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Re: [Rules & Tips] Changelog

Post by The Jedi Council »

~ Rules & Tips Update ~

Greetings All,

On 425.17 ABY, the following updates were made to JEDI's rules:
Greetings, JEDI,

Following on from our recent changes made to the Adept rank, we wanted to codify a new policy for those returning to JEDI after being away for some time. At present, our rules state:
After 6 months of absence has elapsed, returning players will be required to reroll as a new character. Players will have the choice of rerolling as a hopeful or as an established member of the Order, up to and including the rank of the previous character. Exceptions to this rule are, Councilors and High Councilors, who are not permitted to reapply as these ranks or roles. They however can re-roll into these ranks and roles if still present within the community and currently have a character that holds that specific position. All reapplications from resigned members should be sent to the Jedi Council account.
This will now be changed to:
After 6 months of absence had elapsed, returning players will be asked to re-roll as a new character. Players will have the choice of re-rolling as a Hopeful, or as an established member of the Order transferring into the Rannon branch. The rank of your new character will be dependent on the rank your last character held at the time of your departure:
  • Students at Initiate or Padawan rank may re-roll as a new Initiate, or as a Masterless Padawan
  • Knights will be asked to re-roll at Adept rank for a short probationary period, after which they may resume their former rank. Members that have been gone between six months to a year will have a one-month probation, whereas members gone for longer will be asked to complete the standard three-month probation.
This is designed to allow returning members to settle into being back with JEDI and adjust to the demands of RP without being further burdened by the more-demanding responsibilities of Knighthood.
This rule change and the use of the Adept rank is not intended as a negative reflection on the returning player - indeed, we want the community to recognise that the Adept rank exists largely to allow for returning characters to re-adjust, and for existing Knights demoted to that rank to make changes that correct any negative behaviour, so that all recognise that we have complete confidence in those who hold the deserved rank of "Jedi Knight".

As always, we welcome any questions or concerns you may have.


- The Jedi Council
Feedback on these changes is welcomed, as such large bodies of text can be susceptible to many overlooked errors.

For any questions or concerns about the updated material or future updates, please contact The Jedi Council account through private message.

- The Jedi Council

The Jedi Council of Duneeden

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