428.19 | Nebula Reprise

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Donan Healof
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428.19 | Nebula Reprise

Post by Donan Healof »

Nebula Reprise
Name: Donan Healof
Rank: Padawan
Date(s): 428.19
Location: Nebula withing the Cloak region
Members of the Jedi Order present:
  • Padawan Eli Tzineda
  • Padawan Donan Healof
  • Jedi Knight Kiara O'ren

Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: <Region>
  • Knight Kiara O'ren and her padawans left the Praxeum with the Chronos towards the Cloak region.
  • During their journey, Master O'ren shun light to a possible problem within the inside happenings of the shuttle. She mentioned that ship sometimes does things on its own, we discussed a theory of an unwanted code, a virus that might have slipped in.
  • Soon after the discussion mentioned earlier our ship comes to a halt, the hyperspace jump was interrupted because we reached a destination - however, not the one we anticipated. This virus inside of the ship took us to a Nebula in the Cloak region.
  • The Chronos was heavily damaged during it's travel through the Nebula, eventually it emerged out and came back to the Praxeum.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • After we stopped inside of this Nebula a cosmic storm chased after out shuttle as if it was sentient. We did our best to escape it, together all three we tried to help each by binding ourselves in this sort of group meditation as we did our best to try and survive the storm as well as get away from it. Eli was the anchor point connecting me and him and Kiara all together.
  • After finally managing to escape the storm we sustained some heavy damage and the pilots computer overheated and with it cut Kiara as well as some of the acids in it got on her - making her next destination the medical bay. And the Chronos next destination - a repair station.
  • Thankfully Eli was here before but with Padawan Dexen (who left the order as a Knight). Both of them found a space station by a river, somewhere in this Nebula and after a few scans we managed to pick up the same station and limping but surely made our way over there - there was no way we could've fixed Chronos from the inside with what we had.
  • Upon our arrival no-one meets us, but a group of repair droids rush to the Chronos. As we make our way we find a dead civilian, shot in multiple places - given a quick and precise death.
  • More and more bodies followed - both Eli and I suspected droids to be the killers but someone must've been behind them, most likely the same person who somehow got that virus onto the Chronos.
  • This place was a cloning facility, eventually we find one of its first - an individual called the "Mother" left a message for us, (as physically she was dead) a holo-projection - but that was interrupted by a transmission from one of the clones - a woman named Leira.
  • Leira planned to take our shuttle and use it to get all of her sisters, identical clones of her out of this Nebula with someone who will give them strength.
  • Unable to find a way to slice into or anyhow get into the turbolift and back to our shuttle, we found out that there's a console that overrides all of the controls here somewhere further in a temple.
  • We took a speeder boat there, fortunately with Eli who's been there showing the path.
  • Planet jungle was filled with bugs who cause immense pain but does not go through skin as tough as Eli's.
  • At one point Eli and I had to separate as this jungle was a place where a beast lived, one that Eli has faced before so promising me he'll eventually come back, I stayed trusting our commlink - before even checking if it works.
  • Soon I learned that indeed the commlink does not work and hours went by as Eli didn't come back. The only thing to keep away the bugs who would eventually be deadly were only kept by a burning brazier with incense in it. As time passed by - I understood that I must go the other path and see what's in there.
  • I came upon the proximity of the temple where one stood as someone to greet me rather than a guard, the clones knew very well of us and awaited our appearance.
  • Following one of these clones I entered this temple, unknown writings on the walls, something I have not seen before - but it felt ancient and powerful. Walls decorated similarly like a Jedi temple would be, but it wasn't as humble or peaceful it felt aggressive, wanting to control, wanting for you to feel powerful.

Knight Security Clearance
Information available to Knights+
  • Inside there was similar to the cloud storm in the Nebula an entity of sorts, awaiting for me - Leira started chanting something not in her voice (under the influence of this thing) and I was lifted into air, wasn't able to control myself as I eventually flew right into this cloud of darkness and pure hatred and all went black.
  • I felt it reach out it's evil tendrils to try and probe my mind, my vision came back after what it felt like falling a thousand feet until I hit a rock bottom of a cave.
  • This cave was filled with memories of this thing, some other felt like were trapped in these memories after their death - maybe the creature absorbed them?
  • I've met the "Mother" that was also part of this creature's mind or rather a sliver of her essence remained but within this thing, she talked about "The Father" who actually was a man whose daughter was greatly sick and eventually this illness took her and, in his grief, he tried to clone her, find the most similar one and take her back with him.
  • All of these reminded me of an article I've read - I asked her if the fathers name was Dagrin Varo and she confirmed it. I told her the bad news as the man has abandoned them thirteen years ago and she seemed lost of any hope. All I did is promise her she will be reunited with the Force eventually - one way or another, which calmed her and she went out of my vision.
  • Twisted by this being, the clones began a cult sort of, chasing for a New Idea, a way to leave this Nebula - was promised by the creature, which was most likely lies.
  • At the end of this cave it showed itself again in this cloud form, pulsing with darkness it felt as if it sucked any light out of the room. It invited me to join him, that he would teach me, grant me powers beyond my imagination. It was extremely tiring to try and resist his constant attempts to delve deeper into my mind, to try and break me.
  • I focused and imbued a crystal close to him with my side of the Force and threw it at him. It weakened him but at the same time gave him an opening to pierce into my mind.
  • It took me to a different layer of his mind where I thought a beast that could shapeshift into anything it wishes to; it was much stronger than anything I faced before. But I believe it was sort of split into different places and I was saved eventually by Eli as somehow, he dealt a killing strike to it at the same time taking down the one, I was facing.
  • That sprung me into another different layer where this time the creature showed itself in a form that looked like a cloaked human. He had a hilt of design that I've never seen before, his strikes and his form was unrecognizable, and his blade was crimson red.
  • I felt bad for this thing, as all it was but a fraction of his old self, only emotions such as anger, hatred survived - and that was what I was facing. But then I must've struck a chord as it was very defensive when I mentioned the idea of him letting go of Leira and the control over the clones.
  • He must've had something happen in his life while he was still alive and breathing, but he kept trying to kill me, so I had no choice - I distracted him by throwing another crystal into him as he turned to cut it in half, I was already mid jump with my blade and dealt a deadly strike, as it fell to its death I felt as if he maybe was too sorry for his actions.

Council Clearance
Information available to Councilors+
  • The temple is still there and even though I feel like I've taken this being down with Padawan Eli Tzineda - we must still try and examine it, maybe there's something for us to learn.
  • I've promised Leira that we will send a cruiser to take her and her sisters out of that place and I wish to follow through with this promise.
  • The man named Dagrin Varo that probably resides in Ryloth should be taken into custody and questioned about the cloning facility.
  • The thing mentioned being gathering power for his masters to use, so I am not completely sure if it's an actual living being that remained and turned into this entity or if it's just pure energy.

Related Events
Links to either potential or confirmed related events/stories/missions
  • None
Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

We should send a rescue team to take the clones left there out of that place as soon as possible as well as a team of sages to investigate - are the two very important things. As well as finding Dagrin Varo - as he might have some answers being ''the Father''.
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