Short Stories for Life Day 2022

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Ilya Gampassa
Padawan Learner
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Short Stories for Life Day 2022

Post by Ilya Gampassa »

Short story number 1
The mantle of the timber cladded cabin was large and made of refurbished permacrete brick her father brought from Ryloth. A worthy centrepiece for a home that held so many loving memories.

The view from the single armchair where Nima sat looked over a glass coffee table filled with family trinkets sitting atop a rug, four stockings hanging on the mantle, three of which were symbolically filled as their former owners had no use for their contents.

Being the first Life Day to spend alone left her in sorrowed contemplation. Seconds became minutes and minutes turned to hours. The sun had fully set in the snowy canyon with the only noise left to comfort her coming from the howling of the glacial winds.

Without a moments notice, hardened snow CRACKED, bringing a nearly sleeping Nuna to fully alert. Before she could react, Nuna could hear her stomach gurgling as the rich smell of hot gravy met her.

“Nu! You think we forgot about you?! Speeder broke down in the Pass’, had to wait on a repair shuttle! Heater coils been workin’ overtime keeping this hot”

First the human, then two rodians, then three twi’leks. The cabin was now full.

As Nuna’s friends picked their seats in the cabin, she held a piece of gravy-soaked piecrust to her lips. Pausing only to smile.

“Now, this is what Life Day is all about”
Short story number 2
This is a Life day short story. The end.
Short story number 3
Two by two, they walk the halls.
Day by day, the travel on.
They learn, they visit, they grow old.
From young and frightened, they are taken in.
They spread and meddle with all that can be seen.
Advice they seek, tutelage and warmth.
Care is offered, abundant it's put forth.
Small and curious, agitated above all.
They find meaning behind our closed door.
And when the time comes, to fly away.
They look behind, afraid they'll sway.
But on their backs, sturdy they lie.
Years of experience, love and trials.
And when ahead, they look again.
They suns rise and their resolve remains.
Far and wide, they travel free.
Only to eventually, return under the tree.
For its branches always, provide shade.
The people in it, eternally offering their aid.
And as soon, as they return.
A familiar sight, they discern.
Now older, now wiser, now able to see beyond the wall.
Two by two, there they are... Just walking down the hall.
Short story number 4
A day of life to celebrate.
It's more than just about birthrate,
Or to remember the ones gone,
It's to be able to act on,

Our inner adoration,
For what drives all living creations,
And remember what comes after, a journey.
One, that defines beauty.

So eat, drink, dance and play, have fun.
But before it rises, the sun,
Follow to the sky, the fireworks' blaze,
And upon the life orb's mirror, gaze.
Short story number 5
The swaddled cloth clung tight to the babe’s skin
Two eyes opened disturbing the flakes upon her lashes
First color - gray

A jutting stone broke the howling wind only just
It’s greed sapped her body blue devouring its heat
First feeling - cold

She tried to turn her chilled nose away, nestling into swaddled hood
Her chubbed arms pinned, she rustled to find a semblance of friction
First action - helpless

A whimper let loose a puff of sacred steam from her lips
Silent wails of her heart went unheard
Sound - breaking

Hope - fleeting


- Alone
A star shifted in the night
Mosy and meander, more lit and danced in line
The beauty of a new constellation grew closer

The babe cried for life’s gift to her eyes
Shouted to the heavens her thanks
A shred of meaning to her small life
Witness to artistry beyond her bleak start
She settled in
To watch
Thankful her coming end was blessed

Feeling herself fade, she let the greedy stone have her warmth
It fell away as frosty gloves lifted her to the warmth of the heavens


First love- “We’ve got you little one”
Short story number 6
My frozen hands, my chilly face, everything tells me that tonight is Life Day.
I can't say how, I don't know why, but I can't seem to wanna leave the snow behind.
I roll on it, I make more snowmen, but what I miss the most is what I can't have.
It's soft to the touch, unique as each snowflake, the feeling I can't seem to get rid off.
I love it, it's so nice. Cold to the outside, heartwarming to the soul!
No one wants to touch the snow with bare hands, not for the same reason, but we are now all the same this time of year!
It won't last long, I want to have fun while it's here, but what I miss the most is nowhere near.
All I want is to sleep next to the fireplace. A cup of warm tea in my hands, warming up my palms, warming up my heart as I drink up.
Life day is here, I'm glad it is. It's the first time I ever saw snow and you know what?
I can wait until what I want is here.
And when the snow is gone, and what I want is near. I'll miss the snow, so I'll wait another year.
Short story number 7
It was a night before life-day, all JEDI asleep,
Not a sound could be heard, not even a weep,
Presents layed under the big nexus tree,
But a green furred wookie was soon to be seen!
He took all the presents and left none for us,
The JEDI felt sad, some may even mad?

An old wise blue Jedi from nowhere appeared,
He had a big satchel, with nothing it's filled
He chuckled so loudly, with it came cold breeze
The old one reminded "Emotion, yet peace"
Short story number 8
The Night is nigh
Stars bright the sky
It has arrived
The day of Life

A smirk so sly
mischief sparks the eyes
But don't be shy
Teasing is love; Laughter is Life

We gathered tonight
We, who are so alike
to share our joy
And peace of mind

But do fret not
It ends? Nay
Mischief can happen at any time

So be prepared
But do not cry
Because, don't forget

Teasing is love; Laughter is life
Short story number 9
The fire melts the snow, but how come I'm the one melting when I see it?
It reminds me of my homes, yes, plural. Not my first one, that one was cold, but didn't ever have an inch of snow anywhere.
My second home, the one I met new family and friends.
Not my third home, that one always felt warm, always made me feel like I can set everything on fire without destroying anything.
My fourth home, the one that truly is a home to a family that I am now able to call my own.
I can't help but relax as these two opposites balance each other out.
I miss feeling cold inside. I have lost my balance, but at least my warmth makes me feel somewhat like home.
For now, I guess the snow will do!
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