435.03 | Through the Smoke

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Helayna Bray
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435.03 | Through the Smoke

Post by Helayna Bray »

Reaching for Glory - Through the Smoke - 434.03
Name: Helayna Bray
Rank: Jedi Knight
Date(s): 435.03
Location: Feena
Members of the Jedi Order present: Helayna Bray, Nil Zendu
Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events

Level of Exposure: <Feena, The Back Reach.>
  • Holo-recorded information would be presented via the holo-net news of on-goings on Freena from an unknown/anonymous source showing poorly treated citizens under the heavily fortified control of "The Roilers" with most aliens hushed into what appear to be camps

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • Master Bray and Padawan Zil were dispatched to Feena to investigate the situation involving sabotaged droids, with Padawan Zil posing as the already captured saboteur courtesy of the Republic and Industrial Automaton.

Knight Security Clearance
Information available to Knights+
  • Roilers had completely over-run Feena with excessive and violent force towards its local populace, such force included xenophobic bias against certain races that were not human, terrorising locals running stores on the streets and harshly searching upon space-port entry.
  • Upon being informed by a local shop-keeper, the non-human folk are being hounded into camps in different planets of the back reach and being sent off to what I believe to be Pygorax after slicing the spaceport's transmission array.
  • Assassin droids are currently under the employ of the Roilers disguised as TC-Series Protocal Droids with heavily modified speed motivators and hidden vibro-blades that protrude from underneath the arms.
  • The Alien hostages were recovered safely and escorted off of Feena by Adsura Kelpor and Master Bray along with three Roiler agents that had been apprehended
  • After Nil's discovery to be a Jedi, an evacuation order had been released for Feena to be abandoned by the Roilers
  • I placed a tracking beacon on one of the shuttles to be used to transport the alien hostages however this appears to be wasted as the shuttle remained there upon the above mentioned evacuation.
  • Padawan Zil was tasked with installing toxin's within the droids for future dispersal

Jedi Council Clearance
Information available to Council+ and mission attendees.
  • Nil informed me that the Roilers already had suspicions that we would be sending in a Jedi to pose as the saboteur, these suspicions were confirmed when the Assassin Droid attacked Nil when bringing him on the way to their leaders deep underneath the town.
  • With the above information in mind, perhaps a potential leak has been un-covered between Jedi and Republic communications what with there being a suspected Imperial Infiltrator already.
Related Events
Links to either potential or confirmed related events/stories/missions
432.18 // Recall on Previous Generation Droid Line
433.01 // Terror on Torque Prompts Political Chaos
433.15 - Echoes in the Night
433.20 // Torque Files Suit Against Industrial Automation
434.13 // Sabotage at Jovan Station leaves 80 Dead and Survivors Confused

Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

In my opinion.. I put too much trust and emphasis on Padawan Zil's abilities for the mission which could potentially have resulted in his discovery by the Roilers whilst undercover from either lack of undercover training or previous information having been made clear to the Roilers in which case this would've gone badly either way.

I also put Padawan Zil ahead of the mission which, while I understand that as the morally right thing to have done, and, maybe that's the Republic training in me that chose that option... But I am frustrated that it led to the result of this mission failure. We did not capture the sabotaged droids, the assassin droid also escaped un-harmed and Feena has been evacuated and abandoned by the Roilers entirely.. The tracking beacon I'd placed on the shuttle wasted and we have no information to bring back that fit the mission's stated goal of finding their next move.

My recommendations are as follows...
  • Interrogate the three agents that had been apprehended
  • Send a team to Pygorax to confirm the planets use as an anti-alien labour camp established by the Roilers and liberate the planet with assistance of the Republic Navy where possible.
  • An investigation of communications between ourselves and the Republic.
  • Update Padawans on sufficient under-cover tactics and stealth training for future assignments
  • As per the investigation of the Roil Nebula previously by Masters Kelpor, Desh and O'Ren, establish an undercover operative within the Roil Nebula
Mirana Bana | Nulla Zil | Daegon Evera & Nicole Vantane | Helayna Bralor | Nil Zendu | Rizka Barrow & Linton Dorrey
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Nil Zendu
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Re: 435.03 | Through the Smoke

Post by Nil Zendu »

Reaching for Glory - Through the Smoke - 434.03
Name:Nil Zendu
Date(s): 435.03 ABY
Members of the Jedi Order present: Knight Helayna Bray, Padawan Nil Zendu
Public Information
Publicly Available Information on the events
Level of Exposure: Planet
  • The Roilers have assumed full control of Feena. Reports of civilians being mistreated on the streets is a common occurrence.

Padawan Security Clearance
Information available to Padawans+
  • Jedi Knight Helayna Bray and Padawan Nil Zendu were dispatched to planet Feena in order to uncover the details of the next Roiler plot that would threaten the Republic.
  • The Jedi were to remain undercover and make any arrests as necessary. Padawan Zendu posed as the saboteur captured from a previous assignment in order to infiltrate the organization from within while Knight Bray investigated the local trade hub for any leads.

Knight Security Clearance
Information available to Knights+
  • Upon arrival, it was clear The Roilers have seized control in the region. The subjugation and mistreatment of civilians happens in broad daylight. Even as we descended into the planet's atmosphere, we could sense the terror of the populace.
  • It didn't take long for me to get pulled into a run down building holding a plethora of droid parts. Even though the Roilers were expecting me (under the identity of the saboteur) they took extra measures to ensure I was not a mole by asking me questions, threatening me with weapons, and demanded I assemble a droid in front of them to prove I was who I said I was.
  • The Roilers had a stockpile of toxin that was raided from Jovan Station. Their plan was to have the droids armed with the toxin be remotely detonated. I was unable to uncover when and where this would take place.
  • I was confident they didn't suspect me of being a jedi until I was delayed in the final stage of programming their droid. It was a boot up sequence I wasn't familiar with and although Master Layna was able to assist me via telepathy, it may have been too late. However I'm unsure if this alone had them convinced I was a spy. It could have also been just as likely they were taking no chances and viewed me as expendable after the work was complete.
  • I was lead by what seemed like a standard protocol droid to an underground lair. Their I was greeted by a holo projection of their leader. A hutt. Without warning, I was attacked by the droid. Even with the arrival of Master Bray, the revealed assassin droid proved to be deadly and severely injured me. I was unable to continue the mission. The assassin droid made it's escape along with the droids armed with the toxin.

Jedi Council Clearance
Information available to Council+ and mission attendees.
  • Master Bray allowed the droid to escape in order to treat my wounds. My injuries were severe and I lost an arm. I might have lost my life had she not tended to me as quickly as she did.
Related Events
Links to either potential or confirmed related events/stories/missions
Confirmed: // 434.13 // Sabotage at Jovan Station leaves 80 Dead and Survivors Confused


Summary and Actions
An opinion offered by the reportee and their recommended actions.
Shares with same clearance with the highest used section above

In my opinion..

My recommendations are as follows...
  • I was completely caught off guard when I was attacked due to being unable to sense the intention of a droid. It was a well planned and methodical assassination attempt. The Roilers are doing their homework on us and we should exercise extreme caution while out on the field.
  • The assassination droid itself was state of the art. It was durable and was clearly made with high grade components. I don't imagine too many of those are in production. It's capture could give us the lead we need to prevent another terrorist attack or stop whoever is behind it.

Species: Human
Homeworld: Chalacta
Initiated: 407.15 ABY
Apprenticed: 419.12 ABY
Knighted: 439.01 ABY
Former Mentors: Nicole Vantane and Helayna Bralor
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