[COMPLETED] Basic Light Transport Operation

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[COMPLETED] Basic Light Transport Operation

Post by Zhu'shk »

  • Subject Requested:
Beginner Level Light Freighter/Transport Operation
  • Public/Private Lesson:
Private would be preferable, as one on one teaching would be most efficient in my learning of this likely more advanced field of vehicle operation.
  • Availability:
It would be preferable to communicate with Master Tzineda, his plans and schedules are a mystery. ((I will be available on .06 aswell as .09 until likely .11 at about any time you'd like, after that we'd have to discuss times, I don't know yet my exact schedule, but I'll let you know once we communicate!))
  • Reason For Request:
I believe the reason is simply, but importantly, the Will of the Force. After all, it is not logical and reasonable to assume I will be ferried to all my assignments, even less so for those which the Force gives to me without worthy explanations to give to any pilots. In case there are no pilots, or the pilots are out of commission, I should be a pilot, myself.

But the reason it is for light freighter use is because the goal is not to simply fly myself, surely an E-wing starfighter would be adequate. The goal is to be able to pilot for others aswell, my fellow students, among others. Then I will be able to bring them the stars to explore.

  • Additional Information:
It would be preferable to be cautious of figure of speeches, analogies, and other mysteries, it is difficult to read the meanings of your words when they are hidden in poetry. Though I don't suppose it will be necessary, machines are very literal, at least the well maintained ones.

I have had a few classes on Starfighter piloting and combat from Master Helayna. I have also observed Master Tzineda operate the Chronos, which I believe is one such light freighter, who is in owned condition by Master O'ren. Finally, I have some moderate experience with speeder bike. It is vehicle.

Additionally, it would be appreciated if as part of class, guidance on where to proceed after this class, was given. I believe the end goal is a 'Permit' to operate those transports, help in organizing the lead up to said end goal I will be in great need of, I do not believe I will be proficient after one class, after all.
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Aranna Vaan
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Re: [OPEN] Basic Light Transport Operation

Post by Aranna Vaan »


Far from my specialty, piloting the Midnight Sun most of my adult life has given me plenty of experience that I can pass on to you, however, as far as basic maneuvers as well as some more advanced evasive techniques I learned after being shot down on one occasion as to not have a repeat incident...

I'll contact you personally about what times would be best for you.

Name: Aranna Vaan Birthday: 369.01 Age: 66
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Kiara O'ren
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Re: [DECLARED] Basic Light Transport Operation

Post by Kiara O'ren »

I believe I heard this was completed, Master Vaan?
___________|- Name: Kiara O'ren | Born: 372ABY | Image
|- Initiation: 382.27 ABY -|- Apprenticed: 386.01 ABY -|- Knighted: 397.25 -|- Padawans: Eli Tzineda, Donan Healof, Tarsi Morga -|
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Aranna Vaan
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Re: [COMPLETED] Basic Light Transport Operation

Post by Aranna Vaan »

Yes, Master O'Ren. Thank you for following up!

Name: Aranna Vaan Birthday: 369.01 Age: 66
Initiation: 376.17 Apprenticed: 382.24 Knighted: 400.30
Rank: Jedi Knight Mentor: Rhuacca
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