Associated Presses: News, Headlines, Award Winning Journalism

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Aranna Vaan
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Associated Presses: News, Headlines, Award Winning Journalism

Post by Aranna Vaan »


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Meet Aachena Markab,


Aachena Markab is a seasoned journalist and distinguished editor-in-chief with a passion for investigative journalism that drives positive societal change. With a career spanning over six decades, Aachena Markab has consistently demonstrated an unwavering commitment to uncovering the truth and holding those in power accountable.

Early Career and Commitment to Investigative Journalism:
Aachena Markab embarked on a career in journalism with a deep-seated belief in the power of investigative reporting to shine a light on issues that matter most. Early in their career, she garnered a reputation for meticulous research, tenacious pursuit of leads, and a relentless dedication to uncovering hidden truths.

Building a Foundation of Excellence:
Having honed her skills through years of investigative reporting, Markab quickly rose through the ranks, earning recognition for her ability to tackle complex and sensitive stories. This foundation of excellence laid the groundwork for her transition into editorial leadership.

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Cool under Fire:
Having grit and a steely resolve, she was informally adopted into the “Snowpiercers” as a member of their Marine contingent during her reporting in the Wyld conflict. With decades of field experience on the front lines of mass conflicts, she is well known for never losing her nerve under pressure.

Award-Winning Contributions:
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International Reporting:
Recently, Regal has been nominated for the Vaandt award for Journalistic Excellence after her field reporting about the politically turbulent series of events that rocked the Gordian Reach with the ascent of the Third Estate. Her dry and professional reporting lent to an atmosphere of reporting the facts of the growth of their government, not sensationalizing nor dramatizing the events of that sector that led to where we are today.

Imperial Government Correspondent

Ayahes Cesaro


Ayahes Cesaro is one of the newest generation of reporters for the Associated Presses. Having grown up on Jaemus, Cesaro is a dual citizen of both the Empire and Republic. He has made his name in journalism reporting for planetary magazines with hard-hitting political inquiry, holding planetary and municipal leaders accountable for the ramifications of their legislation for their local communities.
Last edited by Aranna Vaan on Sun May 12, 2024 2:50 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Name: Aranna Vaan Birthday: 369.01 Age: 66
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Re: Associated Presses: News, Headlines, Award Winning Journalism

Post by Aranna Vaan »


Interview with Grand Abbot Albert Oakfyld

By Ayahes Cesaro - 442.26

Recently the Jedi Order initiated a dangerous rescue operation that infiltrated into the heart of Third Estate territory. The details of the operation are still classified and were not shared, but, the results of this operation were the liberation of two-dozen political prisoners including the Grand Abbot of the Temple of Light, Albert Oakfyld. Once he was brought to the Republic and put into protective custody, the AP was given permission to request an interview with the Abbot, to which he accepted. Here is my conversation with him,

Cesaro: “Thank you for meeting me. Can you tell me a little about your organization, the Temple of Light. Viewers may not be familiar with it given that it’s a local faith of the Gordian Reach, right?”

Oakfyld: “Yes. We’re a monastic order dedicated to serving ‘The Light’. We’re classified as a Force faith but we don’t necessarily agree with that. Unlike the Jedi, Baran Do, or other orders that believe that the unifying mystery of the galaxy is impersonal or whose will is unknowable… We believe that all beings in the galaxy are directly spoken to by The Light."

Cesaro: “How does the Light speak to you, or all of us, in your faith?”

Oakfyld: “All information in the universe is contained in light, this is a commonly known fact. Energy is generated by light, contained by living organisms. In every circular chain of biodiversity across the whole known universe the chain begins with light that hits a planet… Warming it, nurturing it, plants photosynthesize it, animals eat these plants, gaining that energy, and then other animals eat those animals. None of this would be possible were it not for Light, the foundation of all things. Because of this, we contain light in us just as we see the light outside of us. If we listen, we will hear ourselves in the universe, and the universe within ourselves.”

Cesaro: “Do you know why the Third Estate targetted you as committing ‘Felonies of Thought.’?”

Oakfyld: “In ages past, our doctrine was very exclusionary. High Abbots centuries ago claimed that only humans were truly able to contain the light of the universe within. Over the last couple hundred of cycles our order has shifted as our doctrine has evolved to understand that everywhere the light falls, which is nearly everywhere in the universe… Which means that all beings in the universe will also contain it.

"The Third Estate has constructed around their people a narrative of the universe that’s the same as the misguided philosophies of the past of my own order. That some species in the universe are naturally above others, and that all other species evolved to serve those who are ‘genetically superior’. We refuted this because we learned through our spirituality that their narrative is untrue scientifically, morally, and spiritually. Because we voiced dissent, we needed to be branded as criminals and removed."

Cesaro: “Tell me about the process of how the Third Estate stigmatized you, your faith, and eventually used that to imprison you and all of your followers?”

Oakfyld: “Our religion was well respected, beloved, and our leaders were seen as leaders across the whole community of the Back Reach. If the Third Estate had rounded us up the day they came into power, we would have been martyrs for our cause. So, instead, the Third Estate spent cycles encoding laws that built walls around us, causing us to break those laws simply because we were who we were. When the Gordian Gazette was established and all other forms of public media were outlawed, it allowed them control of the narrative. It took time, but with persistence they managed to push a propaganda agenda that successfully vilified us, scapegoated us, and twisted people who used to trust us with their education, lives, children, and communities into believing we were their enemies.

"They forced us out of our monasteries and confined us to impoverished camps, then using our enforced squalor as evidence for our beliefs reflecting our condition. Then, once our last allies had left us, they arrested us and made us disappear. I’m not sure where the others of my order are imprisoned, I was imprisoned where I was because of my station in my order. As far as I know, I’m the only one of my order that’s gotten out."

Cesaro: “What were conditions like in the Third Estate’s prison?”

Oakfyld: “Abysmal. I do not want to be sensational, nor shock any of your viewers… But death was pervasive due to maltreatment, executions, neglect, and overwork. Many of my fellow prisoners were leased out to do forced labor… I lost count of how many did not return after their time of labor was done. Political and spiritual leaders like me were not forced to do labor, but that does not mean that I didn’t see others who did not survive. I saw many political opponents executed in public to keep others prisoners in line. It seemed arbitrary at times."

Cesaro: “What do you think the purpose of this is? Why does the Third Estate commit these acts in maximum security facilities where people on the outside don’t know?”

Oakfyld: “The outside public does no. Not in vivid detail but they hear whispers. It is the purpose. If they new in stark detail they may get outraged, we may become martyrs. But if they hear hushed voices speaking of atrocities it adds to the pervasive sense of fear and terror that the citizens of the Third Estate experience every day. Also, being ‘unconfirmed’ it allows for an element of uncertainty that abides permissiveness. Before I was incarcerated I commonly heard in the streets, “well, if they hadn’t broken a law they wouldn’t be in that situation in the first place.” or things akin to such comments. No one knows for certain what happens in these prisons, nor who is actually there or why. All anyone knows is that if they obey the government unquestioningly it helps make sure that they do not have to find out for themselves what’s true and what’s myth."

Cesaro: “Do you have any message to the international galactic community? Do you want to see any action taken on the part of the Empire, League of Sovereign Systems, or Republic in response to the Third Estate?”

Oakfyld: “To meet violence with violence plays into the hand of the Third Estate. It’s not lost on me that some inside the Republic are sympathetic to their cause because of the fact that people don’t really know the extent to which the police-state has a stranglehold on freedom, expression, and individuality inside their borders. They only see a climbing GDP, they do not question the propaganda that the state-owned press churns out for people to consume.

"While these people are a clear minority of the Republic, they exist. If the Republic plays into the hand of the Third Estate it risks a political upheaval at home, accidentally mobilizing those inside their own communities who might use the political levers of government to take ahold of the reins of power and do great harm to the galaxy.

"Democracy is a powerful tool, but it’s only as great as its people are and are just as fallible as its people are. Violence begets violence, and so the Republic taking actions to squeeze the Third Estate in other ways might be the only good option left. There are no easy solutions to this predicament and the Third Estate is using that reality to their advantage to continue to build their strength and hold over their territory."

Cesaro: “If there was one thing you’d want the people of the Republic, Empire, and larger galaxy to take away from our conversation, what would it be?”

Oakfyld: “Whatever you’ve heard about the Third Estate… The reality is unimaginably worse. I don’t think that the Galaxy has seen such barbarity since Darth Krayt. No government built on sound morals, open participation, or benevolence outlaws free press. No government built on these ideals needs a propaganda arm of their government apparatus. No government built on these ideals imprisons their political opponents without just cause. No government built on these ideals claims they are above criticism, reproach, or accountability.

"To the people of the Galaxy- the Third Estate is the enemy of freedom, liberty, and democracy. Do not mistake them for anything else."

Cesaro: “Thank you for your time, Grand Abbot. I appreciate you sharing your experience with me and the rest of the Galaxy. I know it was not easy."

Oakfyld: “The most important things to talk about aren’t easy to talk about.”
Thank you for joining us for this interview. Please come back next week when we sit down with newly elected Senator Natsha Estillo from Eiattu 6 where we’ll ask her what inspired her to run for office and what her goals are in this first legislative session. I hope you’ll join us.

This has been Ayahes Cesaro of the Associated Presses.
Last edited by Aranna Vaan on Sun May 12, 2024 2:51 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Name: Aranna Vaan Birthday: 369.01 Age: 66
Initiation: 376.17 Apprenticed: 382.24 Knighted: 400.30
Rank: Jedi Knight Mentor: Rhuacca
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Aranna Vaan
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Re: Associated Presses: News, Headlines, Award Winning Journalism

Post by Aranna Vaan »


Interview with Senator Natsha Estillo

By Ayahes Cesaro - 442.31

Joining us today is the youngest member of the Galactic Senate since Leia Organa over four centuries ago, Primsta Natsha Estillo from Eiattu VI. Her victory came as a galactic surprise as she easily overtook Diplomat incumbent Opeek Bluul who had served in the senate for 30 cycles. In primary school she expressed an interest in politics and as such enrolled in a senatorial preparatory programme. She finished her secondary school studies two years early and started her senatorial campaign before she even walked across the stage to accept her secondary diploma. Concurrently while she’s serving in the Galactic Senate she’s enrolled in classes at the University of Coruscant for a double major in political science and economics.

Cesaro: “Ms. Estillo, thank you for meeting with me today to talk about the launch of your political career.”

Estillo: “It’s a pleasure to be here, Ayahes.”

Cesaro: “For our viewers who are not too familiar with your homeworld, Eiattu VI, would you tell us a little bit more about it and what your title of Primsta means?

Estillo: “It would be my pleasure. My planet has several large, beautiful oceans that are separated by continents filled with landmasses replete with brilliant red and purple flora. Our fauna is as beautiful and fearsome as our spirits are as a people. We have a long aristocratic tradition with a complicated past, but through time and experience we’ve tempered our ancient traditions with modern ideals of democracy, rule of law, and freedom of expression.

"My own family has a long history with those trials that our planet has politically gone through over the last half-millenia as four hundred cycles ago my ancestor Isplourrdacartha helped liberate my world from the iron grip of the Galactic Empire after our own monarch sold our planet out to Palpatine. Ever since, we’ve balanced the power of the inherited elite with a parliament that reflects the voice of the people. Coming from a lineage of privilege that helped establish a rule of law, I believe in a concrete balance between tradition and modernity.

Cesaro: “Thank you for bringing that up because I know a lot of our viewers might be confused by your title and class from your planet. It’s not often that royal titles mix well with democratic institutions.

Estillo: “Right. And I’ll gently correct some of the previous reporting of the Associated Presses as Primsta is not my actual title, it’s the aristocratic class of our world. I, myself, am the daughter of a Duke and his heir, so eventually I will be a Duchess. As it is now I have no title but I understand why people address me as ‘Primsta’ nonetheless. It’s not necessarily wrong, but the distinction is worth addressing.

Cesaro: “What made you interested in politics at such a young age?”

Estillo: “I’ve always loved studying history. When I was in primary school was when I learned about how important my family was in fighting against evil tyrants. I became fascinated with what it meant to be good or evil and I learned that there are people whose only job is to make rules that are fair and then make sure those rules are followed so everyone gets to live, work, and play on an equal playing field. Once I learned that I wanted nothing more than to be one of the people who could do that.

Cesaro: “You ran against an establishment Diplomat as an independent. You are one of less than a dozen independents in the Senate. Why did you choose not to adopt a party affiliation?”

Estillo: “I do believe that every party acts in the way they think is best for their constituents and the Republic as a whole. I also do believe that a party-based democratic system has the ability to get sick and create an unhealthy environment not just politically, but socially. Parties have a position that’s literally called a ‘whip’. That person is responsible for going around the party and making sure that everyone in the party is on the same page, votes the same way, and acts in accordance with party leadership, even if they personally disagree.

"Too many times my colleagues sacrifice their own values for the betterment of their party, even if that’s at the expense of the people. I wanted to make sure that I represented the people of the Ado Sector truthfully, rather than having to feel obligated to set aside those responsibilities to accommodate the agendas of others.

Cesaro: “What are your goals for the next six cycles while you’re in office?”

Estillo: ::laughing a moment:: “I have two categories- personal and professional. Personally I want to make sure that I finish my collegiate studies in a timely manner. I value the faith that the people of my sector have put into me already, and I want to make sure that they know I’m committed to them and want to serve them the best way possible. By completing my majors and continuing my education, that’s my way of showing the people who have put faith in me already that they were right to do so.

“Professionally I want to be the spearhead that reforms a lot of our basic institutions in the Republic that need fixing while I also reaffirm the institutions that form the core of what makes the Republic so amazing. We’re the embodiment of millenia of democratic institutions that came before. The ancient days of the High Republic that fell into ruin from complacency were romanticized because their institutions were fair, malleable, and just. The Republic that fell four centuries ago did so because they allowed themselves to sit on their laurels, they listened to interest groups rather than the citizenry, and they took down guardrails that had prevented autocrats from seizing power for, as I said, millenia.

"If we want our iteration of a Galactic Republic to stand that test of time, to be the next golden age of our galaxy, we need to make sure we don’t fall into the same trap as our ancestors did.”

Cesaro: “You talked about reforms, are there any specific reforms you want to make by the end of your first term in 447?”

Estillo: “By the end of my term I want to pass legislation that will help the people of the Republic hold their elected officials accountable. I remember my parents talking about Senator Laa’ken Ruun and Senator Alorin Treychar from Wayland. Both of these men were people who abused their positions of power and who were, eventually, held accountable for their actions and removed from their positions. These men tested the strength of our democratic institutions in the last generation of Republicans. Our institutions held firm then, but I worry that if we do not look at our fragility and address it, the next Ruun or Treychar will find a path to complete their goals and usurp the authority and dignity of our Republic for their own, personal gain.

"One thing I specifically want to do to address this is create laws that require more transparency with Senatorial spending. Runaway money in politics was a contributing factor to the rise of the Galactic Empire. If we allow that beast to rear its head again we’ll only see a repeat of the mistakes of the past.”

Cesaro: “We’ve talked a lot about your domestic agenda, let’s address foreign policy. You’re a junior member on the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs, a very prestigious committee and one that almost never seats freshman Senators. What are your goals moving forward for the crisis in the Gordian Reach?”

Estillo: “That’s a great question, and I know a lot of my colleagues and many citizens in the Republic want a firm and forceful hand while dealing with antagonistic governments who enforce policies that are an affront to our ideals, values, and morals. I respect, understand, and empathize with the voices that demand immediate, forceful action but I want to say this in response: If we give into that urge and resort to force or violence to impose our values on others… In doing so we would be forsaking those values in the process.

"A responsible democratic institution should never use violence as a first resort. I’m in support of many of the actions taken already by the previous Senate in their decision to impose sanctions on the Third Estate, reinforce our border that divides them and their Cartel allies in the Ice-Flame Chamber, and working with our partners in the Empire to put political and economic pressure on the Third Estate.

"If, on the other hand, the Republic took any military action or intervention into Third Estate space what precedent would that set? It would imply to future Chancellors and Senate bodies that they have a blank check to violate the sanctity of any foreign power that we disagree with. It would be a dangerous escalation on the galactic stage now and into the future.”

Cesaro: “In that case, what actions would the Third Estate have to do in order for you to begin advocating for some sort of military intervention?”

Estillo: “The Chancellor last term made it abundantly clear with the signing of the Triple Entente: If the Third Estate, or any foreign nation, acts with any hostility toward the Republic or her allies the act will be responded to in kind.”

Cesaro: “Thank you so much for your time, Ms. Esillo.

Estillo: “The pleasure was all mine, Ayahes. Anytime.”
Natsha Estillo from Eiattu VI’s term will run from 442 through to the beginning of 448. She also stated that she had every intention of running for a second term and wants to make a lifelong career in public service and will represent her sector for as long as they show their faith in her during election years.

Thank you for joining us for this interview with Senator Estillo. For next week we’re coordinating with the Moff Council for the opportunity to sit down with Moff Karo Nyrr, governor of Helska, Gree, and Sempidal to talk about current events in the Empire and their government’s goals for the near future. I hope you’ll join us.

Name: Aranna Vaan Birthday: 369.01 Age: 66
Initiation: 376.17 Apprenticed: 382.24 Knighted: 400.30
Rank: Jedi Knight Mentor: Rhuacca
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Aranna Vaan
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Re: Associated Presses: News, Headlines, Award Winning Journalism

Post by Aranna Vaan »


Thanium Mobilizes

By Andee Nevaro - 446.20

More news out of Thanium. The clear-cut nature of the conflict that lies in front of the worlds in Thanium is blurred by the muddled reality of both sides of this growing conflict. The words of the late Emperor Hatrun were almost stopped twice in quick succession by violence directed at the elderly Stenax monarch.

Jedi Knight Donan Healof and Padawan Zhu’shk of the Jedi Order are reported as having acted, by personal request, as bodyguards of the Emperor whose own government attempted a violent ambush and execution on him while he was en-route to Lianna to give his speech. The purpose of this, clearly, was to prevent him from telling the worlds there the intent of his government to invade their sector and space upon the time of his death.

Upon surviving the trip, a second attempt on his life was made by the Sooman ambassador to Lianna, Molara Landra. The Sooman monarchy has identified this as an irrational crime of passion not reflective of Landra’s previous service to her planet and people. Nonetheless, the second assassination attempt was thwarted by the Jedi bodyguards and Landra surrendered herself into house-arrest until the end of the speech.

Emperor Hatrun’s words did appear to be nearly prophetic as within hours of his government learning of his death, the Lords’ Chamber elected seventeen year old Emperor Xenphalan who authorized the Lords’ Chamber’s directive to begin a military operation to set up a forward operating base over the unpopulated Rhen Var system.

Stenax Fleet over Rhen Var

In response, the ambassadors at Lianna have been in near constant communication with their governments as the various planets mobilize their local security forces. Tain F’neel continues to encourage all planets in the sector to give financial, military, and political support and legitimacy to the paramilitary group known as the Starlight Corps led by a Stenax captain, Laganes Bendix, who have been fighting for the independence of the Thanium sector for several cycles now as a vigilante force.

Emperor Hatrun’s rousing words brought some planets back to the table. Both Kadril and Galidraan looked as if they were going to give up on the summit on Lianna, growing tired of the bickering and lack of unification of their peers in the face of the growing crisis. With the words of the late Emperor, both worlds among others are willing to give the summit one last chance in the spirit of collective resistance to the Stenax threat.

Not all worlds bought into the sentiment of unity and mutual defense, however. The Alzarian Monarchy has adamantly turned to the Third Estate which has offered them support in the form of arms and supplies in their declaration of independence from the Sooman Queen.


King Kurzog XII giving a speech declaring a war of independence versus the Sooman Monarchy

Concurrently, the world of Tahlboor is on the verge of Civil War with the Hobor High Chieftain feeling as if all peaceful means of creating an integrated state with the Troobs has failed. The Hobors have also been promised aid in their conflict by the Third Estate who hopes to install a loyalist government that will be later annexed into their own territory.

On Thanium, I had the opportunity to interview some of the local defense force soldiers who are mobilizing for a defensive war. Talking to Private First-Class Qeesa H’lee, an eighteen year old Zeltron woman who just finished basic training when this conflict broke out, I was given a gauge of the morale in the Thanium defense force,


PFC Qeesa H'lee

Rumor has it that the Third Estate is playing both sides. Folks say they provided the weapons the Stenax are using to gear up for their war of aggression, while they’re also supplying some of the worlds here so we fight each other? I don’t know. For a lot of us here it all seems pretty hopeless. We want the Republic to help us out, or the Jedi, or anyone really besides the Third Estate who have been running around oppressing and practically enslaving anyone who is not human or who doesn’t agree with their oppressive government… But it feels more and more like we’re on our own, you know?

For me? We’ve seen crazier things happen before. History is full of stories of people who had no chance finding a way out of no way, overthrowing greater powers in the name of freedom. I think that’s gonna happen here too… I just hope I live to see it is all.
Any sort of foreign relief will go a long way for the morale and psychological readiness of these soldiers who already fear the war is lost before it has even really begun.

Reporting from the planet Thanium, this is Andee Nevaro.

Name: Aranna Vaan Birthday: 369.01 Age: 66
Initiation: 376.17 Apprenticed: 382.24 Knighted: 400.30
Rank: Jedi Knight Mentor: Rhuacca
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